The Hanging Man reversed/Eight of Wands. The Hanging Man corresponds with Water (cold/binds and wet/adapts, and emotional, sensitive and imaginative energy that tends to move deep, and attempts to take the same path as in the past), Neptune (inspiration, spirituality, magick, enchantment, dreams, altered states), and the Hebrew letter Mem (water, stability and balance, the reflective quality of thought). He is reversed, so I am being told that I should not fear action today. LOL, especially because he is paired with the Eight of Wands! The Eight of Wands (Mercury, reason, intelligence, education, skill, communication, in Sagittarius, “I seek,” philosophic, fun-loving, adventurous, blundering) in an upright position is about a sudden release of energy of some kind that clears away confusion. I should expect some incredible stuff today, connected in some way with both Water and Fire.
My Thoth card is the Ace of Swords reversed. The Ace of Swords (Capricorn, “I build,” ambition, caution authority, cunning, Aquarius and Pisces, “I believe,” feeling, duality, soul growth, artistic) can be seen as the birthplace of ideas and concepts, and also the beginning of the development of a sense of identity. The element of Air, which corresponds with the suit of Swords, does not have self-generated impulses. However, and this is a big “however,” Air can become formidable when influenced by the other elements. Today, the effects of this Ace may not be readily apparent to me.
My Legacy card is the Two of Cups, flavored by the Page of Cups. Well, it appears as if I am gong to be connected to Water (cold/binds and wet/adapts, and emotional, sensitive and imaginative energy that tends to move deep, and attempts to take the same path as in the past) today. The Two of Cups (Venus, beauty, allure, relationships, in Cancer, “I feel,” sensitive, family and home oriented, tenacious, moody) is usually about relationships which exist and are strengthened because of commonalities. These relationships could be with others, or with myself. The Page of Cups corresponds to Libra (“we are,” partnerships, balance, cooperation), Scorpio (“I desire,” intensity compulsion, mystery) and Sagittarius (“I seek,” philosophic, adventurous, blundering), and this card is reminding me that my connections to others and to my own inner self need a bit of tending in order to remain healthy and viable. I may want to try new methods today, because sometimes sticking with the tried-and-true ones can tend to put us in a trance.
My 6-digit date number is 4, the number of depth and stability. This supports the Legacy cards I threw today, but that Eight of Wands will stir up just enough to prevent stagnation, so I should allow myself to dive into those Cups cards.
My horoscopes: “A memory, dream, vision, or meditation could trigger a rush of spiritual energy, Scorpio. As a result, you might want to jot your experiences down so you won't forget them. Try not to dwell on it too much. This isn't the time to be reclusive! The process won't stop. The insights should continue to come. Keep up your studies and meditation and you will go on growing indefinitely.”
And: “Cooking up a romance in the workplace can work for some, but all signs point to 'no' for you -- especially today, when a friendly flirty is suddenly too busy to talk. Oh well -- move on and be grateful for the chance to get back to work. Things are all set in place for you to hit one out of the park. With your mind back on business, you can create amazing results. An old friendship is growing more important in your life -- you'd benefit from their perspective, so give them a call.”
And: “Have you felt somewhat lost for the past few days? Today, the fog may lift, enabling you to situate yourself at last. You are probably eager to settle a question that has been nagging at you and interfering with your judgment. However, especially if it has to do with emotional matters, you should be patient. Try to understand, but don't take action immediately. You'll be more objective beginning tomorrow. . . .”
My Sun reading: “The Moon squaring Pluto means an excess of changes. In this light, you're wise to reconfirm morning and early afternoon appointments. A very active Moon stirs up all sorts of emotions tonight, including jealousy (should that be a problem). Postpone making decisions. You may change your mind.”
I took a lovely walk on the beach this morning before the first rain drops. It is windy, very windy, probably 30 mph + sustained wind on the beach. As I walked South along the shoreline, the wind pushed me along, as if to hurry me. But I was not the only hardy soul going for a walk, which is cool; I saw a few others in the distance, surrounded by the low cloud of blowing sand that hung about two feet above the ground, like a creamy tan fog. I love the beach when the sky is blue and the sun is shining, but I also love these gray, windy days, when the sky is filled with roiling clouds, and the ocean turns to the color of slate and is filled with white caps and waves crashing against the jetties and shooting their foam skyward. LOL, the gulls love the wind; they were out in full force, diving and swooping, and calling to each other. Tara, my dear, you would have loved this walk!!
