Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Six of Swords/Temperance. My cards are telling me that it is important that I known where I have come from as well as where I am going. We cannot just leave negativity behind, for it will come back to haunt us. First, we must come to know our own personal negativity (for we each have it buried within us) through the languages of the intellect and the intuition; only then can we truly cut the cords and move on.

My Thoth card for today is the Four of Swords reversed. Crowley calls this card “Truce,” and there are all kinds of truces. Most of them happen when two sides of equal strength agree to pause, but sometimes a “time of calm pause” can even be itself used as a weapon. We can define the concept of truce as agreeing to not attack. Perhaps this card is reversed because today I am being told to turn a truce upside down and *use* it as an attack.

As a side note, this may not be a traditional interpretation of the Four of Swords reversed. I am tailoring this interpretation to several specific events in my life.

In that regard, I have been thinking about my personal shield. I am completely amazed at the effectiveness, ability to respond on its own, and “awareness” of the shield that I have created and supported over the past 5 ½ years. I began with a simple concept: a fluid entity that flowed like liquid mercury yet could solidify into an impenetrable container or absorb negativity like a sponge. Very quickly I began to build upon this initial thoughtform. I added a sort of symbiotic nature to the shield, and allowed it to feed on the things that are harmful to me, such as negativity and illnesses. I began to actively increase and decrease its strength, kind of like imposing an exercise program on it; my awareness of the sensations surrounding that tighten/relax cycle became more and more detailed, and thus the process became stronger and more efficient. I began cleansing my shield every morning; then I added “feeding” to the cleansing process by bringing energy down through my crown chakra, through my third eye chakra, and into my throat chakra (for sound is after all the means of communicating with the connections brought to us by the heart chakra), where I absorbed some of the clean and strong “blue” energy, which I then brought down to my heart chakra (the bridge between myself and the energies around me) and emitted from my heart chakra onto the front (representing all that is outer and active) and the back (representing all that is inner and receptive) of my shield.

To my amazement and delight, I have had three separate occasions where I felt the shield come into play on its own to offer protection from a random event that could have harmed me. One time, I fell forward while holding a glass vase, which shattered into sword-like shards all around me. As I fell, time seemed to slow down for me, and I could feel my shield rolling down the front of my body as it offered protection. Another time, another fall (LOL), with a witness this time, I was walking besides a friend and twisted my ankle. Once again, I felt time slow down and my shield power up as I fell. My friend told me that it looked like I had fallen in slow motion, which leads me to believe that my shield *did* slow me down, at least enough to mitigate any potential injuries.

My recent class on “instant magick” has reminded me of the importance of awareness, and of the powerful effects that awareness can have on everything that we say and think and do and desire. I feel strongly that once we come to understand and believe in the power of consciously choosing and of awareness, we have a responsibility to control and school our very thoughts so as to cause no harm. Don’t get me wrong, I am not espousing a literal interpretation of the words “harm none,” for I believe that depending on how you define it, “harm” happens all the time, and is a tool within the cycles of life and death. The harm that I am talking about is the unnecessary sort that is perpetuated through such emotions as anger or fear or greed or insecurity. While my personal shield has protected me from physical harm, it is mostly this aetheric harm against which I am protected.

In part, this protection happens because I am aware of the threat itself. The more I understand the threat and how the threat works and where it originates, the fewer “loopholes” I will have in my shield. LOL, kind of like putting together a contract, isn’t it?

Knowledge is power, but wielding this power requires a system of ethics. Imposing that system of ethics onto ourselves takes awareness. Awareness brings and reinforces knowledge.

The circle is complete.



  1. wowzers!

    32feet/second *squared* be damned!!!!

    I've got my shields up!


  2. *giggle* I even had a witness!!

  3. yeah ~ yeah....

    Able to stop bullets...with a single shield....

    Stronger than a

    Okay ~ I'll stop the risk of being called 'unenlightened' =)


  4. Look!! Up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a turkey vulture!!

  5. lol...

    confucious say:

    know better than to stand under the turkey vultures ~

