Saturday, April 2, 2011

Two of Pentacles reversed/Queen of Cups. The Two of Pentacles (Jupiter, expansiveness and growth, justice, fortune, in Capricorn, “I build,” ambition, caution, cunning) reminds me that everything always ebbs and flows, and I might be missing out on some opportunities to ride the waves. The tides of energies may appear to be going against me today, as this Two is reversed, but if I put my energy into adjusting how I access those tides, rather than trying to change them to suit my own purposes, I might be more productive. The Queen of Cups (cusp of Gemini, “I think,” curious, sociable, dual, and Cancer, “I feel,” sensitive, tenacious, nurturing, moody) is Water of Water, and thus is quite deeply connected to her feelings and her Inner Voice; she has learned to not only trust her intuition, but also to interpret its messages. She feels compassion for all, is able to hear and understand what others are saying and feeling, and is a natural healer who only needs to touch or interact with someone in order to have a positive effect. She is telling me to strive for harmony; that seems to be what the reversed Two of Pentacles is telling me, too.

My Thoth card is The Star reversed. The Star (Air, hot/separates and wet/adapts; Aquarius; Qof, back of head; the Path between Malkuth, the physical world of action and outer, physical reality, and Netzach, the stimulating factors of emotion and inspiration) represents love kindled by hope for humankind. It tells me that the act of giving itself is the greatest gift of all. The Star also reminds us of the gifts of the subconscious, hidden though they are, and it reminds us of the value of life, created through love. It tells us that no matter what, the cycles of life continue, so there is always hope. The Thoth Star is lovely; the woman in the image looks to me like she is performing a graceful dance with her two bowls of water. Crowley sees this card as offering both reincarnation and renewal; perfect gifts for me today! The card is reversed, but it is there. My task is to clear away the blockages that are preventing access.

My Legacy card is The King of Cups, flavored by the Nine of Swords reversed. The King of Cups (cusp of Libra, “We are,” partnerships, balance, cooperation, and Scorpio, “I desire,” intense, controlling mysterious, obsessive) is the expert on emotions and the subconscious, mainly because of his life experiences. He is good at tending others, but is sometimes not so good at being in touch with his own feelings; however, his Queen is also in my card throw today. Another hint that harmony can be mine. The Nine of Swords (Mars, action, spontaneity, aggression, in Gemini, “I think,” curious, talkative, social, dual) in an upright position represents brooding and worrying, the kind that takes place in the wee hours of the morning. Often this kind of worrying is about things that have already happened or things that cannot be changed. I am being reminded that this kind of worrying is a waste of energy, and I don’t have to carry my burdens alone; rather, I should release them and turn away from them, towards harmony.

My 6-digit date number is 8, the number that tells of a conscious effort to delay the degeneration of the number 7.

My horoscopes: “If you aren't romantically involved, an errand, walk, or other foray into your neighborhood might bring an exciting new person into your life. This encounter may or may not lead to something lasting, Sagittarius, but you will enjoy it anyway! If you're currently involved, a casual outing with your partner could result in intimate conversations that bring the two of you closer.”

And: “Someone who represents everything you want to be some day will enter your life today -- be bold and strike up a conversation with them. You need to take a few risks every once in a while, and this might be the perfect way to prove how willing you are to do the work you need to do in order to be the type of person they are. Actions speak louder than words, you know. Engage them in a short question and answer session and pick their brain for ways you could attain your goals.”

And: “It can be hard to let go of old habits and beliefs even as new, better ways of thinking are struggling to gain a foothold. But it is time for you to do so. You might find it difficult to open up and confide your feelings, but a frank conversation with close friends will do much to ease your mind. You are changing, there is no question about it. Your friends will show you that this transformation is a positive one indeed.”

My Sun reading: “Venus sextiles Pluto, and this represents creativity to the max. Today, you brainstorm. Tonight, you're romantically adventurous, bold, and passionate. The attraction is to charismatic types, but even though it feels so right, everything says to give this time. Wait and see if you're on the same page.”

It is Saturday morning, and I am alone in Cape May this weekend. Perfect timing, actually. Today is the last day of Dark Moon, and the third day since I set myself on a goal of getting my physical body back in shape, along with bringing back some balance to my energy body. The 25th Path has shown me one important thing: close contact to the pure, highly vibrating energy of the Sacred wreaks havoc with the personal energy field of more densely anchored beings.

Perhaps this clashing of energies is what brings on the Aha! Moments that are such a big part of growth. And perhaps we can’t truly experience those Aha! Moments unless we are first brought to a severe condition of imbalance by that interaction with the pure energies of the Sacred. This makes perfect sense to me. But sooner or later, we each need to hit bottom. We each need to realize that there is nothing more to be gained from allowing tiredness and a foggy brain to weigh us down. My lethargy is nowhere near the weight being born by others that I know and love, but I am still feeling disgusted with myself because I have allowed this mental “sludge” to weigh me down this long. In his writings about the 25th Path in “More Simplified Magick,” Ted Andrews says “The power of Divine or spiritual energies can upset and unbalance our personal energies, revealing sides of ourselves we may have ignored or shoved to the back of the closet. This unbalancing may also occur in those around us who become mirrors for us.” This is very apparent to me. So many of those I know and love are going through changes of their own. I am sending each of them a bit of support and love today, as I hit “save” on this post.

I began my “day of change” by bringing squirrel number 4 to the wildlife preserve. We are relocating the squirrels who have taken up residence in our attic; since the preserve is far enough away that they (hopefully) won’t get back, and since it is a safe place where the squirrels will (hopefully) find a better home, I am making the effort to bring each of them there. Once I released squirrel number 4 near a big tree, I went to Higbee Beach. I walked on the Bay for a bit, breathing in the cool Spring air, and then took one of the hiking paths back to the parking lot. And hooray! Everything is coated in a misty layer of green! The leaf buds are opening everywhere, on the vines covering the ground and the wild roses, on the roses, and even on some trees! And I could smell the earth. Finally, evidence of awakening is all around me.

I brought that awakening energy home with me, and used it during my usual morning chakra work.

Since working with the 25th Path, I have been doing a “pure” chakra meditation every few days, with no correspondences worked into the chakras and no Reiki application; just pure energy work. This morning, I went to the mountaintop altar, where I cast a circle and called my Elemental Guides, and Cernunnos and Danu. Then, I cleansed my chakras, and asked for Their help in getting myself back onto a healthy program. In return, I have offered to Them a daily prayer, to be said at about noon, either focusing on waxing energies or waning energies, depending upon the moon phase. Once I had brought to me the combined energies of my Elemental Guides and my Patroness and Patron, I remembered the image on my Thoth card of the day, The Star. Nuith (manifestation) is pouring the golden cup (the gift of Cernunnos) filled with the Water of Universal Life onto herself, and pouring the silver cup (the gift of Danu) onto the potential that is the earth. Within my morning ritual, I have done the same; I have purified and activated my own energy field with the intention of changing my world. Even though my card was reversed today, it was still there; I am hopefully accessing its energies.

That means that I will be offering prayers at dawn, noon and dusk. I really like these little moments; they seem to be really making my days more sacred. And LOL, this could be the very reason that I need to concentrate on balancing my own energy field.

I spent some time this morning going over my New Wind Moon Esbat, which I will be leading tomorrow, in the Sacred Mists Circle. Tonight, I will be doing my usual Dark Moon Ritual in honor of Hecate. And after that, I will be doing a meditation in honor of Kali Ma. Sounds like I will need to do some balancing tomorrow, too.

Each time I think I am done with the 25th Path, I am dragged back to considering it once again. How amazing is the power of Pathworking with the Tree of Life!!


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