Two posts in one day! Can't keep away from these True Black cards. Here are my cards for today.
The image on the V of Wands shows five Wands clashing with each other; two are branches, two have spearheads (and one of each is broken), and the central Wand is standing tall and true, with three weaving branches supporting a clear sphere. The keywords for this card are conflict, competition, rivaling, and annoyances.
We've seen the VIII of Cups before. The image on this card is somewhat striking because there is so much light within the image, a rarity in this deck. The image shows a dark crevice in which a female octopus has laid her thousands of eggs. The beautiful strands of eggs hanging from the ceiling of the crevice are golden and appear lit from above. Below the eggs are bubbles of air, eight clear glasses, and one tiny baby octopus, the first hatchling to emerge. The keywords for this card are discovery, journey, loneliness, and moving on.
Someone once wrote, when describing the traditional image of the V of Wands, that it looked like five know-it-alls trying to put together a tent. That is exactly the correct metaphor for this card. The V of Wands tells of competition for a prize. Somewhere in this competition is someone who vies for the prize using processes that are unexpected, and that are disrupting the status quo. Uncomfortable, yes, and they could bring chaos. However, this novel approach to competition could encourage everyone to try harder and with more enthusiasm.
The VIII of Cups is a wee bit more optimistic than the traditional image for this card. Yes, the newly-hatched octopus is alone, but he has his whole life ahead of him. He also has many siblings who will soon be following him, so his loneliness is not uncomfortable at all. These cards are telling me that now is the time to leave behind what no longer serves me, leave it behind in the name of new discoveries. Yes, the path forward will not be easy and my survival may depend on my ability to compete for resources, but these challenges could very well be only minor annoyances and irritations caused by disorganization. I also need to remember that perhaps the uncomfortable chaos of the V of Wands will offer me a chance to exercise my ability to focus. After all, one message of the VIII of Cups is that I need to choose to move forward, to react to the situation with which I am presented and at the same time believe that I will be okay. In order to do that, I need to be able to look past the chaos and randomness of the V of Wands.
Interestingly enough, both of these cards have an astrological connection to Saturn, the V of Wands connected to Saturn in Leo and the VIII of Cups connected to Saturn in Pisces. Thus, each of these cards brings the restrictive energies of Saturn to their cards. Leo is about organization, leadership and ego, and when we have five of these personalities all working within the restrictions of Saturn, we get the V of Wands. Pisces is connected to emotions, dreams and escapism, the pairing of reality and illusion, and discomfort that brings soul growth. Yes, our baby octopus was nourished and protected in its egg, but that egg no longer serves to nourish and protect and instead is providing a restriction. The hatchling shows the focus needed to break free and continue its life journey, leaving the hatching grounds behind.
I must do the same, and in order to break free and move forward, I can't allow myself to be distracted by ego, or the need to lead or always be right.
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