Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Transparent Oracle Tuesday!  Because of the effects of Hurricane Sandy, I postponed my Transparent Oracle reading until today.  So here we go!

37, Guide: Raven (North). North is the direction of Earth, and thus of the physical or physically formed or manifested world, and of nurturing, health, finances and security, and the wisdom associated with living simply, being well-grounded, and being in touch with our physical body.  Raven is a clever bird, often portrayed as a trickster.  Raven is also known for assisting us in the transformation from one realm to another, and known as a skilled communicator.

16, Guide: Snake (South). South is the direction of the midday sun and the peak of power and illumination; this direction is associated with passionate drive and creativity.  Snake has powerful symbolism in our world; it is seen to represent many medical/healing modalities, and the Kundalini energy.  Snake corresponds with the dragon, and is seen as a mundane representation of that mythical beast.  Because Snake can shed its skin and appear renewed, it is associated with healing, fertility, regeneration and rebirth.  Snake can access places that would be out of reach for most of us, and so Snake can share both knowledge and wisdom.  However, the knowledge and wisdom owned and shared by Snake is neutral, and we need to be careful what we choose to do with what we learn.  Eve learned that lesson in the Garden of Eden.

54, Guide: Giant (Below).  The direction of Below is not easily associated with spirituality, yet it is a powerful symbol representing the opportunity to create a strong foundation, and to connect to the tools and powers of the Underworld.  Giant corresponds quite a bit with the element of Earth and Earth energies, and is about the stability of the ground below us, and about the huge geological forces that formed our world and even now, changes it.  In most fairy tales, the Giant ends up being a great big bump in the road for the hero of the tale, and without these kinds of challenges, we would never get the chance to be brave or to see if we have courage.

I then created my mandala.  This one is tight, very tight; all the images pile on top of each other in a triad.  Mainly, what is visible are the horns of the Giants, and the Snakes, bisecting each of the three shapes, like the Kundalini energy.  The beaks of the Ravens are pointing to the center, connecting each of the three shapes with a physically perceivable form, and the Snakes swirl around it all, connecting together and radiating outward at the same time.  The cards even go from North to South to Below; an easily discernable energy flow.  I think the message of this mandala is that yes, we can bludgeon our way to our goal with purely physical tools, but when the energy self and intentions and the Will are involved, along with an awareness of where I have been, where I am now, and where I am going (and how movement has happened at all) it will be difficult to turn the tide and bring success. 

Today is election day in the US, and this has been quite an intense election.  At this point, I just want it to be over.  I don’t like lies; seeing lies being perpetuated makes me a tiny bit nauseous, and both parties have been guilty of lies and of spinning issues without really saying anything.  I pondered my own vote for a while.  Do I manifest my displeasure by not voting at all?  No, I could not do that.  The ability to cast a vote is a privilege, and I won’t surrender that privilege.  Do I manifest my displeasure by voting for a candidate from one of the other parties, rather than voting for Obama or Romney?  I did consider that.  For a long time.  But in the end, my concern for women’s rights, for Social Security and Medicare, and for the possibility of four Supreme Court Judges being appointed over the next four years have all pushed me to choose between the two main candidates.  Romney’s choice of a running mate has had an influence on me, because while Romney seems able to move a bit towards the center, Ryan absolutely cannot, and that is a huge concern for me.  And while I like a lot of the basic focus of the Republican Party (at least, I liked it before the religious nuts and the Tea Party co-opted the Party for their own purposes), I cannot in good conscience vote for this pair.  And this is the second time in a row that the Republican candidate’s choice of a running mate has been a deal breaker for me.

Do I believe Obama is perfect?  Not by a long shot.  However, he is pro choice.  And I feel the need to clarify that and say that I can’t think of many situations where I would have an abortion, but I don’t want government making that choice for me.  I certainly do NOT believe that a zygote is a person. Obama is not against Planned Parenthood and his insurance plan will bring equal opportunities to all to have birth control if so desired.  Obama is pro same sex marriage.  Again, I feel the need to clarify and say that I do not believe that all churches and religious organizations should be forced to perform same sex marriages, but the opportunity should be there for these couples.  And Obama will not appoint very conservative Supreme Court Judges, which is huge for me.  Romney/Ryan will end up bringing The Handmaiden’s Tale to life, and this is frightening to consider.  My vote has been cast for Obama. 

In the end, the spin presented by both parties regarding the economy has ended up canceling both parties out in my mind.  I believe that Congress is broken, and regarding the economy, in the end it will take more than the victory of either Obama or Romney to fix things.  I just hope that my fellow Americans, no matter what their party affiliation (or lack thereof), vote with intelligence after considering true information and real facts, and NOT through the application of the lies that are out there.  No matter who you vote for, if you base your vote on facts, then you have my admiration.

Today, Mercury goes retrograde in Sagittarius, my Sun sign.  LOL, should be another very interesting day!

Blessed be!

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