Saturday, August 18, 2012

Five of Swords reversed/The Universe reversed. The Five of Swords (Venus, beauty, allure, relationships, pleasure, in Aquarius, “I know,” friendships, cause-oriented, the group, aloof) shows what happens when we insist that our way is right, or when we impose our needs or wants onto a situation.  My Five of Swords is reversed; today it will be more advantageous for me to go with the flow and listen to the needs of the group. The Universe/World, which corresponds with Earth (cold/binds and dry/shapes, and material, stable and practical energy that is slow to change), Saturn (discipline, responsibility, limitations and resistance), Thav (mark or sign), and the Path between Malkuth (the physical world of action and physical, outer reality) and Yesod (the place where patterns and images emerge that may manifest into the physical world), is a card of integration and involvement and understanding, a crystallization of the entire issue at hand.  My Universe card is reversed, but if I follow the recommendations of my reversed Five of Swords, I might be able to lure these integrated energies closer.

My Thoth card is the Prince of Swords. The Prince/Knight of Swords (the cusp of Taurus, “I have,” sensual, stubborn, cautious, and Gemini, “I think,” curious, talkative, dual, intelligent) is brave, insightful, courageous, and logical, as well as rude, domineering, critical and sarcastic.  My Prince tells me that ideas will be a huge part of my day; they might be beneficial, but then again, they might bump into each other and cause chaos.  If I can perceive all this kinetic energy, I might be able to make use of it.  Hmmm . . . good idea!  **grin**

My Legacy card is the Four of Coins reversed, flavored by the Six of Coins reversed.  Reversed Coins cards!! The Four of Coins (the Sun, the inner core of a person or situation or the deepest self, in Capricorn, “I build,” ambition, authority, caution cunning) in an upright position tells of very solid foundations and an awareness of the value of our possessions.  When upright, this card hints at a need for control, mainly due to that awareness I just spoke of.  My card is reversed, and is being flavored by the reversed Six of Coins. The Six of Coins (Moon, feelings and emotions, illusion, imagination, in Taurus, “I have,” Sensual, cautious, stubborn) brings an awareness of resources to the situation, both those that I have and those that I don’t have.  It certainly sounds like I’ve got an imbalance in my Earthly energies today.  I need to be careful about what I eat and drink, what activities I engage in, and what resources I have.  Too much Earthly energy is just as bad as not enough, and balance is what I need.

My 6-digit date number is 2, the number of balance, harmony, polarity, and “distance between.”

My horoscopes: “See about using your good relationships with friends and loved ones to get group activities going today, Sagittarius. You're probably feeling great, and the idea of socializing appeals to you. See about inviting people over for supper or cards. If you're feeling especially lively, some sports may be just the ticket to get you moving. Do whatever it takes to have fun and get some fresh air.

And: “It's a new day, and a good day to let your warm and caring side show. Take the time to smile often and to chat with as many people as you can. They will be drawn to your friendly personality and you will all enjoy sharing time together. If you find that someone is having a rough day, why not let them know that you care? Spend a few minutes listening to their problem and consider showing them that you really understand.

My Shadowscapes Insight is regarding the Knight of Pentacles.  LOL, another Earth card today.  This one, the Knight, is very focused on Earthly correspondences; you won’t be able to distract him!  He is dependable, though, and he is reminding me that sometimes the best way to get something accomplished is to take one step at a time, and focus on it till it’s completed.  Then, we should move onto the next step, and focus on that one.  The Knight of Pentacles has a method, and his momentum usually carries him through to victory (even if it takes a while for him to get there).

Family vacation is over for another year.  We really did have a great time; lots of beach time, both at the Atlantic and on the Delaware Bay.  Lots of laughter, lots of good food and good drinks.  Just what a family vacation should be!  Now, I’ve got laundry, but my main goal is to get back into my garden!

And the best way I can think of to end a vacation is a Reiki Share with my beloved Pagan Brain Trust.  I will be ready to roll tomorrow!


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