Judgement/Three of Wands reversed. Events, the reason they happened, and their accumulated effects will be on my mind today. My focus will not be forward; today I will be looking back to see just how I got to where I am at this moment.
My Thoth card is the Seven of Coins. Crowley calls this card “Failure,” and it tells of the potential of not getting things done mainly because there is no action. The problem with pausing if your load is heavy is that you might not have the energy to overcome inertia.
My Legacy card is the Queen of Cups reversed. This Queen lives comfortably in her environment of feelings, fantasies and altered states of perception. Because she is reversed, I may find myself very grounded today, so grounded that leaving the physical realms might need a mighty effort.
My horoscope: “A neighbor or relative to whom you haven't spoken for a while might suggest that you attend a social event together, dear Sagittarius. Make the time for it as it could open up doors for you that you wouldn't normally expect. Relationships of all kinds should be going especially well, and this includes romance. If you're involved, expect to grow closer. If you aren't currently involved, don't be surprised if someone new and exciting comes into your life.
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving in Myrtle Beach. We made it just in time for dinner on Thursday. Friday we vegged in front of the television, digesting our turkey, and then went to dinner at New York Prime, one of the best steak houses I have ever eaten at. Had my bone-in ribeye, done to perfection. Nothing like a little cow after all that turkey. LOL, I am a carnivore at times, but I miss my salads. Saturday we walked around in Huntingdon Beach State Park, and we even revisited Atalaya Castle. All too soon, we were back at Myrtle Beach Airport, and we got back home yesterday afternoon.
I ate waaaay too much, but we had such a good time. We saw deer, eagles, hawks, woodpeckers, and of course, turkey vultures; at the beach we saw a pod of dolphins, and then watched a group of brown pelicans as they fished for lunch. Saturday night we started a fire in the firepit, and we were visited by a group of coyotes; they stayed in the shadows, but we could hear them passing by, and the neighborhood dogs went crazy until they moved on.
I felt very grounded in the physical world for most of the weekend, but I spent about an hour and a half on Saturday morning, sitting outside while everyone else slept. I had my moments of connection to Nature, but it was Nature in its primitive, natural state.
Back to reality today, and back on my diet. Christmas is coming, and I need to get rid of some of this Thanksgiving padding.
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