Happy New Moon! Interesting cards to throw today, as the lunar energies begin to wax.
My Inner Focus card is the King of Wands. We've seen this King before. The image on the Decameron King of Wands shows a gray-haired and bearded man dressed in kingly clothes, wearing a crown, holding with his right hand a staff topped by an erect penis (that is also wearing a crown), and taking a naked woman from the rear. He is reaching around her with his left hand to grasp her left breast; his eyes are closed and he appears to be roaring with pleasure. The woman that kneels before him is wearing only a gauzy veil or wimple; her eyes are open and rolled back and her mouth is open, as if she too is experiencing intense pleasure. Her left arm reaches behind her, pinning his left hand against her breast in the process; it appears that she is assisting him to penetrate her. The key phrases for this card are: absolute power without questioning, and the weakest partner must surrender.
My Outer Focus card today is the 10 of Pentacles. The image on this card shows a naked man and a naked woman sitting at a wooden table. The woman is holding a mixing bowl in the crook of one arm while stirring whatever is in the bowl with a wooden spoon. In front of her are the shells of a couple of eggs and some kind of cloth. There is another wooden spoon, apparently unused, on the table closer to the man, who is sitting with his chin resting in his hand and a dreamy look on his face as he watches the woman work. The key phrases associated with this card are: when working on courtship projects, remember that material goods are not enough, and fortunes could be changing.
The King of Wands (the suit representing Fire, passions, and extreme experiences) tells us that we are better off submitting to a leader who has much experience and is able to manifest things for the good of all participants. The woman in this card's image is submitting to her King and her King is taking care of her, providing her with extreme pleasure. This card, even though it is a Minor Arcana card, is offering a big message. My Outer Focus card seems to be reminding me of an important consideration to be pondered as I decide whether or not to submit to authority. I am being told that happiness is more than the extreme pleasure to be had from an experienced leader, or more than the pleasure to be had from using my experience to bring pleasure to another. The 10 of Pentacles shows a different kind of pleasure, the pleasure to be had from being in a secure situation that offers the things I need to be comfortable, safe and healthy. The woman is good at what she does, if we take the look on the man's face as an indication. However, the image on this card hints at the possibility that only one person is actually doing the work needed to maintain this comfortable situation. The other person may be appreciative (to the point of being mesmerized and rendered ineffective), but he is not helping, merely admiring. The things presented in the 10 of Pentacles might be enough for some, but for me, the only power I will be submitting to is one that has skills and talents I do not possess. And no matter how much pleasure is offered for that submission, I will not blindly follow.
Okay, did not see my interpretation moving in that direction today.
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