Sunday, April 29, 2012

Transparent Oracle Sunday!  As usual, the question I asked myself was “What do I need to know?”  I threw three cards:

36, Guide: Bear (North).  North is the direction of Earth, and thus of the physical or physically formed or manifested world, and of nurturing, health, finances and security, and the wisdom associated with living simply, being well-grounded, and being in touch with our physical body.  Bear is about protection and hibernation, power, shelter and instincts.  Mother bears are fierce, yet gentle, and that is the message of this card.

60, Polarity: Red Dragon (Below).  The direction of Below is not easily associated with spirituality, yet it is a powerful symbol representing the opportunity to create a strong foundation, and to connect to the tools and powers of the Underworld.  The Red Dragon represents passion, inner power, sensuality, drive and life.  The Red Dragon represents inner-to-outer effects, and feminine energies. 

2, Weather: Wind (East).  East is the direction of the rising sun, and thus of new beginnings and fresh ideas, as well as knowledge, intellectual ideas and thoughts.  Wind seems to be unorganized, but actually the disruption brought by Wind clears the way for new adventures. 

Once I created the mandala, all I could see was the Red Dragon.  Bear and Wind were both fuzzy and unclear, but Red Dragon was there, acting as a foundation to the fuzziness.  While Bear seemed somewhat lost, I do get the feeling that the energies of Bear are acting as a foundation; I am being told that where I came from is important, and I am being told that the important messages of the inner realm may be hidden and obscure, but they have the power to bring heat and color to my life, so they are worth seeking out. 

Sunday is also Spring Fitness Challenge check-in day.  I am away from home this weekend, so I am handling this in a unique way in that I don’t have a scale.  No weight update, but here is the rest of my information.

Earth rules the entire physical world and all of its manifestations.  To me, Earth represents not only the physiological operations of our bodies, but the physical world around me.  I am remembering what I have learned so far regarding Ayurveda and I am doping my best to choose food and drink that will allow me to not go totally off this Challenge. 

Air rules the mind, the intellect, thinking, and air and the act of breathing and all effects associated with breathing.  I am continuing to be as aware as possible of what I eat and drink, and how they will affect my body and my alertness.  Tough to do while on vacation, but not impossible.

Fire rules passion, courage, the life force and the Will, and movement of all kinds and all effects associated with movement.  I have mostly done my yoga and stretches each morning, and doing lots of  long beach walks.  We are in a beach house; they are built “upside down,” with living space on the second and third floors, so I’ve done lots of stairs. Plus, we spent all day Thursday walking around in Charleston.

Water rules emotions and feelings and all effects associated with emotions and feelings, and for our purposes Water will also be about cleansing, flushing and purifying.  I have been keeping hydrated, and trying to not drink too much alcohol this weekend.  Emotions are no issue this weekend, as I am on vacation, but I am trying to not get so much into a vacation mindset that I end up giving up on my diet.

My clothes still feel loose, and that is a good thing!



  1. Reading the Spring Into Fitness Challenge depresses me a little. My doctor has me on a no-exercise-or-I'll-smack you regime until mid May--it's my 5-year physical for my crappy hip *sigh*. I feel sluggish and weird. I never spend more than a week without working out, and three weeks sitting on my butt is driving me nuts. So enjoy the exercise and DR! for me ;-)

  2. OMG, three weeks of no exercise would drive me batty. The only way I have even a small control over my appetite is by exercising. I will certainly enjoy the DR for you, and maybe have a Presidente or two in your name. Not too many, though, or I'll gain back the weight I lost!
