Thursday, April 29, 2021

April 29, 2021: VI The Lovers and the V of Earth

My cards in today's pair from The Wayfarer Tarot are VI The Lovers and the V of Earth.

The Lovers is a beautiful card.  The image on The Lovers card  of The Wayfarer Tarot shows an elderly couple sitting on a bench under an arbor in a beautifully flowering garden.  Behind the couple is a lush green lawn, stretching to the mountains in the distance; above them is a beautiful blue sky.  The flower blossoms are vibrant and lovely:  red roses for deep love and affection, purple pansies for beauty, nobility and loving feelings, red and orange zinnias for endurance, friendship, and long lasting affection, alongside green leaves, stems and vines. Winding its way through the flowers and leaves is a serpent representing temptation, the flow of energy, and the shedding of the old self. They are holding hands and looking at each other, as if blind to the beauty around them and only able to see each other.  He looks like he is talking and gesturing to her, telling her some story, and she listens attentively, enjoying his enthusiasm.  

The image on the V of Earth shows a man and a woman struggling to carry huge and heavy stones in the middle of a pelting rain storm.  The woman holds three huge stones, and is facing the viewer; the man is bent over with two stones on his back, holding a wooden cane with both hands to support himself.  Behind them is a tree covered with pink blossoms.  This image shows weight, pain, struggles, sadness, and maybe even injuries.  Every step is a challenge, and there is no end in sight.  

Yes, The Lovers of the Tarot Major Arcana represents love of all kinds, including romantic love, but this card has other meanings as well.  It can represent the effort to find a partner, the difficulty of choosing between several potential partners, consciously and deliberately chosen connections, and meaningful relationships.  It can have a more general meaning as well, indicating cohesiveness, or the meshing of complimentary energies or balancing forces to create something greater than the sum of its parts.  All of these things can be seen within the image of this card.  The couple are older, and have been together for a long while, standing the test of time.  They have created and maintained a beautiful, healthy and fertile world for themselves, no small task.  Despite their age and the years they have been together, they are still comfortable with each other, and enjoy each other's company.  This card is reminding me of the support, nurturing and understanding that can come from a long term relationship, a relationship that is cared for the way the couple in this card image have cared for their garden.  This kind of relationship requires work, understanding of differences, forgiveness, and joy; it is worth every effort.  

The V of Earth can represent some situation in the mundane or physical world that feels overwhelming. Dealing with heavy weights in the pouring rain with no end in sight can cause us to believe that we have no help and that we are wasting our efforts in trying to succeed.  The exhaustion of struggling can feel never-ending and our energy supplies can feel depleted, but the couple on this card are still standing, despite the heavy weight they both carry.  Often, this card reminds us that what doesn't kill us makes us stronger.  It also reminds us that if we feel overwhelmed, we need to look around for assistance.  This couple are so focused on their burdens that they do not see that tree covered with springtime blossoms behind them.  Perhaps just seeing that beauty would help them endure.

Having someone to share burdens with, someone with whom we have had a long and evolving relationship, makes struggles a bit less burdensome.  I'm sure the loving couple in the image of The Lovers have sometimes felt like the couple in the image of the V of Earth, but they stayed together and endured.  That is my message for today.  

For card images, head over to my Instagram account, orange-dancing-sparkles.

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

April 28, 2021: VII of Water and the Queen of Air

Still working with the lovely Wayfarer Tarot (by Salipero-Babb and Shipman); today's pair is the VII of Water and the Queen of Air.

The image on the VII of Water shows a person sitting on a beach with legs folded; he appears indistinct and I am guessing that he is meditating.  Floating in front of him are seven boats; each boat contains an object: an airplane representing adventure, a house representing stability, an open book representing learning and wisdom, a heart representing love, a cobra representing power and danger, a tree representing having roots in the ground, and jewels and money representing potential distractions.  The element of Water is about dreams, visions and imagination and the number 7 tells of a pause and assessment before choosing the next step.  The image on the VII of Water hints at possible choices, any of which could be beneficial or dangerous, depending on how they are used.  

The Queen of Air is feeding corn to several ravens, wearing a smile on her face.  The ravens are not afraid of her at all because she has done the work to create relationships with them.  Our Queen knows what to do in order to create relationships, and she has the courage and patience to make those relationships happen, focusing her mind on the task at hand.  Like the ravens she feeds, this Queen is cunning and wise, and can escape any cage.  

