Thursday, May 14, 2009

Three of Swords/The Fool reversed.  I am being told that today could bring me pain or betrayal or disappointment; my emotions may be harmed through words, gestures, a turned back or a deaf ear.  There is also a danger of some kind of appearance of innocence or of the potential of newness to be not as trustworthy as appearances indicate. 

My Thoth card for today is the Seven of Swords reversed.  Crowley calls this card “Futility” and considers its energies weaker than the Seven of Wands.  This card is ruled by the Moon (the planet, not the Major Arcana, although the meaning of the Major card applies). But it is reversed, so I am being told that my efforts will bear fruit.

Betrayal is not fun.  Making every effort to bring healing and compassion through offering ethical guidance, and then having my efforts twisted and sullied and used against me is momentarily debilitating.  I have never been comfortable with conflict, but this is so beyond conflict.  I am being buffeted by hatred!!!  I have never felt such hatred before, hatred that is mixed with what feels like terror.  This hatred is being used as both an offense and a defense, and I am thankful that my shield is efficient.  I am sending this ugliness to the Earth Mother so that it can rot away, allowing it to slide off of the outside of my shield and into the ground so that it can decompose and transform into fertilizer.  I am transforming the negativity into something positive, into pity for this person who is wasting intelligence on vengence, and into healing for myself and the others who have also been attacked.  I am taking the high road, as my dahling says.  I will not allow myself to be dragged down into the ugliness.



  1. Ugh...days like that s*ck =(

    But 'cha know what? <--channeling Sarah Palin here for your

    We dont' grow through our 'happy times' ~ we grow from our pain.


  2. Yep, I'm growin' Cept I'm growin' where I don't wanna grow. If only I was one of those people who lost weight when they were stressed. No, not me! LOL, good thing we don't live closer to each other, or you would have to lock your fridge.
