Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Six of Swords/The High Priestess. Today I am being told that if all other attempts have failed, the best action to take is to leave the problem behind. Sometimes mysteries are not meant to be completely understood; they just need to be accepted so that we can move on. Perhaps some day things will make sense, but for now I need to know that I have done my best.

My Thoth card is the Ace of Cups reversed. The Holy Grail; even though we want to believe (and need to believe) that love will always be enough, sometimes that is just not the case. Today, the deepest of my own feelings and inner messages may be difficult to discern.

My Legacy card is Judgement. This card is directly tied to the Justice card and its concept of cause and effect, but Judgement takes that concept a step further, and presents an invoice of services rendered, to be examined for credits and debits, and then paid for. This card tells me that I have surmounted many challenges, but the final step before releasing them is to revisit them, possibly in order to learn a thing or two and thus take something good away from even the most uncomfortable situation or decision of the past.

My horoscope: “Be careful of advertising yourself as someone who is so strong and mentally competent that you are capable of handling everything, dear Sagittarius. Take note that the strongest mule on the trail usually ends up carrying the most weight. Your emotions are more sensitive than you may think, and certainly more sensitive than you demonstrate to others. Be honest about the way you feel, and not just the way you think.”

Awesome Jazz Festival weekend! The weather was great, a little chilly on Saturday, but the sun was out. Saturday night, after a delicious pot roast dinner, we saw some awesome music, Memphis Gold (rock/blues) in Cabanas, Houston Pearson (jazz sax) in Alethias, and Inca (Santana cover band) in Carney’s Other Room. Sunday we walked, we biked for over 10 miles, and we sat on the beach at Higbee Beach.

From a Mediation standpoint, the weekend was challenging. There is an ongoing issue that we are learning to deal with in our forums at Sacred Mists, that mostly involves the individual perceptions of different online personas, and the effects of assuming that the online personal is also the physical persona. The tangy side dish to this main course is the misinterpretation of the written word.

Such power the written word has! And in many ways, written words are like emotion magnets, and they attract different emotions from different people. The same sentence emailed or posted on a forum seems to attract whatever strong emotions the reader of the sentence is actively perpetuating; sometimes the words act as a catalyst to reignite emotions that are lingering in the aura, taking the reader by surprise so that they don’t realize until it is too late that these emotions do not apply to the situation. No matter how carefully we choose our words, there is always a potential for misinterpretation.

There are several persons at Sacred Mists who feel that the terms “My Love” and My Dear” and “Hon” are condescending when used toward people that only know each other through an Internet forum. I am coming to disagree; I think the more emoticon-type expressions we use in our written emails and posts, the easier it will be for the reader of our posts to ascertain what our state of mind is at the time of posting, rather than subconsciously imposing their own emotions onto those sterile words. The most difficult thing about these circumstances is that often “blame” cannot be established. The only thing that really seems to help dispel the emotions that become attached to words is further communication.

I think *crosses fingers* that things have calmed down for now. I am communicating up a storm.


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