The VII of Water has a kind of dreamy or hazy feel about it, as if it is difficult to focus on one thing.  Being distracted by many choices could prevent any choice from happening.  The Wayfarer Tarot Guidebook states that the VII of Water is connected to The Chariot, one of the cards from my last entry.  That card reminded me to pay attention, too.  The VII of Water offers one example of meditation, with its indistinct figure viewed from the back.  It is not uncommon to work through choices while meditating, but we need to remember that what we see in our mind's eye could be not quite clear.

The Queen of Air tells me that I will need to use my wits, the things I have learned, and the wisdom I have accumulated, in order to move forward.  I've survived many challenges and I need to remember that those challenges have made me stronger and more skilled, so I should have confidence in my abilities.  The Queens of the Court embody their suit in an inner manner, so this Queen has a penetrating mind, independence, a skill for organizing, and she analyzes before she chooses.  She may be unsettling to some, but that could be because of her honesty and adherence to truth.

Focus and courage, choosing wisely even if that choice is not to choose (as long as not choosing is a deliberate action and not caused by indecision) are the messages of the day.

You can find images of these cards on my Instagram page, orange-dancing-sparkles.

Monday, April 26, 2021

April 26, 2021: X of Air and VII The Chariot

Continuing with the powerful Wayfarer Tarot (by Salpietro-Babb and Shipman), today my cards are the X of Air and VII The Chariot.  Nice that I have a Minor and a Major to play with today.

One of our Pages yesterday was of the suit of Air, and we already learned that the raven symbolizes the mind and thought, as well as learning through both an active search for data and the use of the intuition to receive messages and direction.  The image on our X of Air shows a raven sitting in the branches of a tree, with his mouth open as if he was calling out.  One nearby branch is covered with large thorns, and a part of that branch is wrapped around the raven's neck.  

My other card is VII The Chariot, and this is one of the cards that drew me to this deck.  The image is of the space shuttle, arriving to its orbital position above the atmosphere of our world thanks to the hard work, skill, and direction of the Charioteer.  This particular representation of the Major Arcana card really shows the momentum, power and force that is offered by this card, should we have the skill and courage to access them.  

The ten cards of the Minors tell of completion (as opposed to the nine cards, which tell of completeNESS), so the X of Air is letting us know that we are at the end of a cycle (also validating the new possibilities hinted at by my Page of Air yesterday).  Dealing with the ten numbered cards of the suit of Air can be quite challenging; each card presents a new obstacle to overcome, kind of like going to the gym and working out the different muscles in the body.  Dealing with each obstacle can bring pain and bruising and tears, but in the end we are made stronger by what we overcome.  This card is telling me that while I may be battered and wounded, I've succeeded as well.  There may have been times that I have wanted to give up, but I didn't do that; I hung in there.  This final challenge is not as difficult as it appears to be, and I have the skill set to extricate myself from the thorns without getting scratched.  

To me, The Chariot of The Wayfarer Tarot offers a modern metaphor for the more traditional image.  This Chariot is not propelled by wheels but rather, by burning fuel.  Travel has become commonplace in our modern world, whether by car, train, airplane or jet.  I am being told to examine where I am going, because the possibilities are truly endless, like the Universe around me.  The key is to plan carefully so that I know what direction to aim for, and so I know how to focus my aim so it is effective.

The digital Guidebook for this deck states that the X of Air is connected to The Magician and The Wheel of the Majors.  The Magician works within the element of Air, and he is a personally significant card for me so the message of the X of Air is also personal.  The Chariot refines the message of the X of Air by reminding me that for a successful space launch, preparation needs to be careful and timing needs to be perfect.  My own leap into space needs to take into consideration the other larger forces that could have an effect on the launch and the space ship's trajectory.

Interesting.  Card images can be found on my Instagram account, orange_dancing_sparkles.

Sunday, April 25, 2021

April 25, 2021: Page of Earth and Page of Air

Things have been busy for me, but I finally have time to begin working with The Wayfarer Tarot.  I shuffled these lovely cards and threw my first card pair.  Very interesting way to begin working with this deck, a pair of Pages.  I like it already!

Generally speaking, the Pages of the Tarot Court are seen as representing a youthful manifestation of the suit, however that does not have to mean young in years.  A senior citizen could certainly be seen as a Page if that senior has the outlook of a youth, free from pre-conceived expectations, open to new ideas and experiences, and eager to share his or her ideas.  

Pages are messengers or attendants to higher-ups, waiting on or serving as well as learning.  They are still developing the perception of who they are, their place in the world, and what they are becoming, and thus they enthusiastically embrace new experiences and opportunities to practice new skills.  Because they have no prior experiences or expectations, they are open to receiving the more subtle messages of their suits.

