Sunday, April 15, 2012

Transparent Oracle Sunday!  As always, my question is, “What do I need to know?”  My cards are:

62, Dream (Within). Within is the direction of the Self, and thus the cards associated with this direction deal with the ways our Self connects to the world and perceives the world, and the Self.  This direction is mostly abstract, and yet is our bridge to the Universe around us.  Dream is the language of the unconscious mind, and it makes sense that this is the bottom card of my mandala today.  Dream is not about logic or linear time, and it is telling me that the underlying support of whatever happens this week will not be the strong foundation of Giant; instead, the support is made of symbols and visions!

2, Weather: Wind (East). East is the direction of the rising sun, and thus of new beginnings and fresh ideas, as well as knowledge, intellectual ideas and thoughts.  Wind seems to be unorganized, but actually this card is acting as a barrier between the unconscious visions of Dream and the conscious focus and power of Giant.  This barrier is two-way, and for either Dream or Giant to see the other will take some effort.  However, this can be a good thing; the subconscious sometimes works better when it is able to be in the shadows.

54, Guide: Giant (Below). The direction of Below is not easily associated with spirituality, yet it is a powerful symbol representing the opportunity to create a strong foundation, and to connect to the tools and powers of the Underworld.  Giant is about courage and about being challenged, and it is about wildness (as opposed to being tamed), but it is also about staying power and permanence.

The first thing I noticed when I stacked my mandala is the Giants.  They are covering the figures on the Dream card, and yet the swirls coming out of the heads of the figures on the Dream card appear to be actually coming from the Giants’ heads.  Wind seems to be joining all together, and acting as a barrier that separates.  The Giants can make use of the visions of the Dream card, but only if they allow themselves to experience those visions as they are, and not as the Giants want them to be. 

To me, there is a clear message here.  While my everyday consciousness, grounded and secure, is the thing that is invisible to others, there is a vast universe within me that I can tap into.  This hidden part of myself is blurred and obscure, but it is there.  If I make the effort to perceive it, I will eventually become skilled at receiving the messages.

This is the end of week two of the Spring Fitness Challenge, and I feel pretty good.  I have been doing my half hour of Yoga, belly dance warmups and stretches every morning, and I have walked a minimum of 40 minutes each day (Fire).  I am drinking lots of water (Water); I am choosing my food and drink with awareness and not allowing myself to eat unless I am truly hungry (Air).

I am also doing a bit of studying about ayurveda.  I think I will benefit from learning how different foods interact with different “body humors” (Earth) and hopefully this knowledge will allow me to better choose my food and drink so that I can keep my energy level high.  Or at the very least, accept that I am going to give in to a craving and then suffer the consequences of lethargy or a rumbling belly the next day.

I stepped on the scale this morning, and I lost another pound! **rubs hands together with enthusiasm**


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