Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Ace of Wands reversed/Ten of Pentacles reversed. The Ace of Wands (Leo, “I am,” passionate, dramatic, egotistical, Virgo, “I serve,” practical, analytical, sensible, orderly) tells of the first spark of a new and exciting creative process, and an encouraging and empowering awareness of my own valuable creative talents. Because it is reversed, I may find that my creativity could be a bit sluggish today. The Ten of Pentacles (Mercury, reason, intelligence, education, communication, in Virgo, “I serve,” practical, analytical, work and service oriented) is actually a very heavy card whose energies can weigh you down. Because it tells of the completion of a cycle of the suit, it also tells of the successful accumulation of Earthly riches and blessings. The challenge of the Ten of Pentacles is to **do** something with these riches before they become a ball and chain. The Ten is reversed, and paired with the reversed Ace, and while the heaviness is gone, so is any sense of movement.

My Thoth card is the Seven of Disks reversed. “Failure” reversed. The Seven of Disks (Saturn, discipline, responsibility, law and order, in Taurus, “I have,” sensual, cautious, stubborn) tells of what happens when you combine the element of Earth and its focus on stability with the planet Saturn, which is about responsibility and discipline. Crowley sees this card as representing extreme passivity, and since the card is the number 7, that passivity could very well have been caused by the vertical and horizontal balance of the number 6. Because the card is reversed, the pause caused by passivity is not yet happening. This movement is needed, after those two first cards.

My Legacy card is the Ace of Cups, flavored by The Lovers. Wow!! The Ace of Cups (Libra, “We are,” partnerships, balance, cooperation, Scorpio, “I desire,” intense, deep, mysterious, obsessive, Sagittarius, “I seek,” philosophic, fun-loving, adventurous, blundering) tells of the possibility of the beginning of a relationship of some kind, one that may be filled with the potential to bring enlightenment and understanding. The Lovers (Air, hot/separates and wet/adapts, quick and animated, intellectual, problems or challenges; Gemini, “I think,” curious, talkative, sociable, dual; Zayin, double-edged sword; and the Path between Tiphareth, the hub of the creation process where energies harmonize and focus to illuminate and clarify, and Binah, female receptive energy and the origin of form and structure) is a very powerful card for me personally, filled with symbolism, the least of which is the presence of Archangel Uriel and His effects on my day. And He has had a voice, a synchronistic voice, for me. The Lovers is not only about love (both my own love and relationships, and the sacred love shared between Goddess and God), but it is about personal choices, and both love and personal choices will come into play for me today. Since The Lovers is flavoring the Ace of Cups, the power of The Lovers is all about emotional potential.

My 6-digit date number is 7, the number that tells of the pause that happens as balance begins to degenerate.

My horoscopes: “Today you might crave solitude, Sagittarius, perhaps for meditation or to contemplate your current situation. You may feel you're at a crossroads and need to decide which way to go. This could involve the next step in your material progress or self-expression, or it might involve your spiritual path. Emotions from the past could well up, but this is a positive development. Don't fight it.”

And: “It takes a lot of energy to meet new people, so if you aren't exactly in a social-butterfly mood, the people in your life need to be understanding. If they're pushing you to go out or to host a gathering, let them know right away that you're looking for a break in the action. It might be time to put your dancing shoes in the closet, and then dig out a comfy blanket and a nice juicy novel. Meet new people in a fictional world.”

And: “This could well be a very busy day in your community. Some kind of rally, protest, or other public gathering might be taking place. If you attend, you may not hear much of what's being said because of all the noise, and the event could seem disorganized at best. It could also render traffic impossible! If you can, stay home today. Going out may be more trouble than it's worth. Protest with your vote or purse, instead.”

My Sun reading: “Play it safe and write things down when retention is skewed today. Tonight is a lovely night for a quiet evening among friends. You and your significant other take your relationship to an enhanced level when you give yourselves permission to express your emotions to one another.”

I went for a quick walk at Higbee Beach this morning, and as I walked by the Bay underneath the morning sun and the blue sky, I thought about what I learned last night.

I think I stumbled upon something valuable last night, as I worked with the 25th Path. Contact with the higher energies of Deity can end up causing an imbalance in our own energy field, and thus, in our physical body. I think that my funk of the past weeks is in part due to an imbalance created by my contact with my own Deities as well as due to the Aha! Moments that are happening because of my Pathworking.

The Pillar of Balance is there for a reason. And perhaps the 25th Path has been a reminder to me that while it is wonderful to explore the extremes, every so often I need to come back to my foundation and do some basic, beginner energy work.

I opened and cleaned my chakras again this morning, with no elemental correspondences and no Reiki application. Again, this was pure energy work and limited to very basic work with my personal energy field. I do feel more balanced today.

I also attended the Second Degree Study Hall last evening, as the topic of Nature Spirits interested me. I ended up presenting the Chat, as the student who was to teach the Chat had a last minute emergency. The information presented gave me some food for thought.

Nature Spirits can be sophisticated entities, especially if they are connected to places that have been used and/or worshipped for a long time; however, they can also be simple entities connected to regular places. In a sense, a Nature Spirit is a thought form, created not by the focus and intent of humans, but rather, created from the presence of traits and a culture created by other-than-human entities or effects.

All matter is formed out of energy; some of that energy is cold and slow moving, and then we have solids. The warmer and the faster the energy moves, the less solid are the results. But each manifestation, whether the hardest bedrock or the most powerful gust of wind, has a “personality.” Rocks are hard, cold, slow to change; wind expands, presses against everything around it, and abhors a vacuum. These personality traits, when pooled together in one place, create a sort of thought form that is at least somewhat animated, depending on how much interaction with other energies, effects and entities it interacts with. Just as our planet was created when enough matter gathered to create gravity, which pulled even more matter together, if the right combination of personality traits is pooled together, that combination forms a sort of natural gravity, which pulls even more of the specific energies together, until an “entity” is formed. This non-human-created thought form is a Nature Spirit! Makes perfect sense to me!


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