The image on The Wayfarer Tarot Page of Earth shows a young boy standing before a large tree with a dark opening at its base, holding out an apple to the viewer.  Earth is the suit of manifestation, and this Page is offering a message: things are just about to happen in your physical world.  His message could be specific, regarding a career change or new health insights, or he could just be saying, "look at me, watch how I move through the world, and be the same."  The Page of Earth is about beginnings and about what is just starting to manifest, so in a way he is sharing a possible future. If we choose to listen to the Page and hear his message, we have the power to understand the possibilities available to us right now and change our trajectory in accordance with those possibilities.

The image on the Page of Air shows a young girl in pigtails and an ankle-length dress holding a raven in her arms.    The element of Air represents the mind, the intellect and wisdom, and the message presented by this Page is connected to those things.  This Page is cradling a raven in her arms; the raven represents the mind, thought, and a two-prong method for learning: the active search for information and the passive use of the intuition to perceive information.  The Page of Air may be at a basic or early stage of learning, but she is courageous enough to take her own path forward.  She will do the work to research, to read, to indulge her endless curiosity and she will end up startling you with her knowledge (which is beyond her beginner status).

The Page of Earth reminds me that I already know what the "now" looks like, so I should shift my focus to what could be coming toward me in my physical world.  "Appreciate where you've been," he tells me, "and see your Path thus far as a blessing filled with gifts that you can use moving forward."  He tells me to be practical and flexible, but also to jump in with two feet and embrace the world of nature around me, my own body and its abilities and strengths, and those who travel through life with me.

The Page of Air is telling me that now is not the time to be satisfied with basic and more general knowledge.  The process of learning keeps the brain alive and keeps the mind strong and adaptable, which will allow me to not only survive the winds of change that are beginning to blow, but to thrive within them.  Everything manifested in the physical world begins as a thought or an idea, and new thoughts and ideas are the realm of the Page of Air; I should open my mind without expectations, and enjoy what is coming.

Well, I like this deck already!!  I will post images of the cards on my Instagram account, orange_dancing_sparkles.  

Monday, April 19, 2021

April 19, 2021: A new deck to explore: The Shadowland Tarot

It is time to begin a new exploration of the Tarot, and this round we will dive deep into The Shadowland Tarot by Monica Bodirsky.  I just love the artwork of this deck!  The Shadowland Tarot uses a combination of whimsy and monsters that are spooky but not scary to perceive traditional Tarot symbolism in a new way.  The images of the cards are quirky and playful, but they draw from the traditional archetypes and imagery symbolism we have all come to know and love.  

The Shadowland Tarot does focus on shadow work, but the theme of this deck seems to be very accepting of our differences rather than seeing those differences as an indication that we are broken and need to be fixed.  This is an inclusive deck that celebrates the unlit corners within each of us, and shows us how to face the skeletons, mummies, bats, ghosts and spiders that live there and accept them as maybe being peculiar, but not frightening.  

I did a more in depth review of The Shadowlands Tarot in the July 2020 issue of You can check out some of the card images on the author's website ( or her FaceBook page at Monica Bodirsky Design.

My next post will begin our exploration by comparing two cards.  

Friday, April 16, 2021

April 16, 2021: The Decameron Tarot, a review

I have now looked at all of the cards of the Decameron Tarot, and I've gotten to know this erotic and very non-traditional deck. The Decameron Tarot is created by Giacinto Gaudenzi and Luciano Spadanuda, and was published by Lo Scarabeo in 2003.  It is a 78 card Tarot deck with the traditional Major Arcana card names, a Minor Arcana with four suits, Wands (Fire), Swords (Air), Chalices (Water) and Pentacles (Earth), and with a Court consisting of Knave, Knight, King and Queen.  The cards themselves are 2 5/8 inches by 4 3/4 inches, with color images in a Medieval style, with a smooth glossy finish.  The guidebook that comes with the deck is a traditional "LWB" (Little White Book) guidebook that contains a basic description of the focus of the deck and suggested key phrases for each card.

The Decameron Tarot is based loosely on the book, The Decameron, which is a work by Giovanni Boccaccio written between 1348 and 1358 that contains a hundred tales supposedly told over ten days by a group of ten people who fled from Florence to the countryside to avoid the Black Death.  I was able to get a really nice translation of the Decameron Tarot by Wayne A. Rebhorn and I'm glad I took the time to read the book.  While the book is not written in an erotic style, there is certainly a lot of sex and romance within the stories themselves.  Through reading The Decameron I was able to understand the woman's place in this culture and time, and this helped me to more easily accept a few of the card images which as a woman were very uncomfortable for me.  

