Wednesday, June 17, 2009

6/17/09: The Empress reversed/Six of Wands. Hmmmm . . . a pattern. From The Emperor reversed and Four of Cups yesterday to The Empress reversed and Six of Wands today. Because both The Emperor and The Empress are present, both reversed, I am being told that balance is returning. That Wands card is an encouragement too, because it is telling me that I am overcoming strife and competition within my physical world; my efforts are beginning to pay off. There is the potential for some relationship to bear fruit as well. However, the job is not done yet, so I can’t relax for long!

My Thoth card for today is the Ten of Disks reversed. Oy. Crowley calls this card “Wealth,” and in an upright position this has to do with possessing or having experienced everything within the physical realms, and it is reversed. This card pretty much sums up my money worries as it focuses quite a bit on what supports and protects us: our house. Because it is reversed, it is truly representing my fears and focuses of late. Anything that interferes with the regular flow of money into a household is a source of worry, and while we certainly are luckier than many during these times, that monthly mortgage payment is a major issue. Crowley also sees this card as representing a time when so much wealth is accumulated that it weighs itself down and becomes inert. That is the silver lining to the cloud: we are not stagnant at all, and since we are already geared up we can hit the ground running when work comes in.

Because of the focus on the material world of that last card and our current money worries, I threw a quick three card spread (how I perceive the situation/the actual situation/possible outcome), and pulled the Eight of Wands, the Nine of Pentacles and the Page of Cups reversed. I certainly am hoping for a sudden release of energy in the form of new jobs for my husband, so that first card is accurate; however I am being told that this energy will not be manipulated by or brought to us through specific people, but rather through the cycles around me. We need to remember that “cycles” equal “circles,” and while at times things are moving downward, eventually they will bottom out and begin to go up again. In the mean time, we need to tighten our belts, act with discipline, and focus on striving for the finer things; what we visualize will then come to be. We may find that this “nose to the grindstone” necessitates the dampening of our imagination and a re-focus from hopes and dreams to the physical world, but we should not fear doing this, for we can once again allow imagination and dreams to reappear, once things are stable and solid again.

There is light at the end of the tunnel, and if we work together, we will survive this. I will do my part as a witch; during the dark of the moon I will do a “banishing money worries” spell, and as the moon returns, I will do a “bring more opportunities to work” spell. This time, I will be trying something new. I will make a sigil for my banishing spell (which I will burn during the ritual), and a sigil for my “bring work to us” spell, which I will put in my husband’s office, under the fax machine. This will be the third time that I am performing these workings; each time in the past they have gotten us through a challenging time, and I am confident and hopeful that the same will happen this time. As always, we are not asking for a huge windfall, rather only enough to get our bills paid. We are not afraid to work, so the energy exchange is included specifically in this working.

I am optimistic.



  1. have my troubles *suck* <--profound, enlightened...I know.

    But really they do...

    I'll light a candle for some emotional comfort and prosperity....But if you want a 'live, in person...good-old-fashioned bitch session'

    ~ you know my number =)


  2. P.S.

    I thought of you the other day ~ I was driving on my road here..and on the roof of my neighbors house, in the morning sun...were (get ready!)

    FIVE vultures! Seriously...five vultures...getting their morning sun...or looking for dead cats...dunno....

    but their were five of them!

    ..I scrambled for my camera for ya....but didnt' have it =(

    ~ and I don't have a cell phone (hate them) so I suppose you will just have to visualize the glory that is five vultures on top of someone's many people could appreciate such a site!


  3. Thanks, my friend. Yep, we are worried, but there are many who are worse off than we are. I am visualizing a gradual easing of the money stresses and crossing my fingers. But I will call you as soon as I have 10 minutes to myself; we are overdue to talk.

    Vultures!! Yay!! Tell me, did they watch you as you drove by??


  4. lol....

    I dunno about watching me (I seriously need glasses)

    ~ but I think they were purposly in a formation so that people would scramble for their cameras..and thus crash their car!

    Damn vultures....always smarter than I


  5. ROFLMAO! That's why we love them so much, you and I!
