Thursday, September 29, 2011

Queen of Wands/Ten of Wands reversed.  Well.  I had these two cards together yesterday, but with a bit of difference.  The Queen of Wands (cusp of Pisces, “I believe,” feelings, duality, soul growth, spirituality, and Aries, “I want,” action oriented, assertive, competitive) is real good at keeping herself on track, and that is a good thing.  Especially with all these reversed cards today!  This Queen also feels a strong connection to education and the arts, and they are both my focus right now.  The Ten of Wands (Saturn, discipline, responsibility, limitations and resistance, in Sagittarius, “I seek,” philosophic, fun-loving, blundering) in an upright position tells of being taxed to the limit, and of working hard but not feeling an end in sight and not feeling like help or support is there.  Thankfully, it is reversed today, so I should feel the lessening of any burdens by the end of the day, and an increase in the amount of support I feel I am receiving. 

My Thoth card is the Queen of Cups reversed.  The Queen of Cups reversed showed up in my card throw yesterday, too.  The Queen of Cups (cusp of Gemini, “I think,” curious, sociable, dual, and Cancer, “I feel,” sensitive, tenacious, nurturing, moody) is Water of Water, and thus is quite deeply connected to her feelings and her Inner Voice.  Because my Queen is reversed today, all her good qualities may very well degrade.  Dreamy?  Tranquil?  Watch out for lethargy or a disconnect!  I may be dealing with and manifesting my emotions in a more immature fashion too.

My Legacy card is the Two of Wands reversed, flavored by the Page of Cups reversed.  Wands and Cups today, Fire and Water.  The Two of Wands (Mars, action, spontaneity, aggression, drive, in Aries, “I want,” action oriented, pioneering, assertive, enthusiastic) in an upright position tells of being able to wield influence, think out of the box and have authority.  My Two is reversed today, however, so I may feel the need to be conventional in my approach to the day, and I will need to guard against playing the victim, especially with the Page of Cups reversed flavoring my Two of Wands reversed.  The Page of Cups corresponds to Libra (“we are,” partnerships, balance, cooperation), Scorpio (“I desire,” intensity compulsion, mystery) and Sagittarius (“I seek,” philosophic, adventurous, blundering); the emotions and feelings associated with this Cups card are a bit dreamy and serene, the Page is not as proficient as the Queen at interpreting things.. 

My 6-digit date number is 4, the number of depth and stability, and possibly the beginning of stagnation if allowed to exist for too long.

My horoscopes: “Find your strength from within, Sagittarius. There's a great deal of it in there, and it's ready to erupt like a volcano. Let your passion drive your engine today and you'll be amazed at the incredible places you can go. Don't be afraid to take things to extremes. Your fantastic good luck will pull you out of any sticky predicament.”

And: A small spark in a dry field is apt to whip the hill into flames. A raging wildfire is likely to be underway by the end of the day. Know that you are one of the biggest perpetrators of this action, but don't feel bad about it. Fire may be seen as a thing of destruction, but know that it is actually quite a necessary part of nature. Clearing out brush and offering a fresh new place for new growth to flourish is an important part in the cycle of nature.”

My Shadowscapes Insight today is regarding the Page of Pentacles.  This card tells of the spark of possibility that can ignite if placed into the right fuel.  The spark will need tending in order to flare, and the tending is my responsibility.  It is also my responsibility to learn what I need to know in order to tend and nurture that spark, and to approach the whole project with the enthusiasm and open mind of my Younger Self.  The essence of my Younger Self is just as important as the burden of responsibility, for it is the combination of the two that will tease the first lick of flame from that tiny bright spark.

Its father is the sun and its mother is the moon” is what I was pondering yesterday, when I came across a concept that felt absolutely true but that did not mesh well with what I have learned so far.  Basically, I am thinking about balance and polarity, and their effect upon the Source and thus, the Universe that is the reflection of the Source.  What has stumped me is the thought of the reciprocal nature of reflections.  Reflections cannot invent; they can blur or bend, if the medium being reflected upon is not symmetrical or is marred in some way (and by “not symmetrical” or “is marred” I do not mean that Nature and the workings of our Universe are injured in some way; I am merely affirming that completely straight lines and flat surfaces are difficult to find in Nature), but if we start with a reflection and follow that reflection back to its source, we will find commonalities.  And the very sentence being analyzed presents the concept of duality, both in the reflection and the Source of the reflection.  Can that be?  Can the ultimate essence of the Source be yin and yang?

Okay, back to the Tree of Life; I’ve gotta find some resolution here.  Kether can be seen as “cause” or Hidden Intelligence, Chokmah as “force” or Illuminating Intellligence, and Binah as “form” or Sanctifying Intelligence.  The three together represent the Supernals, the three sephiroth above the Abyss. 

On the Universal Kabbalah website, the relationship between these three sephiroth is described as being like a celtic knot.  There are three aspects here, but they are woven so tightly together that the energy flow between them is unbroken.  The three aspects occur simultaneously, and all three of them need to be present in order for the sacred essence to be alive, to become life.  Okay, I am starting to understand.  I think.  They are like amino acids, and you need the right combination of them in order to have life.  It does make sense after all that The Source would contain duality, as well as the reflection of The Source.

Okay then.  I feel better now.


