Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Wheel of Fortune/Five of Pentacles. I am being told of the effects of cycles upon me that just might be at least somewhat beyond my understanding and control. I may feel as if I am physically in need today (I now add laryngitis to my other cold symptoms; ya think?), but I am being told that if I am able to transcend my physical discomforts, perhaps even use the physical comforts as a tool for lifting myself beyond their effects, I will be able to glimpse the bigger picture.

My Thoth card is the Six of Pentacles. “Success”; balance is a part of my physical world today, but like success itself, that balance is temporary. Change is coming and that change may have a heaviness about it, so I need to rest now in preparation for the labor yet to come.

My Legacy card is the Page of Wands reversed. Earth (cold/binds and dry/shapes) of Fire ( hot/separates and dry/shapes), explosive force wherein the senses are supported by will. In an upright position, this tells of a neophyte who is able to ignite a flame that has the potential to become a conflagration.

I was hoping that laryngitis was not going to happen for me this year, but guess what? My voice is gone. *sigh*



  1. lol....what a wonderful time to sit quiety and ponder "what am I running away from?"


    Merry Christmas....if that's your bag ~

    Feel better!



  2. I celebrate along with the family, who are mostly Christian. So I can be Merry on Christmas, too.

    I'm hopiong that Santa brings me an end to this cold. Can't think about anything till then. *wink*

  3. LOL, and holiday greatings to the typo fae, too.
