Two of Cups/Page of Swords reversed. Today I may be focusing on harmonious unions, and I need to remember that those unions are not necessarily external. I may need to stop analyzing and stop worrying about what could be, and instead try learning for learning’s sake.
My Thoth card is the Seven of Cups. “Debauch” is my card today, and it tells of the delusions of delirium and the mire of false pleasures.
My Legacy card is the Knight of Cups reversed. This Knight plunges to the depths of the ocean as far as emotions are concerned, but in his enthusiasm he sometimes forgets to bring an extra air tank. Three Cups cards today; too much emotion, too many feelings! I need to dry up some of this water! Thankfully, the Fire of this Knight, while mostly diluted, might help a little.
My horoscope: “You will have a day of profound reflection. While you may be tempted to look back and think about how far you have come in the last months, your time would be better spent thinking about what the future has in store for you. You have entered a period of rethinking both your identity and your objectives. These are not small changes. You will need every ounce of energy at your disposal to make it through this time of transition.”
The leaves are changing on the dogwood tree across the street, I actually put on socks and shoes today instead of sandals, and I wore a light jacket. Fall is in the air, and I am very much ready to begin the inner focus of Winter. I really feel as if my focus has always bordered on the inner, even during the height of the Summer months.
It has been a strange couple of days. I have not ever experienced such a difficult Mercury Retro that I can remember. But it’s over!! *heavy sigh* I can relax now, I hope.
I spent the evening doing Tarot readings within the Sacred Mists Psychic and Divinatory Alliance, using my Legacy of the Divine Tarot. I just love the way my readings flow when I use this deck. I think this is at least in part because the images on the cards have been created through the medium of digital fantasy. All of my focuses of late on the “online self” created when we interact through the internet, and indeed my thoughts regarding the internet being a part or layer of the astral plane seem to be connected to these digital fantasy images and the ease with which I interpret them.
The internet is incredible. We can’t see it or hear it or touch it, and we don’t even need to have wires that act as tethers and umbilicals; now our connection to the internet is as wireless as our connection to the astral planes. Whole communities, complete with infrastructure and inhabitants, live and exist within the internet, supported and fed by the human minds who created them; these communities are affected by belief and by visualizations and by individual interpretations. They are fluid and changeable and they are powerful, and their effects are able to penetrate the veil between the realms and manifest within our physical world.
How incredibly fascinating. And these cards, whose images are created through a digital process and show images that are fantasy (I would say “images that are not real,” but then again, reality is in the eye of the beholder) are actually residents or tools of the astral realm we call the internet that are able to bridge the gap between the astral and the physical. Just like any one of my altar tools or the music that I play as a background to my workings or rituals or the carefully chosen words that describe them, these cards have become a vehicle that easily carries me to a place that is not a place and a time that is not a time.
**Grin** Have I said how much I like this deck?
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