Sunday, March 25, 2012

It is Transparent Oracle Sunday again!  As usual, my question is “what do I need to know?”  The three cards I threw are:

6, Guide: Butterfly (East).  East is the direction of Air, and thus of fresh ideas and new beginnings, knowledge, information and thoughts.  Butterflies are about metamorphosis, and about seeing in all directions at the same time.  Butterflies are strong!  Monarchs, with wings basically the consistency of tissue paper, fly hundreds of miles to the South in the Fall, winter over, and then return Northward.  Butterflies are an interesting combination of potential and sacrifice. 

24, Time of Day: Sunset (West). West is the direction of Water, and thus, of feelings and emotions, relationships of all kinds, cleansing and healing, the wisdom associated with natural endings, and the bubbling up of pure joy.  Sunsets are special to me; I have spent many a sunset, either in the heat of the summer or on a cold, windy winter evening, on the beach in Cape May.  Sunset is a time of natural ending, of a resolution that must happen, at least for now, of a rest before the cycle begins all over again. 

37, Guide: Raven (North). North is the direction of Earth, and thus of the physical or physically formed or manifested world, and of nurturing, health, finances and security, and the wisdom associated with living simply, being well-grounded, and being in touch with our physical body.  Ravens are truly intelligent and clever animals, able to solve problems seemingly by magick.  Yes, they are scavengers, but so is my totem animal, the turkey vulture.  Ravens are also communicators; you can hear them calling to each other early each morning. 

The mandala created by these three cards is interesting.  The first thing that I noticed was that the head of each Butterfly appears just about where the third eye would be on the Ravens, if they had them (and they probably do!).  The eyes on the Butterfly wings are not being blocked by the Ravens; the eyes of the Ravens appear as if they could actually be on the Butterfly wings.  And yet despite the two winged creatures who seem to have laced together, the Sunset is reaching out and around and up, gently cradling them both, and telling them that it is time for bed.  Thus, while I may be experiencing an awareness or sensitivity of the beauty and potential around me, and I may feel as if magickal messages are being presented to me, the time is approaching when these communications will end and the channel of potential will shut down.  Don’t waste this!

And here is a related topic.  I am taking part in an Oracle Study Group within my Coven, and through the lessons associated with this Group I have researched an exciting concept: spiritual DNA.

Spiritual DNA is a new term to me, but oh boy does this concept make sense!  I remember hearing that DNA actually glows very slightly, and that it “hums.”  I read a book last year called “The Cosmic Serpent: DNA and the Origins of Knowledge” by Jeremy Narby, an anthropologist who went to South America to study the culture and practices of Peruvian Shamans, and ended up actually experiencing ayahuasca, the hallucinogenic drink used by the Shamans.  After reading this book, I came to realize that DNA could be considered the “image of Goddess.”  After all, DNA is common to all life, and is the instruction book to create life. 

I did a bit of research on spiritual DNA.  Most of the websites that popped up in an internet search were Christian, but I did find one interesting non-denomination essay on the website noosphere[dot]Princeton[dot]edu.  This essay states that human DNA is a “biological internet”!  The essay suggests that the majority of our DNA (which is not used for building proteins and is considered “junk DNA”) is actually like a computer server; this segment of our DNA stores data and even communicates.  The cool thing is that linguists who have studied the alkalines in our DNA have discovered that these communications follow the same basic rules as all human languages; this means that language did not appear coincidentally but rather as a reflection of our DNA.

DNA also reacts to vibrations.  This means that living DNA (DNA that is in place in the body, not cut out and in vitro) reacts to sound, to language-modulated lasers, and even to radio waves if the proper frequencies are used.  Here is an explanation for why affirmations, training and hypnosis can be such powerful tools if used correctly.

DNA could also be the “transmitter” of information and knowledge.  The essay names this process “hypercommunication,” and offers a really interesting example as proof of the effectiveness of hypercommunication.  This example occurs in Nature and is regarding the queen ant who leads her colony.  When a queen ant is separated from her colony, the ants who she sees to continue their work as if the queen was still physically in the community.  The queen can be as far away as she needs to be and still be able to “send” instructions to the colony, as long as she is still alive.  If the queen is killed, all work in the colony stops. 

Our physical DNA could very well be the “plug” or “outlet” that spiritual DNA uses to connect to our brains and the chemical processes that happen in our brains that support feelings and emotions.  This is similar to the channels, meridians and sen lines of energy within the subtle body, which tend to exist alongside nerve networks, the workings of our glands, or the circulatory system.  How cool is that??!!


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