This is not a good deck for a beginner who is still learning the traditional meanings of the Tarot deck or who is looking to learn how to interpret the cards because the majority of the card meanings are non-traditional.  However if you have a good solid base in the symbolism of the Tarot, this deck can encourage you to look at some of the traditional interpretations in a new way.

I will continue working with this deck, and I will post my Wheel of the Year readings using the Decameron Tarot on or near the first of each month through 2021.  In the mean time, I will be choosing another deck to explore, so stay tuned!

Thursday, April 15, 2021

April 15, 2021: The Knave of Pentacles and the 2 of Swords

My Inner Focus card for today is the Knave of Pentacles.  The image on this card shows a lower-level room with a stairway upward and a slit of a window in the background, and a pillar with arched supports just beyond a naked woman and a man in a friar's garb having sex on a fancy table painted with images of people with halos above their heads.  We are seeing them from the rear; the woman is naked except for her head piece and she is kneeling on the table, facing away from the viewer but her head is turned back to face us.  Her eyes are closed and she appears to be smiling.  Behind her is a friar with his robes hiked up in the front and sandaled feet on the floor, penetrating the woman from the rear.  Besides his lower legs and feet, the friar is completely covered by his hood and robe.  Beneath her knee on the desk is an open pouch; on the floor below the pouch are coins that have apparently spilled from the pouch.  Her dress is laying on the stairway at the rear of the image.  The key phrases for this card are: distrust of those who appear wearing deceiving attire and offering false modesty, and honor is at risk.

My Outer Focus card is the 2 of Swords.  The image on this card is of a woman laying on her back on a bed, with pillows behind her head and wearing a head piece and a mask. We have seen this woman before, in the image of the 6 of Swords, where she is wearing harlequin clothes and a belt as well as the headpiece and mask, and in the image of the 9 of Pentacles, laying on her back on a bed on top of her harlequin clothing wearing the same headpiece and mask, with a smile on her face.  In this image she is facing us with her feet flat on the bed and her knees wide.  Between her legs is a man who is kneeling on the floor and has his head in her groin with his arms wrapped around her hips; he appears to be wearing that dog or wolf mask that we have also seen before.  The key phrases for this card are: the animal within us is showing itself, and everything will balance out. 

The Knave of the Decameron Tarot is similar to the Jacks of the playing cards deck.  I am seeing the Knaves in this deck as representing a Prince or a young man of high birth who has authority and privileges  ascribed to him, but who might not be mature enough to wield that authority and those privileges in the best interest of everyone, not just himself.  In the Knave of Pentacles, our high ranking man is of the church, and it certainly appears that he is not ready to embrace his vows of poverty and celibacy or respect the sanctity of his religion.  

The suit of Swords is about the element of Air and the thought process and workings of the mind.  It is in the mind that we determine what is acceptable behavior and what is not.  Perhaps this 2 of Swords is telling us that all austerity all the time is not healthy for the human spirit, and  indulging in a bit of wild play every now and then can act as a release valve so we are more able to toe the line at other times.  

Together these cards warn me that I need to be careful about who I am looking up to, who I am choosing to see as a role model to emulate.  Even the person who outwardly appears to be most dedicated to a religious, spiritual or ethical culture is still a human being.  I need to find ethical outlets for my needs that are within my own code of ethics, keeping Harm None in mind, always.

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

April 13, 2021: 4 of Wands and 0 The Fool

We are coming to the end of our exploration of the Decameron Tarot.  After this entry, we only have two cards left to address.  Let's get to it!

My Inner Focus card is the 4 of Wands.  The image on this card is of a strong looking castle sitting on a hill surrounded by green trees and bushes.  Around the hill are green meadows bisected by a curving stone wall.  One of the meadows is filled with red wildflowers.  Behind the castle is a beautiful blue sky with a few fluffy fair-weather clouds.  The key phrases for this card are: harmony, accord and peace, and purification.  

My Outer Focus card is 0 The Fool.  The image on this card shows a man on his back in what appears to be grass.  He is fully clothed and appears to be a bit shabby; both of his socks have huge holes in them, one at the toes and the other at the heel.  All of his clothes appear spotted with stains.  At his belt are a blade in its scabbard, a small pouch, and several large keys.  He is laying with one leg straight out and the other knee bent and drawn up, hinting at the traditional stance of The Emperor. He has one shoe off and in his hand, and is smiling as he tries to catch a pretty butterfly that is fluttering by, with his other hand cupped and ready to gently contain the butterfly.  His fly is open and his penis is visible.  Beside him is a young girl, laying on her belly and resting against the thigh of his bent knee.  She is pulling on the laces of his fly, opening his pants and looking at his penis.  The key phrase for this card is: lightheartedness, daydreams and freedom can carry heavy consequences.