We may get some heavy weather here tonight. I hope I don't loose power; I've got our Reiki Share tomorrow night, and the Sacred Mists Full Moon Esbats to attend on Monday. I’ve already checked to make sure all the windows are locked closed; I guess I'll visualize the best, do a brief safety charm before the storm hits, and hope that I survive the storm intact. I did manage to make the SMPDA Open Reading Event this afternoon. As always, my fellow SMPDA Members and I have such an awesome and strong connection when we read. We had four Seekers today; what an awesome high!!
After the Open Reading Event, I did a bit of blog hopping, and then did my stretches, and instantly, Cernunnos was with me. As is His custom in the Spring, He gave me some new tasks. I am to make certain that I do my stretches every day, and I am to walk whenever I can. Before beginning, I am to dedicate the exercise or walk, and the energy raised during the exercise period or walk, to Him. Today, I am to perform a water cleanse; not a fast, but rather I am to eat with awareness, and drink as much water as I can to flush and cleanse my physical body. Now, why do I get the feeling that Cernunnos is preparing me for something? It is interesting that He has me focusing on the element of Water today; this is directly connected to the 23rd Path.
Cernunnos also wants me to go back down to the beach at around sunset, and He wants me to put my bare feet into the ocean. Eeep!!! Some Water connection that will be!! He wants me to also soak in my claw-foot tub tonight. Thankfully, I can use hot water there.
Since my post on Thursday that began my foray into the 23rd Path, I have been pondering this Path and its abstract nature. So far, every single Path I have explored thus far has hit me smack dab in the forehead, a good **facedesk** kind of bang, even when I expected the Pathworking to be a review. Not so the 23rd Path! This one has been like an itch in the back of my mind, poking at me gently but irritatingly, reminding me that I need to delve deeply in order to understand this one. Okay, then; let’s get out the shovel!
The Tarot Major that corresponds with this Path is The Hanging Man (which happens to be one of the cards that I threw today). The Hanging Man corresponds with Water (cold/binds and wet/adapts, and emotional, sensitive and imaginative energy that tends to move deep, and attempts to take the same path as in the past), Neptune (inspiration, spirituality, magick, enchantment, dreams, altered states), and the Hebrew letter Mem (water, stability and balance, the reflective quality of thought). Just look at all that Water!! No wonder Cernunnos has me drinking and immersing myself into Water today.
The Hanging Man is about the balance that occurs through surrender, and usually, through sacrifice. This Major card advocates the experiencing of altered states through the concept of experiencing opposites; however The Hanging Man is not asking me to do anything with these opposites. He is asking me to allow them to wash over me, and he is asking me to remember that discomfort has an important place in my life experiences, as well as pleasure and serenity.
Okay then, Water cannot hold a shape of its own. It takes the shape of whatever holds it. But that does not mean that Water is powerless! Oh no! I have only to think about the crashing waves of a storm to know that Water has amazing and overwhelming power. But Water does not only need destruction and chaos in order to make itself felt, for a slow drip can also have immense effect over time. I can picture the Grand Canyon and easily understand that slower and quieter version of Water’s power.
So, maybe the 23rd Path is telling me that despite being bound by other things, or maybe even because of the ties that restrict me, I am able to surrender entirely to experiences when necessary. Like a person who is into the pleasures to be had through practicing bondage with a trusted sexual partner, the bonds of The Hanging Man allow me to surrender completely, taking away completely the responsibility to act or react. I am emancipated from my restrictions, and I am thus freed from the fear of failure or loss!!
Wwwhhhoooaaahhh! Is that an Aha! Moment I feel??!!
My dearest N, I am so glad to be a witness on your ongoing journey, and I have never yet come here to say how incredible it is to see you do your work. You approach it with such bravery and curiosity, and that means so much to me as someone who not only loves you as a friend, but a respected elder, constantly learning and blazing new trails, and embodying the idea that growth and change are essential to ourselves as spiritual beings. You constantly inspire me, and I root for you in all your challenges.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the beautiful visuals of the sand and sea, and the priestess/mystic/warrior woman that you are, walking into the wet wind. Be safe down there in this storm, and enjoy the power and the mystery.
Wait until you see tomorrow's post!! That was only the warmup; I am in the midst of an incredible storm. Too bad it's dark, but the lightning shows up better that way.