Ten of
Swords reversed/Three of Cups. The Ten of Swords (the Sun, the inner
core of a person or situation, in Gemini, “I think,” curious, sociable, dual,
talkative) tells of the perception of the complete manifestation of
interference, powerlessness and restriction. My Ten of Swords is reversed today, and I am being reminded
just how easy it is to change my entire outlook by refusing to expect the
worst. The Three of Cups (Mercury,
reason, intelligence, orderliness, communication, in Cancer, “I feel,”
sensitive, tenacious, nurturing, moody) is about connections, emotional
abundance, and about blessings. This
card is validating the message of my reversed Ten: see the blessings I have
because I not only have connections and support but also I am aware of those
connections and that support
Thoth card is The Aeon reversed.
The Aeon/Judgement
corresponds with Fire (hot/separates and dry/shapes, and spontaneous, impulsive
and energetic change),
Pluto (power, metamorphosis, cycles of dying and becoming), Shin (fang), and
the Path between Malkuth (the physical world of action and physical, outer
reality) and Hod (provides analysis and communication) and represents an
opportunity to tally up and pay the bill so we can have a fresh start.
Legacy card is the Three of Swords reversed (whew!), flavored by the Page of
Swords. The Three of Swords (Saturn, discipline,
responsibility, limitations and resistance, in Libra, “We are,” partnerships,
balance, cooperation) in an upright position usually indicates the possibility
that logic, rationalizing and the intellect could end up causing harm if they
are not used with balance and compassion.
This Swords card, in some ways similar to my Ten above, is about the
perception of isolation and separation and melancholy. Also like my Ten above, my Three of
Swords is reversed, and being flavored by the exciting Page of Swords. Page
of Swords (Capricorn, “I build,” ambitious, competent, cautious, cunning,
Aquarius, “I know,” friendships, the group, society, cause-oriented, and
Pisces, “I believe,” feelings, duality, soul growth, spirituality) tells us to use
our mind and intellect to analyze our situations as well as our emotions and
feelings. We need to think out of
the box during this process of analysis, and we need to remember that
expectations often manifest as reality, so we must think carefully as we
analyze and remain aware that we just might be mistaken in our expectations.
My Pearls of Wisdom Ostara
card is the Page of Wands. This
Page is holding a mask of flames up over his face, hiding what he really looks
like. The
Page of Wands (Cancer, “I feel,” sensitive, tenacious,
nurturing, moody; Leo, “I am,” passionate, dramatic noble egotistical; and
Virgo, “I serve,” practical, analytical, work and service oriented) tells of the coming of a spark that could create a mighty flame, if
there is enough kindling and air to feed it. And the Page of Wands is the perfect person to fan these
flames! The Pearls of Wisdom Page
of Wands is holding a mask of flames over his face (so you can’t see his
physical features); this is also an awesome message! My creativity can remain a bit more anonymous; without the
flavoring of my expectations things might turn out pretty good in the end.
6-digit date number is 10, which represents the completion of a project and the
end of a cycle. This number
reduces further to the number 1, a number of potential and position, without
manifestation as yet.
horoscopes: “Your career is about to take a turn for the better, Sagittarius.
New professional possibilities may come your way today. Be receptive to any
invitations or offers. Your advancement may not come in the most traditional
way, so you need to pay close attention. Don't overlook something that seems
beyond your capabilities. Your reach should always exceed your grasp. Stretch!”
And: “There
are opportunities in the aggression that may arise today, so don't necessarily
look upon conflict as a bad thing. Regardless of the situation, there is a
great deal of passion that is present above and below the surface, so don't
underestimate the power that is available to you today - either through your
own efforts, or through others'. The temperature is likely to rise quite a bit
whether you like it or not.”
Shadowscapes Insight is regarding The Star. No bright Sun, no illusory Moon; just gentle and soft
light. No judgment, no stress,
just calm. Stars guide us as we
navigate our way home, and that is what we should anticipate when we see this
card. Hope for a time of peace, of
being surrounded by security, and being surrounded by those we love.
was Ostara, the Spring Equinox, a day of balance and serenity and
enlightenment. For me, it was
another busy day in a busy week, filled with positive efforts. I started working on my assignments for
YTT, and despite the fact that work is incredibly busy, I’ve found the time
each day to maintain my Yoga practice.
I have
heard back regarding the extra work I did for my Third Degree Lesson 8, and
have been given the go-ahead to move on to Lesson 9. I am looking forward to moving on to the next Lesson. I looked back in my records, and I have
been in Third Degree Training for longer than I realized. It was on March 20, 2007, six years ago
yesterday, that I first gained access to Third Degree Training! More than half of the time I have
belonged to Sacred Mists! Each
Third Degree Lesson has ended up directly connecting to events in my
physical-world life. Beginning the
year of my Saturn Return, and right around when Saturn goes retro? Shadow Work, Lesson 8, which I just
completed. Beginning Yoga Teacher
Training? Healing and serving,
which is the focus of my next Lesson, Lesson 9.
I have
needed every month of this time, of these years, to get to where I am right
now. So much growth! So many mind-blowing experiences! Without the awesome training I am
receiving, I would never have achieved what I’ve done over the past six
years. I am once again so very
glad that I found Sacred Mists.
Without this journaling that I’ve been doing since the beginning of
2007, many of the details of these amazing years would have been gone, lost in
the dusty corners of my mind. I am
once again so very glad that I kept up with my journaling.
I have
reached the point when I am feeling the need to get this training
completed. Maybe this is all part
of my Saturn Return, which is happening this year; or maybe it is due to the
recent Shadow Work I did, Shadow Work that is still having an effect on
me. Whatever the reason, things
are happening within me that are nudging me forward, and that are reminding me
to carefully pack away the things that are to be stored, so they don’t get
lost. This is the process that is
happening within me now, this tying up of loose ends so that everything important
is put in its place, before the “big move,” whatever that turns out to be.
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