So, the castle in the image of the 4 of Wands has appeared elsewhere in this deck, on the 7 of Swords (which shows a closeup of the doorway into the castle).  The 4 of Wands does not have any darkness to it, but the key phrases of the 7 of Swords, plans within the darkness of night, and hidden complicity, are a bit unsettling.  The 4 of Wands shows us that the overall picture is good, and it encourages us to pause and just enjoy the beauty of our surroundings.  This card is not saying that things are forever great and we do not ever need to protect ourselves; it just says that for the moment we can rest and recuperate, and thus be better prepared for whatever presents itself down the road.

The traditional meaning of The Fool is the possibility for new beginnings, and for leaving things behind that no longer serve us.  However, the Decameron Fool, like the Decameron Tower, presents a more subtle message through its seemingly simple and joyously silly image.  Our Fool seems to be enjoying a simple pleasure and having fun.  This is not a planned event, but rather a random opportunity to laugh and embrace our inner child.  We can see this because he does not have a butterfly net, but rather he is using one of his shoes to attempt to capture the butterfly.  On the surface this seems quite innocent.  However, this Fool obviously serves some valuable purpose.  He has a blade on his belt along with several large keys, which hints to us that he has important responsibilities.  Despite the interest of the girl by his side, his penis is limp because he is focusing on a different and more transient pleasure.  Finally, he could injure that delicate butterfly during his attempt to catch it, probably unintentionally.  We end up asking ourselves just what could he be ignoring as he is focused entirely on this butterfly and completely innocent intentions. 

Monday, April 12, 2021

April 12, 2021: 4 of Chalices and 6 of Swords


Today, my Inner Focus card is the 4 of Chalices.  The image on this card shows a man in a hallway peeking into a partially-opened door.  This hallway looks similar to that of the 3 of Swords, with dressed stone blocks and a heavy wooden door.  We have a narrow glimpse of the lit room inside and of what appears to be a bed.  The key phrases for this card are: an intruder, distrust, and poor self-esteem.

My Outer Focus card is the 6 of Swords.  The image on this card shows several people in a brightly lit room.  There is a man sitting on the floor with his back against the wall, dressed in red with a napkin used as a bib at his throat and an empty container laying next to him on the floor.  He is laughing heartily, his hand on his belly.  A man in the foreground is only visible from the shoulders up; he is wearing some kind of costume and his mouth is open as if he was shouting.  There are two other people in the image, both of whom we have seen before.  There is the person in the dog or wolf costume, seen from the back, and there is a woman in a colorful harlequin-type costume and a belt, also seen from the back.  Both of them appear to be moving toward an open doorway at the back of the image.  The key phrase for this card is: the enemy suddenly becomes harmless.

The 4's of the Tarot Minor Arcana bring stability, but stability is not always a good thing.  The suit of Chalices represents Water, and if Water is left standing for too long it begins to stagnate.  Perhaps for the Decameron 4 of Chalices, the stagnation has at its root the poor self-esteem mentioned in the key phrases for the card.  Thinking that we are not good enough could very well cause us to take actions that are harmful.  We don't believe that others value our opinions, we push our own unnecessary defenses onto a situation, or we check up on what is going on, even if that checking up ends up as spying.  We are only trying to keep safe, we tell ourselves, justifying what we are doing when in reality things might not be as dire as we believe, and our actions could hurt ourself or others.  

The 6 of Swords of the Decameron Tarot presents a really great version of the traditional meaning of this card: healing and moving on.  This is kind of like the suggestion for getting over the fear of public speaking that involves visualizing the audience in their underwear.  The silliness of the costumes in the image of this card renders any fierceness of the people in the image as pretty much non-existent.  There is the healing we need!  Laughter.

We have seen two of the figures in the image on the 6 of Swords already.  The 9 of Pentacles shows a woman in a mask and hat, laying naked on a bed on top of her multi-colored harlequin-like clothing; the key phrases for that card are: a pleasant surprise and long-lasting situation.  The dog or wolf costume is seen in the 2 of Wands card (key phrases: first experience, shyness, and reserve), and we will see that dog mask again when we look at the 2 of Swords (key phrases: the animal within us showing itself, and everything will balance out).  Both cards could very well be connected to the 6 of Swords and the mental and intellectual healing offered by its transformative powers.  After all, we may be hesitant when experiencing something new but once we get past that newness, all is well.  Allowing our wild side to show itself can sometimes be a relief, thus restoring balance.  

