Thursday, February 7, 2013

Ten of Cups reversed/Ace of Cups reversed.  Two reversed Cups cards; okay then. “Satiety” is Crowley’s keyword for The Ten of Cups (Mars, action, spontaneity, aggression, drive, in Pisces, “I believe,” feeling, duality, spirituality, suffering and growth) in an upright position offers the manifestation of happiness, simple joys, and fulfillment. My Ten of Cups is reversed, and in a way that is a good thing, for Cups cards tend to strive to be still.  Not yet achieving fulfillment means I’m still working towards it and thus may be a bit more aware of what is happening around me. The Ace of Cups (Libra, “We are,” partnerships, balance, cooperation, Scorpio, “I desire,” intense, deep, mysterious, obsessive, Sagittarius, “I seek,” philosophic, fun-loving, adventurous, blundering) in an upright position gives birth to deep emotions, and a connection to my Inner Voice and to those around me.  Like my Ten, my Ace of Cups is reversed.  I think I need to be really aware that I am not connecting to my feelings and emotions in a balanced way.  Stagnation can be as bad as a flash flood, so balance is the key.

My Thoth card is The Sun. The Sun corresponds with Fire (hot/separates and dry/shapes, spontaneous, impulsive and energetic change), our Sun (the inner core of a person or situation), Resh (the face; reason), and the Path between Yesod (the place where patterns and images emerge that may manifest in the physical world) and Hod (provides analysis and communication), and tells of a time of enlightenment and peace that comes after the completion of some ordeal.  The energies of this card are relatively consistent; they build and peak and then gradually fade away; the calm that appears is temporary, though.  And I can’t get too comfortable in the light, or there will be an imbalance.

My Legacy card is Strength reversed, flavored by the Nine of Coins reversed. The Strength card (Fire, hot/separates and dry/shapes, and spontaneous, impulsive and energetic energy; Leo, “I am,” passionate, dramatic, egotistical; Teth, sieve or basket, digestion; and the Path between Geburah, the place where forms and structures are challenged or affirmed, and Chesed, the place where forms and structures are stabilized and nurtured) is about having the strength and the patience to endure and focus, however it is not about brute physical force.  Today my Strength card is reversed, and it could be reminding me that I create my reality, and no one can take this power away from me unless I allow them to.  I may be allowing setbacks to put me down, and that just should not be happening. My reversed Strength card is being flavored by another reversed card, the reversed Nine of Coins. The Nine of Coins (Venus, beauty, allure, relationships, in Virgo, “I serve,” practical, analytical, work and service oriented) in an upright position tells of accomplishment through the imposition of discipline.  Boy, are these two validating each other or what?  I need more discipline, I need to use my Will!

My 6-digit date number is 4, the number of depth and stability.

My horoscopes: “For you, Sagittarius, relationships with other people should be going so well that you feel more loved than ever. A new friend or perhaps an old one you haven't seen in a while could suddenly become a powerful part of your life. You're probably feeling exceptionally innovative and more likely to make a success of whatever new ideas you have. Prepare for a busy and satisfying day.

And: “You are a very knowledgeable person. In general, women born under Sagittarius are staunch ideologists, and when this tendency is mixed with their more masculine side, it gives them a very black and white way of expressing their opinions. It's often as if what they are saying is always the God's honest truth. Today's celestial energy could help you to be a little more flexible and tolerant in your relations with other people.

My Shadowscapes Insight is regarding Temperance.  The image on this card shows a dragon and a phoenix; this one is about healing and about moderation and about consciously causing balance to happen.  This is probably the most important message I have in my cards today.

Onward, to the number 6!  The number 6 is a cool number because it is a doubling of the number 3, and thus it perfects all the principles or properties or effects associated with that number.  The number 6 has a few connections to the number 5 as well: it can be created using the same two numbers (2 + 3 = 5, and 2 x 3 + 6), and it generates progeny (5 multiplied by itself creates a number ending in 5, and 6 multiplied by itself creates a number ending in 6).  If you remember, the number 5 and the solids associated with it use self-replication as a method for expression; the number 6 uses the combination of structure, order and form as a method of expression.  In order for the number 6 to manifest, all three of these things/effects must be present at the same time.  A good example of this is any physical world thing.  In order to exist, it must have spatial structure, it must have some inherent power/energy, and it must have some duration in time.  If you don’t have all three of these things at the same time, you can’t exist in the physical world.  The structure of a thing determines how it functions.  Those functions take place in an orderly sequence.  And the unfolding or manifesting of those functions determines what the structure must be. 

Hexagon is the shape associated with the number 6, and it is found throughout nature (insect eyes, bee/wasp nests, cross-sections of many vegetables, corals, turtle shell segments, and in many places within the bodies of living organisms) and in art (yantras, hex signs, cathedral windows, umbrellas, parachutes, baseball caps, to name a few).

The six-pointed star is a symbol that appears often in world religions, spiritual paths and myths.  It is known as the Seal of Solomon, the Shield of David, and the Mark of Vishnu, and is seen by many traditions as a seal of the initiate, signifying rising aspiration from below met by the descent of grace from above.   Hmmm . . . below meeting above; where have I heard that before?  **smile**

Another powerful “child” of the number 6 is the number 12; we see this number all over the place!  The Zodiac is divided into 12 segments, we have 12 months in our solar year, and many ancient civilizations were divided into 12 tribes or 12 cities.  The number 12 is found in myths as well; Zeus presides over 12 Gods and Goddesses, Apollo was crowned with 12 powers, Odysseus sailed with 12 ships.

The number 13 is also associated with the number 12, and thus, the number 6.  We have 12 months in our solar year, but 13 moon cycles in our lunar year.  King Arthur had 12 knights, but he was the center of it all, making 13.  And there are lots of instances of twelve-around-one to be found in our US government and the original construction of our country.  George Washington kept 12 generals around him, and the 13 of them fought for the 13 original colonies.  The original US flag had 13 stars and 13 stripes; the US motto “E Pluribus Unum” (“From Many, One”) has 13 letters, the pyramid on our currency has 13 courses of stone topped with the triangular eye of divinity.


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