Saturday, January 30, 2010

Three of Swords/The Fool reversed. Uh oh. I am being told that I might be dealing with some unexpected difficulties today. Knowing that unpleasantness is possible will enable me to lessen its effects, or at the very least, to be ready for it. Perhaps today is not a day for me to go skipping off down the road without making sure that there are no cars coming. But I should not allow fear to chase me back inside; I just need to be a bit more careful than usual.

My Thoth card is the Prince of Swords. LOL, lots of Swords cards lately. This Prince has lots of wonderful ideas, but they all bounce around his mind like bumper cards because he is pure intellect, with no emotions or creativity or grounding around to direct those ideas.

My Legacy card is . . . brace yourself . . . The Queen of Swords. Yesterday, my Thoth card was this very Queen and today she shows up from my Legacy deck. She is Water (cold/binds and wet/adapts) of Air (hot/separates and wet/adapts), and tells me that no matter what, I need to be honest with myself today (and that includes being aware of my emotions), and ethical in my dealings with others. I use this card in my Shadow Work to represent the Dark Goddess, so perhaps She is nudging me a bit, just so I don’t forget she is there.

We had a great dinner last night; I ate wayyy too much, but we had a great evening. Then, we got up and headed down to Cape May, making it just as the snow began. It is 6:30 pm, the storm is starting to wind down, and we have over 8 inches of beautiful snow out there!

On the way down, I had a lovely meditation with Danu; it has been a while since She and I chatted like this because of all the work I was doing with Cernunnos.

I had a question for Her: I asked Her why it was so hard to accurately describe the truly wonderful realizations and aha! moments that have been coming to me. I really try hard to describe them to others because I want to share them. Danu laughed joyously, and then reminded me of my Purpose. I am to bring Balance, and even be a catalyst to encourage others to strive for balance, but I cannot do the striving for them. She told me that each person needs to do the work necessary in order to achieve true understanding of Deity and of their world. It is that striving to reach them that is part of the power of those aha! moments, and if I was able to truly describe them, I would cheat others out of their own moments. That makes a lot of sense to me, and I already understand in detail the Purpose given to me by Cernunnos; I guess this is one of those things that I just need to accept.

Danu then told me that She is very pleased with the level of both my connection to Her and my understanding of who and what She is. She wants me to begin working towards moving to the next level of understanding, and She said that I need to be prepared, for things will not always go easily. Danu explained that I will experience failures, and discomfort, and even pain, but She reminded me that it is through adversity that we become strong, and She needs me to become strong. She said that this should not be a solitary pursuit; I am being told to communicate with others, even with those who are not easy or pleasant to talk to, and I am to remember that She is always with me.


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