Sunday, April 11, 2021

April 11, 2021: XVIII The Moon and 3 of Swords.


Interesting cards for today, considering. 'Nuff said.

My Inner Focus card is XVIII The Moon.  The image on this card shows a woman who appears to be putting on or taking off her clothes, standing next to an open window.  Through the window we see a naked man from the chest up who appears to be hanging onto the window sill, with a startled look on his face.  Behind him and blowing in the wind is a shirt.  There is a bench below the window inside the room, and the woman is slightly bent over with one knee resting on that bench, grasping the clothes that are piled there.  She is wearing something on her head and there is what appears to be her blouse looped around her shoulders, but her arms are outside and below the blouse.  The woman's wide-eyed gaze is facing into the room and out of our view, and she appears panicked.  Her other hand is turned toward the window, with her palm facing the man, as if gesturing for him to get away.  The key phrases for this card are: the unexpected can ruin plans but perhaps the undertaking was flawed, and there is a risk of things being blown out of proportion.

Ugh, the dreaded 3 of Swords!  The Decameron 3 of Swords image shows a man with a toothy grin leaning against a stout wooden door in a stone block masonry wall, peeking through the keyhole in the door.  The key phrases for this card are: jealousy, the fight for possession, and morbidity.

There is one commonality between these two cards: perception.  The image on The Moon of the Decameron deck seems to show a woman who was caught in the act of some tryst, trying to shove the man out the window so they won't be caught.  She is obviously worried about how she will be perceived if she is caught; we can tell by the wide-eyed look of horror on her face.  The man appears stunned, as if he was wondering how he went from having a woman in his arms to hanging naked outside a window with his clothes floating in the wind.  We can very easily imagine that the man in the image of the 3 of Swords just pounded on that heavy door, and is peeking through the keyhole to see what is going on inside the room.  

Illusion and visualization are related concepts, and there is a danger inherent in them both if we take them alone, without knowing other factors within a situation.  We can panic in anticipation of something bad and have our actions make things worse.  We can make a judgment only based on what we see through the keyhole, without taking into consideration background and periphery facts.  Today I need to remember that I should not panic or judge without knowing the other side of things, and I should be wary of allowing those effects to influence me if they come from outside of me.  

Friday, April 9, 2021

April 9, 2021: XXI The World and the Knave of Chalices

My Inner Focus card for today is XXI The World.  The image on this card shows a mature man and woman kneeling on a sturdy desk having sex.  They are both naked from the waist down; he is sitting back on his heels with his knees together and she is in front of him, leaning forward just a bit with her knees outside of his.  The man has one arm around the woman's waist, holding her back against him, and the other hand is around her shoulder and grasping her breast.  The woman has one hand reaching back, firmly grasping the man's hip; the other arm is relaxed on her thigh and that hand is holding a mirror.  They are both in a dark room, lit by one lamp hanging from the ceiling.  Behind them is another desk that is covered by books and papers.  Above and in front of them and hanging from the ceiling is what appears to be a gyroscope.  The key phrases for this card are: spirit and body unite and intelligence and knowledge assert themselves, and don't look afar for what is right in front of you.

My Outer Focus card is the Knave of Chalices.  The image on this card shows a man wearing nothing but shoes and a hat, sitting on a chair with a naked woman spread across his lap on her belly, with a sheet between them protecting his legs.  Her knees are bent, the hand nearest to his torso appears to be in his groin (however the sheet prevents us from knowing this for sure) and her other arm is bracing herself.  Her head is turned toward us, her eyes are open and her lips are parted.  The look on her face is uncertain.  He has a smile on his face and his gaze is on her buttocks.  One hand is hovering right above her buttocks, which appear somewhat rosy as if he had been spanking her.  His other hand is holding a golden Chalice above his head and he is pouring what appears to be red wine onto the middle of her back.  Behind them is a table on which we see another golden Chalice.  Above the table is a single lamp lighting the dark room.  The key phrases for this card are: while both set out to enjoy pleasure with no holds barred and the woman is trusting, the man wastes energy.  

The meaning of XXI The World is pretty obvious.  Knowledge for knowledge's sake alone can be a waste of time and effort.  Knowledge that is a tool for obtaining fulfillment is way more valuable.  Connections are important as well, and all of these things can bring balance and happiness.  We don't need to examine how we appear to the world because we are comfortable with who we are, both the inner Self and the outer Self.

