Queen of Wands reversed (another repeat)/Three of Cups. Because the Queen of Wands is Water of Fire, she ends up being very Airy in nature as the Water and Fire tend to cancel each other out. She is strong willed to the point of being obsessive, and the Wands part of her personality enables her to focus often to the point of burning out. Thankfully she is reversed today, which is telling me to give it a rest. Lots of Wands and Swords and a sprinkling of Cups in my card throws of late, and maybe I need a little grounding and a little recharging. Today might be a good day to just sit back and enjoy the company of others, to receive instead of give.
My Thoth card for today is the Prince of Swords reversed. Crowley sees the energies of this card as representing many wonderful yet unrelated ideas, all powerful and valuable, tumbling over each other in confusion because there is no effort to control and direct them. Thankfully this card is reversed, which is telling me that not only will my mental faculties be more of a simmer today than a roiling boil, but that I will have more active control over the entire process.
What a lovely day and evening we had yesterday. It rained buckets all day, but about two hours before our company arrived, the sun came out. We were able to walk to 410 Bank Street, where we had a delicious meal. We came back home for coffee and dessert, and our last guests did not leave until almost 2 am, a strong indication that they all had as good a time as we did.
I am feeling decidedly unenergetic this Litha morn, and I am sitting once again on my front porch, drinking coffee, wrapped in a blanket as it is a little chilly. Hubby is reading the paper, and the radio is in the window; A Prairie Home Companion is a perfect Sunday morning background! I am feeling quite content to stay here for a while yet, and believe me, this is a rarity for me. I had several First Degree Homeworks to check, including two Final Exams, and I have some emails from Mystery regarding The Magus to look over.
And I guess I should find time to “tame” the wisteria today. LOL, there are several new whips, nicely laced together, that are stretched out and looking over my shoulder as I type; they need to be wound into the lattice in place to hold them. All this rain has ended up creating quite a lush garden. The hydrangeas are heavy with blooms, the grass seems to need to be cut every day, my roses are lovely, and of course, my wisteria is robust, to say the least!
Litha Blessings!
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