Saturday, November 21, 2009

Ten of Wands reversed/Two of Cups reversed. Okay, I need to remember that there is a small potential for the events of the day to end up depleting me, but that potential is small. Energy will be flowing, with Fiery results, and this day will not be about my personal needs or choices, but rather the needs and choices of the group.

My Thoth card is the Nine of Cups reversed. Another reversed Cups card. This one tells me that I won’t be receiving happiness today due to synchronicity or luck. I will have to work on attaining happiness, and make do with what I have in my possession today.

My Legacy card is the Three of Coins. Well, as much as I am being told that today is not about my own emotions and fulfillment, I am also being told that today will be a labor of love that is manifested through hard-earned skills. I understand this perfectly!

My horoscope: “Today your physical energy, Nancy, along with your enthusiasm, is very high, so you're definitely up for any task at hand. Your mind is also sharp and capable of accomplishing feats of ingenuity you would never have thought of before. The only downside: You could get carried away and work your way into exhaustion. Remember to pace yourself.”

I just love the way my horoscope validates my card pulls of the day!

Miss Pauline woke me up again last night. She sat down on the bed, and nudged me until I woke up; then she leaned over and gently brushed my hair back from my forehead. How cool is that!? I have been doing a little experimenting, and I find that she will not wake me up if I leave the hall light on or if I am sleeping with my cell phone next to me. LOL, and when I am alone in the house, I am somewhat of a baby about being in the dark, but this is my nudge to learn how to trust my own protective powers.

Pagan Brain Trust Wayne Contingency is only moments away, and the sun is shining!


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