Knight of Cups/Ten of Wands reversed. This Knight is symbolized by the cusp of Aquarius (“I know”) and Pisces (“I believe”), and he is intensely connected to all emotions, all inner focuses. Because my other card, the Ten of Wands, is reversed, I may need to be very aware of intensities today, for they may not serve me well.
My Thoth card is the Five of Wands reversed. “Strife” reversed, and again I am being warned that I should not immediately discount the uncomfortable situations that can be imposed by movement. The discomforts are not inherently bad or evil, and it is only by shutting out either the effects of Strife or the lack of any challenge that happens with no Strife that I may experience damage. Go with the flow!
My Legacy card is The Hanging Man. Well, he has been appearing frequently! I decided to treat this card differently today, and got out my Guide to the Tarot of the Sephiroth and my Legacy Tarot book, to give this card some thought.
Some interesting concepts. The crossed legs represent the cross of Hermes. I remember reading that often The Emperor is shown sitting on a throne with his legs crossed in exactly the same way. That reminds us that The Hanging Man is in many ways the polar opposite of The Emperor. The Emperor achieves his goals by imposing order, while The Hanging Man has learned that surrender and sacrifice are the best tools.
In reading Marchetti's entries, something else stood out for me. Marchetti writes "When you are truly at rest, everything is suspended. Time stands still, gravity stops, and the doors of extraordinary perception are opened." Could it be that the actual transformation or bridge between these two cards that represent opposite concepts is the important message? Could it be that surrendering to the transformation process itself is what brings us to those altered states?
My 6-digit date number is 5, the number of movement that upsets stability in order to prevent stagnation and bring balance.
This is day three in the Dominican Republic. I really am enjoying the reconnection process, not only with specific people, but with the Dominican people in general, the culture, and the land. My flight was smooth and easy, and my first full day was spent talking and reconnecting with many people. Yesterday, we shopped for Brian’s new living room furniture, and I went to a wonderful eye doctor and ordered new glasses. We all went out to dinner last night, and ate at a lovely outdoor restaurant.
Today I get to do one of my favorite things: shop for larimar and amber. Then, tonight we leave for the country, and I will be spending the next 36 hours or so with my new inlaws. We will be also going to a new beach tomorrow, hopefully all together.
So far, I have pushed myself a bit to enjoy new circumstances. We visited the parents of a friend of Brian’s, out in the country, and that was a bit uncomfortable for me at first because I don’t speak Spanish. But it turned out to be an enjoyable evening. Last night, a few of the people joining us for dinner were new to me, and again I was a bit nervous but all was well, and I had a lovely evening. Now, I am nervous once again because I am meeting new people, several of whom do not speak English; I am hoping to have another positive experience, but yet I am nervous. I am seeing this as a wonderful opportunity to plumb the depths of my fortitude. This effort will bring me new strength, I am certain!
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