Thursday, April 16, 2009

Judgement reversed/Five of Swords reversed. LOL, my daily Swords card. Interestingly enough, Judgement follows The Sun in the Major Arcana, and because it is reversed, I am being told that it is not yet time to begin the next cycle. I should still be looking at the trophies I gained through the past conflicts and I should not allow myself to loose the sense of victory that I experienced when I achieved them. I am not yet ready to wipe the slate clean, and apparently there are still things to learn and opportunities to grow that can be found within my recent experiences.

My Thoth card for today is the Ace of Wands!! This card is seen as the very beginning of the creative spark, Divine matter that has not yet become Will. The flames on this card are arranged in the pattern of the Sephiroth of the Tree of Life; I think I am being told that before the creative spark can ignite the flames of creation, I must think about my world view and how it affects me, and how it affects my hopes and dreams.

I am filled with new energy today; my lazy day is over! I used the money I made from selling the larimar bracelet to buy some faceted stones on auction, and they should be arriving soon. The time is now, and this weekend I will finally have time to play. I am reading up on wiring instructions, getting myself familiar with the processes involved, and hopefully by this time next week I will have decided what gages of wire will work.

I am feeling the need to revisit the Major Arcana cards. I have been working with the Minors for the past several weeks within the Tarot Class I co-teach, and after updating my keyword list to reflect the new shades of meanings that I have discovered, I will begin thinking about archetypes. I am seriously considering putting my name out there on a website or two to perform readings professionally, and I am seriously considering putting my name out there this Summer in Cape May to do “reading parties” in town.

*rubs hands together brusquely* Allrightie then, I have my work cut out for me.


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