Monday, May 3, 2010

Four of Cups reversed/The Hanged Man. Interesting card combination. In an upright position, this Four of Cups tells of a time of pause that allows an inner focus. The Hanged Man is about surrender. Let’s break this down a bit. The number 4 is about depth and stability, and the suit of Cups corresponds to the element of Water (cold/binds and wet/adapts), which contracts, attempts to stay the same, and is subject to mixing or blending; Water corresponds with feelings, emotions and the subconscious and the visions and dreams connected to it. Upright, this card tells of not appreciating what is around us or of missing the blessings we have because we are looking at the ones we don’t have but want. Because the card is reversed, I am being told that while my awareness of my blessings may be creating a pause, I am well aware of the value of what I have. The Hanged Man also corresponds to the element of Water, as well as Neptune (inspiration, spirituality, enchantment and altered states), and Mem (water; stability and balance). The Hanged Man tells of suspension or pause or surrender; however the pause is achieved through sacrifice. Looks like any sacrifices that I will be called to make today will be given with awareness of their value.

My Thoth card is the Nine of Wands reversed. “Strength,” the moon and Yesod. In an upright position this card tells of visions and of the ability to see the patterns within the visions. Change is stability, and stability needs change in order to be effective. Because the card is reversed, I may have some issue with this concept, or the interaction between change and stability.

My Legacy card is the Seven of Coins reversed. In an upright position this card tells that the work has been done and all that is required now is patience. The card is reversed, though, and I need to be certain that I have done my homework, for being patient won’t work unless the correct preparations are made.

My 6-digit date number is 9, the number of completeness. Not completion, endings, but completeness, having it all (or believing that I have it all).

I am pausing to catch my breath today, but not for long. I had an amazing weekend! Cernunnos has allowed me to dedicate myself to Him, and LOL, He has already given me more energy work to practice and more goals to strive for. My step son, Sean, and his friends were down for the weekend; Sean and his friends love to cook, so we ate well. I did tons of gardening work, trimming the cedars, giving the privets a hard trim, working with the wysteria, moving plants, cutting the grass. I was so tired last night by the time I got home that I went to bed, before 10 pm.

But today was not entirely a day of pauses. I signed up for my Thai Massage Class!! Yay! And I am beginning to pack for my trip to the Dominican Republic. Yay!!. It’s gonna be a crazy 2 days, but Wednesday at 12:30, I am out of work and on my way to Kennedy Airport.

I am really looking forward to this trip.


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