In the Decameron Tarot, the rank of Page is called Knave.  I see the Knave as being similar to the Jack of the playing card deck, representing a young Prince that has some authority for which he is not yet mature enough to wield.  He is a student who is still learning how to use his rank and authority not just for the good of himself, but for the good of all.  Part of that learning process sometimes includes being a selfish brat who misuses his power for his own pleasure.  Our Knave of Chalices seems to embody this last concept.  He has a woman who is open to having fun, but he is so caught up in his own process that he is not seeing that she is uneasy.  Trust is important, particularly in relationships that include some kind of emotional connection, and perhaps our Knave will learn a painful lesson.

Today I need to learn from the Knave and not lose sight of the pleasure that others have a right to experience. I should facilitate a balanced presentation rather than only focusing on my own needs.  I am at a place in life where I can relax and let others take the lead when those others are people that I trust.  

Thursday, April 8, 2021

April 8, 2021: X The Wheel and XI Strength

So not only two Major Arcana cards today, but two consecutive Major Arcana cards.

My Inner Focus card is X The Wheel.  The image on this card shows four people viewed from the top, two naked women and two clothed men.  One naked woman and one clothed man with his pants down around his knees are pleasuring each other orally in a 69 position in the center of the image; beneath them is an image of a wheel.  A naked woman stands at the bottom of the image, behind the man in the center, watching the pair.  A clothed man who has one hand in his own groin and the other hand holding a rod or pole of some kind is standing at the top of the image, behind the woman in the center.  The key phrases for this card are: bad luck is compensated by solidarity and mutual help, and selfishness does not pay off.

My Outer Focus card is XI Strength.  The image on this card shows a dark haired man with a beard in a mail shirt wearing a sword in a scabbard, naked from the waist down and standing with one leg braced on something outside of the image.  We can see the man's hair and beard but nothing else because his head is turned away from the viewer.  He is having sex with a naked woman, with one hand on her thigh and the other around her shoulder with that hand caressing her neck.  The woman has one arm around his shoulders and her legs are wrapped around his waist.  She has her hand on the hilt of his sword and has pulled it part way out of the scabbard; her gaze is on that sword.  Behind them both is darkness; we can just make out a curtain held up by a curtain rod.  The key phrases for this card are: affection and strong feelings can fight brute force, and reconcile relationships.    

There are interesting dynamics in the image on The Wheel.  The man and the woman in the center of the image are focused on each other and what is happening between them.  The naked woman at the bottom of the image appears to be just watching.  She is standing away from the Wheel that is on the ground and does not appear to be reacting to what is happening.  The male bystander at the top of the image, however, is standing partially in the Wheel and he appears to be pleasuring himself through his clothes.  He looks like he would like to be a part of what is happening before him.  The Wheel usually tells of the unpredictability of luck and Fate, but the Decameron Wheel seems to be saying a bit more, perhaps letting us know that standing together with like-minded people can attract luck tilt Fate in a good direction, while selfishly grabbing what we want without considering others could repel luck tilt Fate in a less positive way.

The number 11 is seen by many as a strong number with spiritual connections.  If the number 1 is interpreted as representing leadership, the number 11 doubles that leadership power.  The term "master number" applies to any double-digit number that comes from a single root number, and offers those spiritual connections I just mentioned.  Perhaps in this case, the number 11 is reminding us that the Strength of this Major Arcana card is not necessarily connected to physical strength.  The warrior who is having sex with the naked woman is not the focus of the image, despite his armor and his very large double-edged sword, and his physical strength (after all, he is having sex with a woman while standing up).  In this image it is the woman who has the mental focus to understand the power of that sword and its phallic symbolism, and it is the woman who has control of the sword, not the warrior.

Today I am being told that teamwork could create a better day, and it is not physical strength that will create the energy I'm looking for.  

Sunday, April 4, 2021

April 4, 2021: Knave of Wands and 9 of Pentacles

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday.

My Inner Focus card for today is the Knave of Wands.  The image on this card shows a man in nice clothes and a few pieces of military armor, holding a large rough club in one hand, with his other hand resting on his sword hilt.  Before him kneels a woman whose dress is around her waist; she is wearing nothing else but her shoes.  We see her from the back, as her face is in the man's groin and one hand is holding his pants open.  He is looking down at her with a smile on his face.  Directly behind him is a stool; there is a window over his shoulder, showing that it is daylight, but the room is in shadows. The key phrase for this card is: sexual harmony, even though one person has more power.

