Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Page of Swords/Six of Pentacles. I will find myself filled with ponderings of the workings of the mind and the human psyche today. Both of my cards speak of young minds and youthly enthusiasm, and they encourage me to acknowledge that I have much to learn but I also have already attained the necessary knowledge and skills to hone the powers of the intellect. And as long as my end goal is to make my world better, there will be a balance of receiving knowledge and of giving knowledge.

My Thoth card is The Devil, another Major! Crowley sees this card a bit differently than most decks. The keywords I found on SuperTarot are: Blind impulse, irresistibly strong and unscrupulous, ambition, temptation, obsession, secret plan about to be executed; hard work, obstinacy, rigidity, aching discontent, endurance. When I take this into consideration along with The Hermit reversed of yesterday, I don’t know whether I am being encouraged to connect with my physical world with intense focus, or whether I am being warned not to!

My Legacy card is the Five of Swords reversed. In an upright position, this card indicates a ruthless march toward victory with no care for those hurt in the process. Because it is reversed, I may be very aware of three concepts today: vindication, restoration, and forgiveness.

Last night, I gave Pat from dance class her Reiki II attunement; I had given Pat a Reiki I attunement several weeks ago. This attunement was the most powerful attunement experience I have had to date. Is it because Pat is a homoeopath and an energy worker, so she is more comfortable and open to the experience? Is it because I am becoming more experienced with the attunement process, and thus more confident and open? Whatever the reason, I am certainly hooked on attunements! My next goal is to memorize the process so I don’t need my cheat sheet.

I also thought that yesterday would be a good day to start my 40 days of Reiki project. One of my much loved Pagan Brain Trust members gave herself Reiki 40 days in a row, and her results were incredible. So I have decided that I will give myself Reiki every day for the next 40 days, as much as possible but a minimum of Reiki applications at each of the seven main chakras. That means my last day will be January 9.

In return for the two attunements, Pat offered me some beads for my sacred masculine wand project. I now have kyanite, amazonite, garnet, rose quartz, red coral, black pearl and bone beads, as well as two turkey tail feathers, to add to my singing quartz point. I need to get more copper wire, and then I will be ready to begin!

I am hopeful that the online self Mediation issue is calmed down once again, at least for a while. My next step is to write an essay for posting on the general board which describes the workings of the online self thoughtform, and warns of the dangers inherent in online and written communications. This will touch not only on thoughtforms, but also on the power of words in general and the written word in particular.

I also just started reading a great book called “The Cosmic Serpent: DNA and the Origins of Knowledge," by Jeremy Narby. Immediately after the conclusion of the attunement last night, Pat turned to me and said that she needs to give me a book to read. She said that the book popped into her head just as we were completing the attunement, and she feels I am supposed to read it now. That is the second book that put itself into my path yesterday, the first being Molecules of Emotion: The Science Behind Mind-Body Medicine by Candace Pert. LOL, I don’t have time to read! Looks like I will need to make time. *smile*



  1. You totally rock in every way....

    but I seriously cannot believe you are decorating an elk penis...
    I don't know how to follow that up with
    Well ~ maybe some of these ~


  2. LOL, it is a unique experience, fer sher. I do, however, like the way its presence has manifested in Bob. Wooohooo!! I highly recommend bringing an elk penis into the house.
