Saturday, May 5, 2012

Two of Swords/Death. The Two of Swords (Moon, feelings and emotions, illusion, imagination, in Libra, “We are,” partnerships, balance, cooperation) can represent a time of not looking or of shutting out the world.  The thing I need to think about is whether this closing off of myself is a good thing, or if I will end up missing something important because I am focusing inward.  A bit of a mental vacation is always good, but I can’t allow the vacation to continue indefinitely. The Death card corresponds with Water (cold/binds and wet/adapts, and sensitive, imaginative energy that strives to stay the same or take the same course), Scorpio, Nun (fish head; liberation), and the Path between Tiphareth (the hub of the creation process where energies harmonize and focus to illuminate and clarify) and Netzach (the stimulating factors of emotion and inspiration), and tells of natural change that cannot be stopped.  Perhaps Death is here besides my Two of Swords in order to remind me that life moves onward, even if I don’t want to see that it does.  The energies around Death are easier to deal with if they are embraced openly, or at least allowed to happen.

My Thoth card is the Seven of Swords reversed.  “Failure” is Crowley’s keyword for the Seven of Swords (Moon, feelings and emotions, illusion, imagination, in Aquarius, “I know,” friendships, cause-oriented, the group, aloofness), which tells of the effort to maintain things as we want them, often through the use of deception and without considering the wants or needs of others.  The nice thing is that my Seven of Swords is reversed.  This means that I just might be able to embrace the changes that the Death card is telling me of.

My Legacy card is Page of Cups reversed, flavored by the Page of Wands reversed.  Hmmm . . .  two Pages, reversed.  The Page of Cups corresponds to Libra (“we are,” partnerships, balance, cooperation), Scorpio (“I desire,” intensity compulsion, mystery) and Sagittarius (“I seek,” philosophic, adventurous, blundering), and upright is very emotional, dreamy, social, and connected to the inner voice. My Page of Cups is reversed, however, and with all the Water and Moon energies in my cards today, that just might be a good thing.  After all, youthful exuberance and unfettered imagination run amok is not a pretty picture.  **giggle**  My reversed Page of Cups is being flavored today by another Page, the Page of Wands (Cancer, “I feel,” sensitive, tenacious, nurturing, moody; Leo, “I am,” passionate, dramatic noble egotistical; and Virgo, “I serve,” practical, analytical, work and service oriented), which in an upright position tells me to use assertion and action to attract adventure and excitement.  Again I am being warned: tap into my subconscious, but be aware that things are happening, so don’t journey inward with too much enthusiasm, or without leaving a trail of breadcrumbs so I can find my way home.

My 6-digit date number is 4, the number that tells of depth and stability.  Lots of that today; maybe too much.

My horoscopes: “Today is the kind of day when all you want to do is think about a vacation. You're usually such a responsible, conscientious worker that you can afford to escape for just a few minutes. You could visit the world inside of you. You may even find something that's been on your mind for quite some time that requires some action by you now.

And: “Your engine is revved and ready to go. You have a full tank of gas with which to head to the Moon and back. Unfortunately, however, you may feel as if there is a large obstacle standing in your way. Perhaps this obstacle is your own mental attitude and your inability to make confident decisions. You may feel yourself becoming so scattered at times that you can't effectively move forward on anything. Don't beat yourself up over this. The answers will come when you need them to.

My Shadowscapes Insight is regarding the Queen of Swords.  And she is just what I need today, with all those dreamy Tarot cards.  The Queen of Swords is intelligent, loyal, open, and witty in her own way.  She not only has an accurate perception of herself, but also of the world around her.  She is good at deciding what to take with her, and what to leave behind because it has outlived its worth.  More hints at Death!

Another great day with my son in the D.R.  It was a hot sunny morning; we did some errands, and then made French toast for lunch.  Now it has clouded over, and thunder is rumbling.  We might get a light show in a bit!  But the power may go off, so let me get this post up.


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