Queen of Swords reversed/Knight of
Wands. The Queen of Swords
(cusp of Virgo, “I serve,” practical, sensible, work and service oriented, and
Libra, “We are,” partnerships, balance, cooperation, grace) can be considered a
Minor Arcana representation of the Justice card. She is open and honest and forthright, speaks her mind and
yet doesn’t lose her sense of humor.
My Queen is reversed, so I need to be aware that there is a danger for
me if I don’t pay attention to these things. The Knight of Wands (cusp of
Scorpio, “I desire,” intense, controlling, deep, obsessive, and Sagittarius, “I
seek,” philosophic, fun-loving, blundering) might not be the best influence for
my reversed Queen. He is a person
of passion, courage, enthusiasm and boundless energy; he might like the open
and honest part, but his tendencies to be open and honest spring from different
traits than the Queen’s. His
response to any challenge is fast and powerful, to the point of being abrupt or
violent. He often represents
the coming of some important event, and combined with my reversed Queen, that
makes sense.
My Thoth card
is the Six of Disks reversed. The Six of Disks (Moon, feelings and emotions,
illusion, imagination, in Taurus, “I have,” Sensual, cautious, stubborn) brings
an awareness of resources to the situation, or a lack thereof. Crowley tends to like all the 6 cards
in the Minors, but still sees this card as being a bit heavy; he names it
“Success,” and that title could be a burden to live up to. Since my Six of Disks is reversed, I
may be dealing with a lack of balance between need and resources today, and if
that lack of balance does not appear to be there, I will need to keep reminding
myself that any apparent balance may be quite fragile, or even an illusion.
My Legacy card
is the Ace of Swords, flavored by The Empress. Interesting pair! The Ace of Swords (Capricorn, “I build,”
ambition, caution authority, cunning, Aquarius and Pisces, “I believe,”
feeling, duality, soul growth, artistic) is about potential within the mental
or intellectual realms. The intellect
has the power to either help or hurt, and it is worth noting that I’ve got two
cards today that hint at the effects of Justice (the other being my reversed
Queen above). The suit of Swords
often offers us challenges and the Aces are about potential, so I should be
aware that my challenges today may originate from the workings of my mind, or
from my feelings. The Empress (which corresponds with Earth (cold/binds and
dry/shapes, and stable, material, practical energies that are slow to change),
Venus (beauty, allure, pleasure, relationships), the Hebrew letter Daleth (door
or womb) and the Path between Binah (female receptive energy and the origin of
form and structure) and Chokmah on the Tree of Life (dynamic male energy and
the origin of vital force and polarity)) is one half of the Major Arcana
representation of the Sacred Feminine.
The Empress is about creativity, fertility of all kinds, a deep
connection to Nature and its workings, especially the abundance available to
those who are aware, the pleasure of the senses, and using our physical world
talents. Perhaps my Empress is
reminding me that challenges of all kinds have a purpose, a positive one. We can’t become strong and happy and
aware unless we struggle to see beyond and through the darkness. Only then can we enjoy everything
around us.
My 6-digit date
number is 3, the number that tells of a new creation out of the possibility and
position of the Ace, and the balance, polarity, and awareness of distance
between of the number 2.
My horoscopes: “There's a lighthearted, whimsical quality about the day that you
might not appreciate at first, Sagittarius. You'll find that the more open and
accepting you are of this energy, the more you can make it work positively for
you. Use this feeling to balance the seriousness in your day. Don't get caught
up in unnecessary drama that has nothing to do with your situation.”
And: “Some new concepts, perhaps involving the sciences, that you're
trying to study today may be Greek to you. You might be a little impatient with
yourself, viewing this confusion as a symptom of mental dullness. Relax! These
ideas could just be totally new to you. Don't be afraid to ask someone who
knows the subject to explain things to you. There are times when hearing it
makes it seem much more understandable than reading it ever could.”
My Shadowscapes
Insight is regarding the Six of Swords.
This card presents a lovely image that effectively helps us to understand what it feels like to be
carried away from the anguishes of our daily lives. We can’t always control those anguishes or their sources,
but sometimes we can find a way to move beyond them, to heal from them, and to
start anew without their influence.
Just the idea of moving towards a new place filled with possibility can
initiate the healing process, and make us strong and optimistic again.
Jupiter is a
classical planet, ruler of the zodiac sign Sagittarius and Pisces, and the
Ninth and Twelfth Houses (more on the Houses later). In Roman mythology, Jupiter is the ruler of the gods as well as
protector of the gods. Jupiter is
huge, a giant planet with intense storms, high winds and spectacularly colored
clouds, so it makes sense that the symbol of the god is thunderbolt. Some astronomers believe that Jupiter
and its huge and powerful gravity has an important role in our solar system
(especially Earth, Venus and Mercury) by either capturing or expelling
asteroids that would otherwise cause problems. Jupiter takes 11.9 years to
orbit the Sun, spending almost an earth year (361 days) in each of the Zodiac
Jupiter can signify subtle
understanding of life’s deeper principles, learning through travel or higher
education, general good fortune or luck, and material abundance. But it can
also represent indiscriminate sensuality, self-indulgence, wastefulness, greed,
avarice, dilettantes, and wanderers.
Astrologically, Jupiter is
associated with growth, expansion, higher education, prosperity, optimism, and
good fortune, the urge for freedom and exploration, humanitarian and protecting
roles, integration into society, and with gambling and merrymaking. Jupiter
governs long distance and foreign travel, higher education, religion, and the
law. It is seen as being warm and
moist in nature, and therefore favorable to life. In medicine, Jupiter is associated with the liver, pituitary
gland, and the disposition of fats, thighs, hips, and cell nutrition; it
governs the sanguine (impulsive and pleasure-seeking) humor.
Since Jupiter connects to my sun
sign, it makes sense to me that I am connecting so well to the information
about this planet.
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