Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Ace of Wands/Six of Cups. Ah, the spark. Not the fire of passionate creativity yet, just the spark that has the potential to light the conflagration. The spark needs to be nurtured, it needs to be given fuel (Earth) and oxygen (Air) in order to initiate the manifestation of its potential, which is the confidence and creativity needed to successfully deal with any challenge. And because fire is a natural effect and thus requires some opposite in order to manifest in a balanced way, we have the presence of a Cups card (Water), the most balanced of the Cups card and indeed the most balanced of the Minor Arcana. The Six of Cups brings the knowledge that whatever has been endured already can be used to positively flavor what is to come. Both of these cards also have a connection to children, both through the assumption of success (possibly through lack of knowledge of potential blockages) and the assumption of innocence and the concept of perfect love and perfect trust (possibly through the assumption that everyone is ethical). The bring the gift of the ability to believe . . . a powerful and life-changing gift.

My Thoth card for today is the Nine of Swords. “Cruelty” again, but self-imposed cruelty. I need to be aware that many problems end up being problems because I perceive them as problems. Sometimes too much analyzing serves to bring into play the “self-fulfilling prophecy” powers of visualization. Being aware of the lure of worrying is half the battle; applying the energy used to perpetuate the worrying will serve me better if used in a more positive manner.

My horoscope from yesterday: Long-awaited good news concerning money could finally come your way today. Heightened imagination and inspiration, as well as a powerful need to connect with those you love most, could keep your heart and mind fully occupied throughout the day, dear Sagittarius. Don't keep it all bottled up inside; that will only produce frustration. Write down your thoughts, try your hand at painting, ring up your friends and schedule a get-together for the evening. Take the time to enjoy yourself!

Yes!! My son is making progress with his insurance issues, and my husband has gotten in a few more small jobs. Yes!!!

I am so glad that the time has come to look forward with anticipation rather than backward with worry. I have done my best to handle certain events with skill, intelligence and compassion, and then I have released the events from my thoughts with the confident assurance that all will end in a positive way. As I drove to work this morning, I thought about my energy field, the layers of my aura, and how these mostly invisible (at least to me) energy fields can have a startling and long term effect on the events of my day.

While many break down the aura into seven layers to correspond to the main chakras, or twelve to correspond to additional chakras, or even more, I prefer to think of the aura as being grouped into three main layers: the etheric aura, the mental/emotional aura, and the spiritual aura. It is that middle layer, the layer that directly affects and is affected by my thoughts and my emotions, that I am pondering upon today.

I have found that as I increase my “mental muscle strength” through energy work exercises, I am also increasing my ability to affect my physical world directly through the conscious and unconscious adjustments that I impose on my mental/emotional aura. I have discovered that I have the strength and focus to actually change the composition and texture of this layer of my aura, and that often evidence of effects appear very quickly within my physical day. These initial effects are small at first, but because they validate my efforts and prove to me that I am making a difference, that I *can* make a difference, these small effects end up sympathetically supporting my efforts, creating a self-perpetuating cycle that spirals me ever upward and toward the positive. Each time I consciously try to change my mental/emotional aura in order to make my environment more balanced, the process of connecting with my aura becomes easier, and the small moments of evidence that my efforts are working seem to appear faster.

During my contemplations of my aura, I have discovered that there are within me several different “wells” or “containers” of energy; I have managed to find the place where the energy for my mental/emotional aura is stored, and I can touch this place energetically, hold it and interact with it. Being able to focus on the source of this energy has helped me in connecting with it and affecting it. *smile* Notice that I am not saying where this source is located in my body; I believe that everyone needs to find this source on their own and I will not taint anyone else’s efforts in this regard by saying where I found my own source for this energy.

Of course, these successful workings mean that my unconscious and subconscious adjustments are also becoming more powerful. Another strong incentive to continuously live in the *now*, to act with awareness at all times, and to even be aware of the passage of time. Going through the day on automatic pilot or distracted by something can end up having unexpected consequences. I think I would rather be at the controls.

Over the next couple of days, I will consciously connect to this layer of my aura as often as possible, and inject it with a sense of awareness, of confidence, and of compassion. I will be interested to see how much I can direct the “flavor” of my days. I expect to find this to be very positive. I also believe that we leave a “fingerprint” or “handprint” of our aura on everything we touch (and not just the things we physically touch; there are after all many ways of touching), and thus I am also expecting that this experiment will have a positive effect on those with whom I interact in any fashion.

If you are reading this blog, you fall into that category; I hope that my words bring you at least for one moment the visualization of the one place that you would really like to be right now. I hope that momentary connection to that place brings you balance (and maybe even one step closer to that place).

Brightest blessings!


1 comment:

  1. You are just so totally bad-ass and witchy 'n stuff....I worship you. I usually have no idea what you are talking about...but I worship you anyway.

