Thursday, May 13, 2010

Two of Pentacles/Four of Swords. Life on the edge of chaos, and a change (possibly in my financial condition) that might require me to be alert and on my toes. The key here is balance; too much change and life falls apart, too little and I stagnate. As long as I include self-improvement in my projects, I should be okay, at least for the time being. The Four of Swords is about a pause that is created by balance, the balance of equals as a deterrent for action or movement. The pause represented by this Four is only temporary, for soon enough stability will tip into action, and I will have the opportunity to tap into both magnetism and polarity.

My Thoth card for today is the Ace of Cups. Pure Spirit and the Holy Grail are what Crowley sees in this card. The potential for manifestation or effects of anything associated with the element of Water can be found within this day. It is up to me to tap into the potential of pure love that is presented through this card.

My Legacy card is the Two of Wands. This Two is about a balanced and equitable exchange of energy, and of the possibility of a choice to be made. A window of opportunity may present itself but in order to seize the opportunity, I will need to keep focused on the goal and act with courage.

My 6-digit date number is 10, completion, which reduces to 1, potential and an awareness of Position. A great place to be on a day of reawakening.

Since I have two 2 cards, I will talk just a bit about the number 2. This number tells of balance, and of an awareness of Distance Between that helps to facilitate balance.

My horoscope: “Don't let your fear or anger get the better of you today, Sagittarius. You're going to be pushed to the forefront and you may even be forced to make some big decisions regarding the direction of your professional life. Perhaps you've been feeling that it's a little premature to take action, but, frankly, you no longer have any choice. Whether you know it or not, you're ready!”

It is interesting to me that after spending six days in the Dominican Republic, completely focused on my physical senses and the experiences of my vacation, I inevitably come to a point of a change of awareness when my personal energy field begins to reawaken. My focus once again moved inward today, and I viewed the world from a different perspective since I first opened my eyes this morning. No longer was I focusing on my body’s reaction to my surroundings, or to the novelty of being in a different country with all of its unique sights, sounds, flavors and scents. No more outside distractions, and the bonus is that my temporary abeyance of working with my energy field has strengthened the connections I have.

Could this be that after working with my personal energy over a period of time, I begin to subconsciously impose expectations on what will result? Could it be that because I feel this-and-thus every morning when I open my root chakra, I end up shutting out any differing sensations because of my expectations and anticipation of feeling this-and-thus when that chakra is opened? If this is true, I need to do a bit of personal reprogramming.

Four weeks from tonight, I will be heading down to Philadelphia so that I can begin my Thai Massage workshop the following morning. I have one month to get my body into the best condition possible, and finally, I am feeling the aches and pains of travel fading from my muscles. I am ready to start preparing my muscles for the next challenge. As I do this, I will reprogram my expectations as far as sensations and energy flows, and I will try my best not to impose experiences of the past onto the workings of the present.

The time has come to focus on my future and visualize, in detail, the goals that I will manifest. Each breath that I take brings me one increment closer to being self-employed.


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