Thursday, September 17, 2009

Ace of Swords/The Empress reversed. The intellect is a powerful weapon, and I may find that I am drawn to connect with my intellect today, but I must remember that the Sword that is the intellect has two edges and thus, it cuts both ways. I cannot loose sight of the effects upon the world around me of that Sword.

My Thoth card is LOL one of my “old favorites,” the Princess of Cups reversed. I have been seeing a lot of Court Cards from Uncle Al of late. I should not allow myself to be drawn into the settlement of controversies today, because my vision regarding those controversies may not be clear.

My Legacy card is the Knight of Coins reversed. Upright, this card tells of endurance and perseverance that brings stability and good fortune in the physical world. I am being told that perhaps I am too stuck in a rut; in order to be more effective I may have to take a fresh look at things from a new perspective.

I am still feeling as if some transformation is just beyond the horizon, just out of sight. Somehow I sense that I should already be seeing or perceiving hints as to the nature of this transformation, but I am not able to perceive them quite yet. I also get the feeling that this transformation is going to span the realms so to speak, and while it may begin with a focus on the physical world, the first beginnings of transformation are going to change every part of me.

I still feel very busy in every facet of my life. Not overwhelmed, at least not yet, but I feel something similar to beginning a new exercise program. When beginning a new regime it sometimes feels as if we can hardly keep up, and we need to push ourselves and focus on maintaining the pressure needed to keep our muscles working, but then suddenly, usually without warning (although the building up of muscles does take time), a transformation happens and we feel stronger and more in touch with our muscles. I think this striving to teach myself to perceive the transformations is a similar process. I need to push my awareness to look for new patterns rather than relying on the current and past entries into my mental “pattern catalogue.” Recognizing and understanding new patterns is one of the more difficult tasks that we can assign to our brains. I keep telling myself that this new “exercise regime” that is my busy life is going to offer benefits to me in the future; some day I am going to realize that all my efforts to keep up with the many responsibilities now ended up serving me in unexpected ways.

I believe (at least, I hope) that this transformation will serve in part to connect my energy work and “occult” focuses to my means of employment. The final key to achieving this is within me, but it is in code. I need to break that code!!

My horoscope seems to confirm this: “You are in the process of learning how to dream again, Nancy. These last few months have been rather hard, because your life's possibilities felt so limited. You have done a lot of work recently trying to align your rich fantasy life with the hard edges of reality. The result of all this effort is that your desire to realize your dreams has simply increased! By all means, go after them, but do so gently.”

I just love the concept of connecting my mental awareness and my energy work to the internet. The internet may very well be one of the most powerful tools available to us for spurring our mental selves to evolve. We can easily experience the consequences or results of interactions within the web, which helps to validate in our minds this “place” that is the internet. We are making use of an astral plane as we learn and evolve and connect to others. How cool is that?? This tool that is the web is an integral part of my attempts to explore my own psyche, and I believe that learning about the connection between the internet and my own mind is one of the next steps that I must take in order to initiate the transformation that is surely approaching.

And coincidentally (or *not* coincidentally), one member of the Pagan Brain Trust, Little Oracle, is actively exploring the web and is striving to learn the language that is called “programming,” the same way that a doctor strives to learn the language that describes the physiological workings of our bodies. We are both focusing on the same concept, yet we are viewing it from slightly different perspectives. I can hardly wait to see what new understandings will come to us!



  1. oly-mole....

    You are always waiting for freakin' transformation....just transform already....for gosh sakes!

    Key words....



    But seriously
    ~ I sent you a mail a few days ago looking for an address I could send your dumb supper candle to...if you could send that along...that would be awesome (unless you don't want a candle ~ if that's the situation..pls. just let me know) Either way ~ I can still check you off my list....

    *poof* transformation will be yours!


  2. *snort* *giggle* I love my friend Vulture. She keeps me in line!! Sorry about the delay; this has been a non-stop week, but I will respond . . . promise!
