It is a Court Cards kind of day, I guess.
The Knight of Swords generally appears to be the most active of the Knights, and the True Black Knight of Swords is no exception. The image on this card shows a Knight holding two swords (no shield for this Knight for his force and power is uncompromising) crossed over his head and glowing where they meet, and leaping agilely into the air. His armor is silver, appearing very aerodynamic, and allowing all kinds of movement while offering protection. The keywords for this card are direct, logical, cutting, and agile.
The image on the Page of Cups shows a youth holding a clear cup of golden liquid with one hand while supporting the white rabbit sitting on her shoulder with the other. She has a gold ribbon around her waist and flowing around her legs. Two golden fish circle her head and at her feet is an oyster, opened so we can see the glistening pearl resting within. The keywords for this card are childlike, caring, soft, and hopeful.
The Knights are interesting cards. They manifest their suit with strength and focus, even to the point of being excessive. Knights can be seen as mercenaries who loyally focus only on the tasks given them by their lord and benefactor, without considering their own desires. Or, they can be seen as rich and privileged sons who are given power and authority but whose life experiences have not yet taught them empathy and compassion. Our Knight of Swords is quite goal-oriented; his job is to make things happen and he does this in a fierce, straightforward, and uncompromising manner. He is not all force, though; he also wields intelligence. After all, the suit of Swords is about the mind and its workings. Sometimes he brings ideas instead of battle, as evidenced by the written pages that flutter behind him.
Our Page seems to be the exact opposite. She is gentle and innocent, and brings opportunities to open up and grow and immerse herself in new experiences regarding emotions, creativity, and spirituality. She reminds me that openness and cooperation are wonderful things, and that there is nothing wrong with enjoying ourselves. Her innocent optimism is probably something the Knight of Swords would have trouble understanding, for he is about action and she is about feelings.
I need to be aware that these opposing and possibly conflicting energies are out and about today. I guess I should not judge anyone too quickly, including myself.
Addition: So after sleeping on this, I think I get it. My Hubs is the Knight of Swords for sure. He is mentally focused, straightforward, and sometimes hurtfully blunt without any premeditated plan to cause hurt with his words. He is down to earth and has an amazing ability to focus and get the job done. I on the other hand am whimsical and dreamy and while I most certainly have a stubborn side, I tend to be disconnected to the logical and analytical world that requires planning. These two cards are our significators, and they need to learn to work together, just as The Hubs and I need to work together. By understanding them both, I can hopefully be better prepared for the bumps on the road that occur during married life. Once again, the True Black Tarot comes through.
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