I hope your holiday celebrations are enjoyable. For me, today is a "back to reality" day. Time to get back to my day-to-day life, including exercising and eating in a more normal and healthy way.
Today, my Inner Focus card, XVI The Tower, is certainly a warning that I need to end my little holiday. The image on the Decameron Tower is not as immediately frightening as the traditional image on The Tower with its blazing fire and lightning strikes and people jumping out of the crumbling building surrounded by powerful waves breaking on sharp boulders. The Decameron Tower does have a crumbling building in the background, but it looks like it is crumbling more over time because of neglect than because of sudden natural disasters. In the foreground of the image, sprawled out on green grass underneath the spreading branches of a tree are a man and a woman. Both the man and the woman are clothed from the waist up, but both are naked from the waist down. The man is laying on his back with his eyes closed and a smile on his face, his knees bent, with one arm under his head acting as a pillow, and the other hand resting on his chin, as if his thoughts are miles away. The woman is seated next to him, her bare legs and pubic area visible but not involved; she is leaning against his pelvis with one hand and caressing his erect penis with the other hand. Her eyes are open and she is watching what she is doing, she also has a smile on her face. The key phrases for this card tell us that The Tower represents the erect and triumphant penis as well as passion and sensuality, but the abilities shown here are inconsistent and possibly offer difficult consequences.
My Outer Focus card for today is the 9 of Pentacles. The Decameron 9 of Pentacles shows a naked woman laying on a made bed with her eyes closed and a smile on her face, her arms behind her head and her knees and lower legs off the mattress; beneath her are her multi-colored pieces of clothing (appearing to be harlequin) and a belt. She is wearing a hat that hides most of her hair, and a mask over her eyes and nose. She looks quite pleased with herself. The key phrase associated with this card is: a pleasant surprise and long-lasting situation.
Oh, I get both of these cards perfectly. The image on The Tower shows a building that has been neglected, and we can imagine that neglect is happening because those responsible for maintaining the structure are off in another world, having fun and not paying attention to what is happening with the building. While there are no sudden calamities presented in this image, it would be just as startling and frightening if the structure suddenly collapsed due to neglect. In the end, The Tower tells us this very thing: we are neglecting our responsibilities and sooner or later, if we don't consciously balance things out ourselves, there will be a sudden reckoning. The 9 of Pentacles tells of enjoying the rewards of discipline and focus, and of refinement created by the nurturing of skills to the highest level. There is pleasure and well-being to be had from that kind of accomplishment but that pleasure could be addictive, blinding us to our current responsibilities. Discipline as well can be destructive if taken to extremes.
Bringing myself back to balance after a few days of relaxing of my healthy lifestyle is certainly necessary today. If I pay attention to the responsibilities that had been put on hold, I will enjoy a well-earned sense of accomplishment and prevent future discomfort. Okay, then; let's get going.
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