Thursday, April 12, 2012

Ace of Pentacles reversed/Ten of Swords.  Aces present potential only, and the Ace of Coins (Aries, “I want,” action oriented, assertive, competitive, Taurus, “I have,” sensual, cautious, stubborn, and Gemini, “I think,” curious, talkative, dual, social) tells of the presence of potential that is connected in some way to the physical world.  Since my Ace is reversed, I may find that I am not real good at seeing mistakes in the physical world today before they happen.  I may be dealing with difficult food cravings, or maybe will spend more money than I want to. The Ten of Swords (the Sun, the inner core of a person or situation, in Gemini, “I think,” curious, sociable, dual, talkative) is a card of interference, powerlessness and restriction, completely manifested. The issues that may happen which are being hinted at by my reversed Ace of Pentacles may very well affect me more than they should.  I need to remember that even the most uncomfortable situation offers some positive opportunity.

My Thoth card is the Ace of Cups.  The Ace of Cups (Libra, “We are,” partnerships, balance, cooperation, Scorpio, “I desire,” intense, deep, mysterious, obsessive, Sagittarius, “I seek,” philosophic, fun-loving, adventurous, blundering) tells of the potentials available to me for experiencing deep emotions, a connection to my Inner Voice, compassion for myself or others, attunements and connections.  No matter what happens today, my connection to myself and to those around me will be clear, and thus I should be able to use my emotions and feelings to my own benefit.

My Legacy card is the King of Cups, flavored by **eep** the Three of Swords.  Hokay.  The King of Cups (cusp of Libra, “We are,” partnerships, balance, cooperation, and Scorpio, “I desire,” intense, controlling mysterious, obsessive) is the expert on emotions and the subconscious, mainly because of his life experiences.  He is very good at creating a safe place for everyone, and he can deal with any situation, no matter how extreme, without loosing control or his cool.  The Three of Swords (Saturn, discipline, responsibility, limitations and resistance, in Libra, “We are,” partnerships, balance, cooperation) usually indicates the possibility that logic and the intellect could end up causing harm, or challenging my logic and rationality.  Whatever issue it is that is going to gum up the works today, I need to remember that more often than not, it will be my own inability to prepare that ends up being the catalyst.  The good thing is that even if I am a bit uncomfortable, I will be able to remain serene and productive.

My 6-digit date number is 10, the number that tells of the end of a cycle, which reduces further to 1, the number of potential and position.

My horoscopes: “Communication takes a prominent place in your life today, Sagittarius. Your practical, direct, and down-to-Earth manner can be very impressive. You're known for succeeding where others have failed. This isn't lost on those above you on the hierarchical ladder. And they know that you aren't easily fooled. Expect steady personal and professional progress and a great boost to your self-confidence!”

And: “Do you believe in ghosts? Some strange phone calls, e-mails, or other communications may come your way today. An e-mail may come from someone who thinks you're someone else. Phone calls may involve hang-ups, wrong numbers, or phantom rings. If a knock comes at the door, it's more likely to be the house settling than a ghost, but nonetheless this can all be rather unsettling. Don't bother thinking about it. Stay grounded!”

My Shadowscapes Insight is regarding the Eight of Cups.  This is a lovely card, and it tells me that sometimes the best thing to do is to turn away from the noise and bustle and garish bright lights of the physical world, and to look instead to the dark quiet of the depths of the inner realms.  This card is about Water, and the traditional meaning tells us to walk away, but this version of the Eight of Cups tells me to allow the stresses to be washed away by the flowing waters.

A bit more about the Doshas.  Vata body type is slender; Vata personalities talk and walk quickly, have irregular eating and sleeping habits, and are creative, imaginative, and good at thinking out of the box.  They tend to suffer from colon disorders, nervous system disorders, arthritis, dryness (including skin dryness), and arthritis.  Pittas have bright, colorful eyes and rosy cheeks.  They are intelligent and sharp, but can be judgmental or critical; they are workaholics.  Pittas tend to suffer from ulcers or acid reflux, high blood pressure, migraines and sensitivity to light, and are sensitive to pain.  Kapha body type is heavier, steady, calm and strong; Kapha personalities are supportive, loving, kind and loyal; they like comfort and they like food.  Kaphas are slow to change, but they have a good memory; they tend to be overweight, suffer from high cholesterol, diabetes, hay fever, and congestions or colds. 

Vatas need regular sleeping and eating schedules, lots of water, warm comfort, and more sweet, sour, salty and pungent flavors.  Pittas need to be in bed before 10 pm, they need to avoid pungent spices, and they should refrain from heating their food.  Kaphas need to get up early and exercise, they need to avoid sweet and salty foods, as well as meat, wheat and dairy after sundown.

What Ayurveda teaches us is that we need to learn about and understand our own bodies and how they work.  Then, we can choose our food and drink with awareness, and knowledge of the results of our choices.

Next: The Gunas!


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