Sunday, March 11, 2012

Hello from sunny Florida!!  Okay, today is T-O Sunday!  Once again I am throwing three cards from the Transparent Oracle, with only a general “what do I need to know” question.  My three cards are:

42, Guide: Angel.  This is a card associated with the direction of Above, which focuses on the planets and their effects on our lives.  Angels are divine messengers, and when this card appears, it could be telling us that there is a higher significance to events over the past few days, and I should be aware of that.  This card also can appear at a time of great change or transformation, either my own, or the world around me.

48, Venus.  Another Above card. This one represents important relationships that are supported by some kind of love, romantic, platonic or spiritual. It can also indicate beauty or an appreciation of beauty.  This is a card that is connected to sensuality and lust, but it is also connected to motherhood and children.  When taken to extremes, the influences of this card can lead to vanity, self-absorption or over-indulgence. 

4, Time of Day: Dawn.  This is an Air card, and Air can be seen as a “cousin” to Above.  Dawn is a time of peace, of renewal, and of memories of the day gone past; the light a dawn gives our environment an otherworldly feel.  Dawn is a crossroad, and thus important to Hecate, one of my Patronesses.  This is a time when the secrets of the night are revealed, as the light of the sun chases away the shadows.

When I create the mandala, my initial perception is of all these energies radiating from the dawn, from the rays of the rising sun.  The alchemic symbol for Venus overlays the pentagram at the center of the Angel card perfectly, directly connecting the two cards, Angel and Venus.  It is also interesting that the representation of the planet Venus is in the sky, just above the rising sun.  Venus is often known as the Evening Star or the Dawn Star.  Because Venus is between us and our sun, it often appears in the sky just as the sun is rising, or as it is setting, so it seems to make perfect sense that this planet is above and to the right of the rising sun.  My right hand is my power hand, so this is validation that the energies are beginning and are waxing.  But they are also powerful.  What secrets are the rays of the sun revealing?  They are big ones, these secrets, and they will provide a strong connection to something, or to someone.

Wow.  Boy, do I understand what this is talking about!!


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