Thursday, April 11, 2013

Two of Pentacles reversed/Ace of Wands.  The Two of Pentacles (Jupiter, expansiveness and growth, justice, fortune, in Capricorn, “I build,” ambition, caution, cunning) in an upright position reminds us that everything always ebbs and flows.  This card presents a form of balance, and a logical reversed meaning would be that today will be about being imbalanced.  I may not be very effective in the physical world, but that does not mean today won’t be good.  The Ace of Wands (Leo, “I am,” passionate, dramatic, egotistical, Virgo, “I serve,” practical, analytical, sensible, orderly) tells of the initial emanation of enthusiasm or inspiration that could very well energize an entire process or project.  Like all the Aces, this emanation is presented as potential only; I need to have the courage necessary to own this emanation, and effectively use it to manifest my goals.

My Thoth card is the Eight of Swords.  The keyword for this one is “Interference.” The Eight of Swords (Jupiter, expansiveness and growth, justice, fortune, in Gemini, “I think,” curious, sociable talkative, dual) tells of a confused and restrictive response to obstacles, or particular to the Thoth Eight of Swords, the interferences that happen when we just have bad luck.  The interference presented by this card may very well have an emotional connection, with the emotion either a subconscious cause of the sense of bondage, or the response to the sense of bondage.  Understanding the cause for any feeling of helplessness when faced with a challenge will certainly help to reduce that challenge down to a manageable size.

My Legacy card is the Two of Wands, flavored by the Four of Cups reversed.  Nice pairing!!  The Two of Wands (Mars, action, spontaneity, aggression, drive, in Aries, “I want,” action oriented, pioneering, assertive, enthusiastic) tells of power, influence and authority.  This card is related to the Will, and it is my second card today numbered 2; my first was reversed, and since in a sense the suit of Pentacles and the suit of Wands oppose or balance each other, there could be a bit of an imbalance today. The Four of Cups (the Moon, feelings and emotions, illusion, imagination, in Cancer, “I feel,” sensitive, nurturing, tenacious, moody), which tells us that too much pleasure deadens the senses, is flavoring my Two of Wands.  My Four of Cups is reversed, and it shows me that sometimes a bit of imbalance can be helpful.  Allowing the Fiery energy of that Wands card to flourish for a bit may end up chasing away the lethargy caused by too much Water, too much ease, too much pleasing of the senses.

My 6-digit date number is 10, the number that tells of the completion of a cycle; it can be reduced further to the number 1, which tells of potential and position.

My horoscopes: “Are you sometimes afraid of appearing silly in front of people, Sagittarius? The fear of failing in the eyes of others might be holding you back from real progress. The celestial energies are asking you to think about this carefully today. With all of your analytical strengths and abilities, just think of all that you could accomplish if you had the courage to take more risks!”

And: “You're likely to be feeling strong, focused and enthusiastic today, and you could well be looking toward the future and making new plans for yourself. You might be contemplating some major changes, perhaps an entirely new career, or perhaps a move to a distant state. Creative activity, possibly writing or speaking, could also be an option open to you right now. Don't plunge ahead indiscriminately, however. List your options and consider carefully the pros and cons of each.”

My Shadowscapes Insight is regarding the Eight of Wands.  This is one of the Shadowscapes cards that I love because the image on the card sums up the meaning of the card, in a nice, neat package.  I should be on the lookout for sudden gusts of energy today, because these gusts could have fertile consequences.  And they don’t need to be volcanic in level either; nice little nudges in the right place can offer subtle yet effective encouragement.

I am determined to get my YTT homework, at least the reading and taking notes portion, done before tomorrow, so that I can enjoy reading about the Yoga Sutras without stress.  I am also feeling a pull to do more work on my Third Degree Lesson 8, and should be able to get back to that after this weekend’s Yoga Intensive. 

I ordered a new Tarot deck a few days ago; yep, I really don’t need a new deck, but thanks to my dear friend, Bug (of the Pagan Brain Trust), I just had to have this one.  It is called the Wild Unknown Tarot, and the images on these cards are positively divine!  This does not appear to be a beginner’s deck, and I can hardly wait to get my sweaty little hands on these cards.  I’ve been stalking the UPS site, tracking the deck’s journey from the creator; delivery is scheduled for Saturday!!

The lethargy of Spring fever threatens, but so far I’ve been able to banish it.  My cards today give me good advice in that regard!


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