Sunday, May 20, 2012

Transparent Oracle Sunday!  As always, after asking the question “What do I need to know?” I shuffled and threw the following cards:

64, Hearing (Within).  Within is the direction of the Self, and thus the cards associated with this direction deal with the ways our Self connects to the world and perceives the world, and the Self.  This direction is mostly abstract, and yet is our bridge to the Universe around us.  The senses are the tools for Self to interact with the inner and outer worlds, and Hearing is one of those senses.  Hearing is about reception, but it is also about perception; this card has no color and the eyes of the figures are closed.  Thus, seeing or visualizing would not be a part of the perception associated with Hearing.  Truly listening is actually an act of meditation.  Pausing to consciously Hear puts us into a receptive and absorptive state.

7, Guide: Blackbird (East).  East is the direction of the rising sun, and thus of new beginnings and fresh ideas, as well as knowledge, intellectual ideas and thoughts.  Blackbirds are known as gatekeepers, which concept is very relevant to me right now.  Blackbirds acquire and then protect territory, and thus they can guide you to other realms, or they can do their best to shut you out of them.  In Celtic myth, the Blackbird is said to have the ability to bring concepts or visions from the astral realms into manifestation on the physical plane (because Blackbird can enter more than one realm, just as blackbirds can exist on land and in the air).

36, Guide: Bear (North).  North is the direction of Earth, and thus of the physical or physically formed or manifested world, and of nurturing, health, finances and security, and the wisdom associated with living simply, being well-grounded, and being in touch with our physical body.  Bear is about protection and hibernation, power, shelter and instincts.  Mother bears are fierce, yet gentle, and that is the message of this card.  I am being told by Bear that I should protect and nurture myself, but I should also make use of what I’ve learned to not only connect with my own instincts, but also to nurture and guide others.

Then, I stacked the cards into a mandala.  The patterns were difficult to interpret at first.  I could see the figures from Hearing, with their eyes closed, but Blackbirds hid the representations of sound.  Bears covered everything nicely, without hiding the rest of the mandala.  What was being said here? Then I realized the message.  Listening is always important, but listening only for what we expect can be detrimental.  We need to listen for the things we don’t expect, too!

Sundays are also Spring Fitness Challenge check-in days.  Here are my specific updates:

Earth rules the entire physical world and all of its manifestations.  To me, Earth represents not only the physiological operations of our bodies, but the physical world around me.  I am continuing to learn about Ayurveda, and choosing foods and beverages with awareness, awareness of whether or not they are good for me, and whether or not I will experience some uncomfortable effect from eating or drinking something bad.  I even gave into a chocolate craving on Thursday night, but I did this without bingeing, and by consciously choosing, with control and forethought, to have that piece of chocolate cake.  And, I was able to have that piece without sitting down and eating the rest of the cake.  A first for me!

Air rules the mind, the intellect, thinking, and air and the act of breathing and all effects associated with breathing.  See above paragraph regarding choosing food and drink with awareness.  I am continuing to work on breathing exercises while visualizing toxins being expelled on my exhales.

Fire rules passion, courage, the life force and the Will, and movement of all kinds and all effects associated with movement.  I am walking regularly, doing my morning stretch/Yoga session regularly, and doing lots of beach walking on weekends.  This weekend, weather permitting, I will be working in my beloved garden on Sunday.

Water rules emotions and feelings and all effects associated with emotions and feelings, and for our purposes Water will also be about cleansing, flushing and purifying.  I’ve been drinking lots of water.  I am also to the point where I can feel that my physical body is slimmer and more toned, and believe me, I keep tapping into that nice feeling.  I am thrilled that it is not yet Memorial Day, but I am in my skinny shorts!

I also lost another half pound, that is 5 pounds total.  But really, this is not a true indication of my body right now.  And I expect that another plateau will be showing up soon enough; I know my body and I know it fights weight loss, tooth and nail.  But with all the progress I’ve made so far, I should make it through the next plateau in flying colors!


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