The image on the card shows a naked woman with beautiful curves and red hair embracing the symbol of the suit of Wands: a tree trunk with rough bark that on this card is growing from thick green grass. There are branches near the bottom that have leaves growing from them, but about halfway up the trunk the bark has been removed and the wood is carved into an erect circumcised penis. The woman's arms are around the penis and she is resting her cheek against the head, with her eyes closed and a gentle smile on her face. Her right leg is wrapped around the base of the penis and her left foot rests on one of the branches growing from the bottom of the tree trunk. According to the LWB, this card offers the possibility of the beginning of a loving relationship, and it reminds us that sex is a part of nature, and comes from within the cycles and workings of nature.
We get to look at another shade of meaning of this card today, as it is paired with the 10 of Chalices. The image on this card shows a naked woman standing on a rumpled bed, her hands on her waist, leaning over to see her partner, who is on the floor with just feet and legs to the knees on the mattress; that is all we see of her partner. We can't see either of their faces to determine their moods, but I kind of get the feeling that she is wondering just what her partner thinks he/she is doing. The key phrases associated with this card are: success that may actually be compromised, and an invitation to continue the battle. One thing I noticed: the drawn-back curtains around this bed have a similar circular design to the curtains on The Lovers (we talked about The Lovers on December 13). The design is not the same; the design on The Lovers has circles inside of circles, while this card shows only one circle. So this may be an important relationship, just not one with the depths and texture of that portrayed in The Lovers.
Now, the suit of Chalices represents the element of Water (and all the things associated with Water, such as dreams, visions and feelings), and the soul. The soul is defined as the spiritual or immaterial part of a human being or animal, emotional or intellectual energy or intensity, and a person's moral or emotional sense of identity; the soul is considered to be immortal. That definition gives us some insight into the image on this card.
The traditional keywords associated with the 10 of Cups are well-being, harmony, and family. The traditional image shows a man and woman, are and arm, enjoying a rainbow of Cups in the sky. They are standing in a green field with a stream or lake nearby; in front of them two or three children play, and in the distance is a home surrounded by trees. The 10 of Cups card is basically seen as representing the fullness of manifestation for the suit in the current cycle. Perhaps that is what the woman in our Decameron Tarot thought she was getting with her partner, but that hoped-for future may have suddenly come into doubt. She has not come to physical harm, but it appears that her emotions and self-worth are in protective mode.
The 1/Ace of Wands is my inner card, so once again I am being reminded of the connection between the senses and the sensations of my physical body and the workings of nature around me. It seems that I am trusting those senses and allowing them to manifest in my connections with others in an open way because I am assuming that everyone is manifesting sensations and pleasure and love the same way, without the taint of selfishness or betrayal. Somewhere around me there is doubt as to integrity, trustworthiness, and the manifestation of love. Of course, these are feelings and perceptions and they might not be actually true, only true to the beholder. The situation is not completed, which is a good thing. That means a chance to explain and reinitiate the connection is a part of all this.
Just being myself should not cause a conflict, but even if the intentions are not to cause harm, conflict does happen. When we care about others, we also care about how they perceive us, so we want to do something about this situation.
Understanding the natural cycles and manifestations of Nature is a good thing; however we humans can interfere with those cycles, either deliberately or inadvertently. Today, I am being told to be aware that perhaps things are not as I assume they are and maybe through no fault of my own, but I should not panic. Just being aware that there could be a misunderstanding approaching could cause a tweak in my own words or actions that prevents it from occurring. Being proactive in my words and actions could actually create deeper bonds, allowing that 1/Ace of Wands to manifest even further.
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