Friday, February 14, 2014


Eight of Cups reversed/Queen of Cups.  Clear message. The Eight of Cups (Saturn, discipline, responsibility, limitation, law and order, in Pisces, “I believe,” feeling, duality, suffering, soul growth) in an upright position tells of an ending or a decline or a change of direction, often one associated with emotions, and it offers one possible response to that decline or change: moving on.  I love this phrase from the LWB of the Llewellyn Welsh Tarot regarding the reversed Eight of Cups: “A timid nature attracts predators.”  There you go; whether I decide to go or stay, I need to be decisive.  No wishy-washy emotions.  The Queen of Cups (cusp of Gemini, “I think,” curious, sociable, dual, and Cancer, “I feel,” sensitive, tenacious, nurturing, moody) represents the energies of Water and The High Priestess manifested into the Minor Arcana.  She is the perfect Valentine’s Day card, because she is comfortable with her own feelings (whatever they are), and she nurtures and encourages the dreams of others, too.  I may feel a bit uncertain, but in the end I should look within for the decisions I need, and trust what I find there.

My Thoth cards are the Prince of Cups and the Knight of Disks reversed.  Hmmm . . . pretty clear message there, too. The Prince/Knight of Cups (cusp of Aquarius, “I know,” friendships, the group, cause-oriented, and Pisces, “I believe,” feelings, duality, suffering, soul growth) is about feeling things strongly and without restraint or grounding.  He may appear calm, cool and collected to others, but my Prince of Cups responds deeply to life, and he dreams big dreams. The Knights of the Thoth Tarot are actually the Kings.  The Knight/King of Disks (cusp of Aries, “I want,” action oriented, assertive, competitive, and Taurus, “I have,” sensual, stubborn, cautious, physically oriented) is the expert on physical world manifestation of all kinds.  He is good at managing physical world resources, but he focuses a lot on the business end of things. My Knight/King is reversed, however, and paired with the most intense dreamer of the Tarot Court, so his kind of focus may be restrictive rather than grounding.

My Legacy card is the Six of Wands, flavored by the Ten of Wands. The Six of Wands (Jupiter, expansiveness and growth, justice, fortune, in Leo, “I am,” passionate, dramatic, noble, authoritative) in an upright position expresses the celebration we feel when we have passed some test or successfully met a challenge.  This card is about realizing that we’ve established our reputation with others, perhaps through an uncomfortable process.  My Six of Wands is being flavored by the Ten of Wands. The Ten of Wands (Saturn, discipline, responsibility, limitations and resistance, in Sagittarius, “I seek,” philosophic, fun-loving, blundering) tells of being taxed to some perceived limit, or of feeling as if we are out of gas at the bottom of a hill.  Since Wands are connected with Fire, this could very well be a warning that unbridled passions could have a high cost today.  Victory is wonderful, though, even if that victory comes at a cost.  In fact, it is the victory that comes through struggle and through passing a difficult (even draining) test that is the sweetest!

My 6-digit date number is 3, the number that tells of a new creation out of the position and potential of the Ace, and the balance, polarity, and energy of “distance between” of the 2.

My horoscopes: “A little foreign culture could be the thing you need right now to spice things up a bit, Sagittarius. It could be that you aren't feeling a very strong connection with the environment around you. You could be anxious to spread your wings and explore your freedom. Start small but think big. Get out of your rut and do more exploring on your own. There’s a sobering, disciplined feeling to the day that could help you think realistically about your situation and where you want to go with it.

And: “A business or romantic partner could be in a rather schizoid mood today. You'll probably spend a lot of time together, and during the course of the day your friend could jump between total enthusiasm and total gloom. This could drive you crazy, as you won't know how to respond. All you can do is make sure all attention stays focused on the issues at hand. This changeability should burn out by the end of the day.

Full Moon Blessings to you all, and Happy Valentine’s Day.  To quote the Beatles, “All you need is love, love.  Love is all you need!”  True, dat!


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