King of
Cups/The High Priestess. The King of Cups
(cusp of Libra, “We are,” partnerships, balance, cooperation, and Scorpio, “I
desire,” intense, controlling mysterious, obsessive) is the expert on emotions
and the subconscious, mainly because of his life experiences. He is the diplomat and the philosopher,
able to hold himself a bit above the churning emotions so he can offer counsel. However, he is not always in touch with
his own inner self, and that may be something I need to be aware of,
particularly in light of my other Llewellyn Welsh card today, The High
Priestess. I need to enrich my own
life as well as the lives around me. The High
Priestess (Water; the Moon, feelings and emotions, illusion, imagination; Gimel, the camel who safely crosses Da’ath, the Abyss, and
thus, has the secret of life; and the Path between Tiphareth, the hub of the
creation process where energies harmonize and focus to illuminate and clarify,
and Kether, the source, limitless possibility), is one-half of the Major Arcana
representation of the Sacred Feminine, with The Empress being the other half.
The High Priestess is the source of the power of The Magician, the feminine
version of The Hierophant, and the Keeper of the Mysteries. This card is telling of more than just
an intense connection to my intuition; my High Priestess is also telling me that
there is plenty of information and advice available to me. My High Priestess does not bring a cozy
warmth while in the company of loved ones, but rather she offers the
possibility of access to the sacred mysteries, if I am worthy. Her awareness is focused away from
ordinary life, and she reminds me that it is time to begin changing from a
holiday mindset back to reality.
Thoth cards are the Six of Disks (“Success”) reversed and the Eight of Cups (“Indolence”).
The Six of Disks (Moon, feelings and
emotions, illusion, imagination, in Taurus, “I have,” Sensual, cautious,
stubborn) brings an awareness of resources to the situation, both those that I
have and those that I don’t have, in both the upright and reversed position. Crowley
sees the Six of Disks as a card of balance, and while that balance is fertile,
it is also temporary. My Six of
Disks is reversed and I know why; I’ve been experiencing an imbalance in my
physical world through holiday celebrations because of overindulgence. The Eight
of Cups (Saturn, discipline, responsibility, limitation, law and order, in
Pisces, “I believe,” feeling, duality, suffering, soul growth) tells of an
ending or a decline or a change of direction, often one associated with
emotions, and it offers one possible response to that decline or change: moving
on. In reality, in order to step
away from something that no longer serves us, we must first sever the ties in
our emotional body. That is
exactly what this card is telling me to do. Time to move on.
Legacy card is the Page of Cups reversed, flavored by the Two of Coins
reversed. The Page of Cups
corresponds to Libra (“we are,” partnerships, balance, cooperation), Scorpio (“I desire,”
intensity compulsion, mystery) and Sagittarius (“I seek,” philosophic,
adventurous, blundering) and is a card of soft and tender energies and of
getting fulfillment through connections to others, and through innocent and
simple joys. This Page senses the
world without preconceived notions or expectations. My Page is reversed, and perhaps today I need to be a bit
more of a grownup, and keep consequences in mind. The Two of Coins (Jupiter, expansiveness and growth,
justice, fortune, in Capricorn, “I build,” ambition, caution, cunning) in an
upright position reminds us that everything always ebbs and flows, and we need
to do the same in order to remain dynamically balanced. My Two of Coins is reversed, and
perhaps this card is reinforcing the message of my reversed Page; sometimes we
can’t just assume that things will be okay without our help. Rather, we need to herd and nudge those
6-digit date number is 10, the number that tells of the ending of a cycle; it
can be reduced further to 1, the number of potential and position not yet
horoscopes: “You may receive some kind of windfall today, Sagittarius.
It may be that a rich old relative dies and leaves you some unexpected cash. Or
perhaps an investment is paying off better than you dared hope. This is just
what you need to perk up your spirits! Be smart about how you handle this
money. Our suggestion is that you eschew short-term gratification in favor of
long-term security. You'll thank us in a few years' time.”
And: “Today
may be a rough day for you in which you may find it hard for you to make a
decision about anything. Refrain from making any major moves having to do with
finances or real estate. Concentrate on yourself and the answers will come to
you from within. Be realistic and practical when it comes to your emotions. You
may find it hard to connect with someone tonight, so stick close to home and
focus inward.”
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