King of Wands reversed/Two of Cups reversed. Okay, today is not about implementing ideas, and it is not about happy connections. I understand exactly what is being talked about here.
My Thoth card is the Four of Cups. Cups, Cups, and more Cups. Luxury, which is a good thing, yet Crowley sees this card as containing a danger, the potential for stagnation.
My Legacy card is the Eight of Wands reversed. Marchetti describes this card in an upright position as representing the movement that happens after a blockage is ended. Because it is reversed it is telling me that there may not be movement today.
It has been an interesting day. I have given much thought today to the concept of cyber stalking, and I have thought about how alluring anger can be that is justified through judging others and finding them lacking, and judging the self, and feeling that the self is right to put down others at any cost and for as long as there is breath and life. I have learned an interesting lesson from a person out of my past who will not release a perceived hurt. Rather than releasing the hurt in order to grow and to move past the mistakes of the past, this person clings to that hurt and pushes the hurt out into the world, like the banners of an army of crusaders, meant to rally the men. In thrusting this banner of justification out into the world, this person is blindly declaring anyone associated with his foes at Sacred Mists to be brainwashed and deluded. There are only two choices, two sides in this “war,” his side and the brainwashed side. If we do not agree with him, we must be mindless “hens” that have fallen under the spell of our evil leader.
There are two sad things about this horror that is being perpetuated by this sadly delusional and paranoid little man. First, this misunderstanding happened over a year and a half ago. Those within Administration at Sacred Mists wisely washed their hands of this person, yet his paranoia sees brainwashed soldiers everywhere, posting under assumed names as they put forth their mindless propaganda. Second, in striking out blindly at anyone who has found that Sacred Mists offers opportunities for learning and growth, he is harming people who know absolutely nothing about his “issues” with the leaders of Sacred Mists. They have, in fact, never heard of this person, know nothing about his ongoing vendetta against Sacred Mists, and do not know what happened over a year and a half ago.
Ugly accusations were presented again and again on another forum, until that forum’s Administration personnel finally stopped the paranoid accusations and unceasing accusations without proof. This person moved onward to a blog that protests the concept of paying a fee to learn Wicca. At first the discussions were relatively sane, but soon enough the accusations became more and more absurd, more and more paranoid, until finally the owner of the blog told this sad little man to behave or leave. And so, he has moved on to another venue, and is seeking out Sacred Mists students to once again sabotage with his insane accusations regarding an event that was over and done with quite some time ago.
To add insult to injury, this paranoid little man is accusing me of being a drunk. Can you believe it?
I am grateful for the lesson here. No one person has the right to condemn others who find a place or a group of people that he finds deplorable as actually a very positive environment. He has a right to his own opinion, but the ugliness and the unfounded accusations all perpetuated as justification and imposed onto anyone who disagrees with him could very well be the source of some unpleasant karma. If the Law of Attraction tells us that what we visualize and focus upon is what we attract to us, what discomfort and ugliness is being drawn toward this person even now?
How sad that he cannot choose light instead of dark. I choose light. I will say it again.
I choose light. And a glass of wine.
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