The Inner Focus card I threw today is the 1/Ace of Swords. The image on this card shows a naked woman laying on a slightly rumpled and very large bed. We are looking at her from the direction of her feet; she has one knee drawn up a bit. Between her knees, with its point plunged into the bed, is a large double-edged sword. The hilt consists of a man and a woman facing each other, bound at the waist and also hugging and kissing. The woman looks very startled, as if that huge sword suddenly plunged into the bed between her knees without warning. The key phrase for this card is: immediate decisions regarding profound emotions which carry some kind of risk. Ya think??!!
My Outer Focus card is the 3 of Pentacles. The image on this card shows a naked woman on her back on a wooden table, laying on her clothes with her knees spread; we are looking at her from the direction of her feet. There is a fully dressed man next to the table, leaning over and enthusiastically suckling one of her nipples. We cannot see her face (his body is blocking us), but her arms are up and out as if her experience was intense, surprising, or both. A bowl of green vegetables tipping and bouncing and spilling its contents at the foot of the table indicates the enthusiasm of her response to the situation. The key phrases for this card are: sexual and sensual ability, and commercialization of those talents.
The suit of Swords in the Decameron Tarot represent the correspondences of Air, the mind, and the qualities of thought. The Aces usually represent the potential for experiencing the qualities of the suit, and this image is certainly attention-grabbing. Whatever this card is referring to, it will appear suddenly, and because my perception, absorption and understanding will take place in my mind and within my intellect, this will be a solitary event. While this does not have to be a bad or uncomfortable thing, the suit of Swords often represents some kind of struggle as we bring an idea into reality. Like many ideas, it appears this one might come suddenly in the wee hours of the night.
The events taking place on the Decameron 3 of Pentacles card are happening in broad daylight. While the woman does appear surprised, I'm assuming based on the key phrases for the card that she is not being forced, unless there is a safe word in place. Pentacles represent the body, and this card tells us that skills regarding the dealing with the body should be honed and maintained, and they should be considered to be of value. Even if we are not actually selling our services, we should strive to become adept and maintain our edge. If we can make someone else feel really really good as we provide our skills, so much the better.
I wonder if those immediate decisions regarding profound emotions which carry some kind of risk are connected to some skill of mine that needs to be put out there, marketed and commercialized. Such a decision would certainly feel frightening to me, and dangerous, too.
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