Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Emperor reversed/Four of Cups. Today may be a day without structure or order, and this may not be a good thing in the long run. Taking time for myself can be beneficial but only as long as the pause does not become a career. Sooner or later I need to snap out of it!

My Thoth card for today is the Princess of Swords reversed. In an upright position, this Princess/Page is known for firmness, aggression and revenge. She can handle practical affairs with cleverness, especially when controversial, and she is good at negotiating settlements. Because this card is reversed, I am sensing that these concepts have become diluted, perhaps diluted to the point where their non-presence is an issue.

My horoscope for today: “Don't expect much luck with computers today, Nancy, particularly when it comes to writing or otherwise communicating with others. Malfunctions with regard to technological marvels could plague you throughout the day. In fact, if you want to get a message to a friend, the best way might just be to visit them! Creative efforts could be hindered in the same way. Today is a great day to retreat to the old days of pen and paper! Hang in there!”

Well that is certainly accurate! I have spent almost the entire day on the phone with our IT person, trying to fix my printer. So far we have only partially fixed it.

Did another meditation on Monday, while driving back up from Cape May, just soaking up the masculine energies and the sunshine and the greens and browns and blues of the salt marshes. At the usual place on the Parkway, I once again heard a voice, asking “Can you hear me? Can you feel me? I am different from my Lady. She is the soft and everlasting sound of life, steady and strong, while I am the ever changing sound of living, ebbing and flowing through the eternal cycle of life.” Just typing about this meditation is bringing back the feeling of awareness and alertness from this meditation, as if every one of my senses had become super-sensitized and I was experiencing the world at a new level.

And I need this extra jolt, for I have been feeling tired the past two or three days. I am getting myself through the day and accomplishing my tasks, but by the end of the day I am worn out, more so than usual. I hope I’m not getting sick. My Tarot cards today seem to make perfect sense to me, and maybe they are offering me a hint as to where I need to focus in order to get back to normal. The Emperor is about the imposition of strict guidelines and structure through a command of the spoken and written word. I need to remind myself that there are rules, and that the rules exist for a reason. And the Four of Cups tells me that I just might be indulging my laziness a little too much.


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