My Outer Focus card is the 9 of Pentacles.  The image on this card shows a naked woman laying on a made bed with her eyes closed and a smile on her face.  Her arms are behind her head and her knees and lower legs are dangling off the mattress.  Spread beneath her are what appear to be her multi-colored garments (in the harlequin style), and a belt.  She is wearing a hat that covers most of her hair, and a mask over her eyes and nose.  She appears relaxed and pleased with herself.  The key phrase associated with this card is: a pleasant surprise and a long-lasting situation.

We have talked about the Knaves in the past, but let's revisit.  In the Decameron Tarot, the Knave holds the rank usually named Page, which represents a novice or a child, or a person with a child-like perception of the world.  The word "knave" has been used at times to represent a scoundrel, a rogue, or an unreliable or dishonest person, and perhaps to a small extent, the Decameron Knaves may fit those traits.  In playing cards, the Knave usually is represented by the Jack, usually seen as a young Prince.  To me the Knaves of the Decameron Tarot do not represent children, but rather are more in keeping with the Jack of playing cards.  Thus, I will see each of the Knaves of this deck as representing a Prince, someone with authority for which he might not be mature enough, someone who is still a student even though he has some rank and standing.  

Our Knave of Wands might enjoy using his authority to create and control situations that are a bit extreme, perhaps even flaunting his ability to please himself by using others.  He has a satisfied look on his face and even though it does not appear he is forcing the woman to pleasure him, we get the sense that this is his idea.  The woman on the 9 of Pentacles exudes a different kind of satisfaction than the Knave of Wands.   Our Knave seems to feel that telling a woman to go down on him is something he is due because of his rank.  The woman laying on the bed seems to have achieved something via her own efforts.  

While the Knave looks like he has the power, the woman pleasuring him gets something too, even if all she achieves is that the Knave leaves her alone for a while.  Perhaps she, too, will lay back on her bed once the Knave is gone, with a self-satisfied smile on her face.  

Thursday, April 1, 2021

April 1, 2021: April card 7 of Wands and Energy of the Year 9 of Wands

Interesting, both of my cards for April are Wands cards

The 9 of Wands is my Energy of the Year card.  The image on this card shows a naked man and a naked woman on a rumpled bed in the shadows, viewed from the front.  The woman is on her hands and knees, and the man is behind her.  They both appear to be in the throes of pleasure, with eyes closed and mouths open as they both cry out.  He has one hand on her shoulder, holding her in place, and the other hand is caressing her breast.  She has her head turned toward him as he penetrates her from behind, with one of her hands on her pubis, pleasuring herself.  The key phrases for this card are: good stimulation but watch your back, and defense and vigilance are important.

My April card is the 7 of Wands.  The image on this card is of a woman laying on a bed with a dark background, with a man leaning over her.  We only see their heads, shoulders and arms.  The woman has her head on a pillow, with her nightgown untied and pulled open so we can see her breasts.  The man is leaning over her with one hand over her mouth and the other index finger near his lips, as if he is telling her to "ssshhhh."  Her eyes are wide and her arms spread, one with palm open and fingers spread and the other in a fist, as if she has been startled awake.  The key phrases for this card are: surprise and daring, and a part of the undertaking is complete.  

In January, I saw the 9 of Wands as predicting good events, but also warning me to pay attention lest I trip and fall.  In February, the emphasis was on the element of Fire and the sharing of power, and March the focus was on the woman in the card image and her ability to control the situation.  Now, I am reminding myself that the suit of Wands represents Fire, strong passions, and extreme experiences.  This month I am seeing a warning of some sort, but I am also seeing some encouragement that while I may need to be alert, I can still please myself.  And I do have someone protecting my back.

Yes, the image on the 7 of Wands is not comfortable.  My first thought is that she was in trouble, but then I wondered if maybe his intention was to bring her away from a bad situation, not cause one.  It could be that he wants her to be quiet so they can both sneak away.  Once again, there is someone to help.  

The number 9 in the Tarot Minor Arcana tells of completeness.  Not completion or winding up and ending, but the fullness of manifestation.  The 7 cards tell of a pause to determine if the situation has matured sufficiently, or if more time is needed (while keeping in mind that waiting too long could cause us to miss out).  Again it seems that I am being told to be alert, to not be startled by whatever happens, and perhaps to not judge a situation by how it appears initially.   I will deal with it.  Perhaps if I am quiet and if I don't cry out when I am startled, I will be able to control things so in the end, I will be pleased.  I will take care, though.  Just in case.