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Queen of Cups reversed/The Hanging Man.  The Queen of Cups (cusp of Gemini, “I think,” curious, sociable, dual, and Cancer, “I feel,” sensitive, tenacious, nurturing, moody) is Water of Water, and thus is quite deeply connected to her feelings and her Inner Voice.  Because the Queen is reversed, I may find that today I am easily distracted, or not quite in touch with the intensity (or lack thereof) of my own emotions, and I may not want to trust my Inner Voice today.  However, that may not be a bad thing; look at the other card!  The Hanging Man corresponds with Water (cold/binds and wet/adapts, and emotional, sensitive and imaginative energy that tends to move deep, and attempts to take the same path as in the past), Neptune (inspiration, spirituality, magick, enchantment, dreams, altered states), and the Hebrew letter Mem (water, stability and balance, the reflective quality of thought).  The Hanging Man not only tells me to stop what I’m doing but it also asks me to surrender to the forces around me.  This card is about seeing things in a new way, and it is about putting my own conscious needs aside.  The redemption offered by the sacrifice requested by The Hanging Man is usually on a spiritual or emotional level, and **gulp** often presented in the guise of failure or loss.  Because of the fire ceremony I attended over the weekend, I am expecting some discomfort this week, but if I’m not careful, I just might miss the deep-down message of any discomfort.

My Thoth card is the Seven of Cups.  “Debauch” is Crowley’s keyword for the Seven of Cups (Venus, beauty, allure, relationships, in Scorpio, “I desire,” intense, controlling, obsessive, mysterious), which represents the distraction and dissipation that can happen when we are presented with enticing choices.  The Thoth Seven of Cups shows us what happens to our emotions if we consciously prevent sacredness from infusing our inner selves.  The traditional image of the Seven of Cups shows seven cups, each filled with what appears to be a wonderful gift.  The Wreath corresponds with Saturn and The World; the Castle corresponds with Mars and The Tower, the Woman corresponds with Venus and The Empress; the Snake corresponds with Mercury and The Magician; the Veil corresponds with the Moon and The High Priestess, the Jewels correspond with Jupiter and The Wheel of Fortune, and the Dragon corresponds with our Sun and The Sun.  I need to be careful about what I dedicate my focus to today, because dissipation of focus due to the effects of Water is a danger.

My Legacy card is the Ten of Wands reversed, flavored by the Queen of Wands reversed.  The Ten of Wands (Saturn, discipline, responsibility, limitations and resistance, in Sagittarius, “I seek,” philosophic, fun-loving, blundering) tells of being taxed to the limit, and of working hard but not feeling an end in sight and not feeling like help or support is there.  Thankfully, with all the Water in my cards today, this Wands card is reversed, so I may be able to avoid feeling oppressed, but I should keep an eye on the carefree attitude, lest I end up tripping and falling.  The Queen of Wands (cusp of Pisces, “I believe,” feelings, duality, soul growth, spirituality, and Aries, “I want,” action oriented, assertive, competitive) in an upright position would be able to deal with the burdens of the upright Ten of Wands, and have a giggle about the situation.  She is reversed, however, and her strident opposition to someone confining her or telling her how to do things could be another danger to be dealt with today.  Oy.  No big disasters looming, but sounds like I might have some emotional issues today.

My Pearls of Wisdom New Moon card is the Ace of Wands reversed.  Another reversed Wands card.  The Ace of Wands (Leo, “I am,” passionate, dramatic, egotistical, Virgo, “I serve,” practical, analytical, sensible, orderly) tells of the first spark of a new and exciting process for self-expression and adventure.  Because the Ace is reversed, there may be some difficulty tapping into all this creativity.  However, the card is there, and since it is arriving for me at the time of the New Moon, I am going to optimistically choose to see this energy approaching from afar.  So there!

My 6-digit date number is 3, the number of new creation out of the balance and polarity of the number 2, and the position and potential of the number 1. 

My horoscopes: “It's true that having to earn a living isn't always the most agreeable thing in life, Sagittarius. However, we all know that it's necessary. Have you thought about adding more balance to your life? All work and no play makes Jack or Jill a dull person. This would be a good day to examine your daily life and add some new elements. Yes, Sagittarius, it's time for you to choose a hobby.”

And: “You may still be on somewhat of a high from the last couple weeks, and you will definitely be tempted to let the good times continue to roll. Think about ways in which you can keep them rolling while still being able to maintain good judgment. Don't let things got too out of control today. It is important that you maintain a bit of stability at all times.”

My Shadowscapes Insight today is regarding the Five of Swords.  Power is alluring, but when combined with self-interest, power is just downright harmful.  We all need to do what is necessary to keep ourselves healthy, to survive, but sometimes the greater good of all is more important than the achievement of our own ends.  Forsaking integrity may allow us to win the day, but that victory will be empty and meaningless.  The ends do not always justify the means!

The next line of The Emerald Tablet is: “Its father is the sun and its mother is the moon. Thus the wind bore it within it and the earth nourished it.”  Okay, the first sentence is obvious.  In Wicca, the sun is seen as a representation of the Sacred Masculine, the catalyst which activates the fertility of the Sacred Feminine, represented by the moon.  But there is another way of looking at this. 

If the sacred Source of all is reflected within the workings of the Universe, and if the resonance of the Universe is a reflection of the Source, then those very workings are what care for and nurture our Universe and make it what it is.  That Source is the custodian of all life, not by conscious choice but by “being.”  This “connection through reflection” is also represented by the first sentence in the quote above. 

So, the sun can be seen to represent the Source, the most pure and immortal essence that is life, and the moon, which only shines because of the presence of the sun, represents our Universe and everything in it, which is a reflection of the Source of all that is.  After all, the lighted orb we call the moon is only glowing with its creamy silver light in the black velvet of the night sky because the moon is reflecting sunlight into my eyes when I look at it.  We call these two, sun and moon, Source and reflection, father and mother because that yin/yang relationship of opposites is also found throughout the workings of our Universe, and thus, they must be found within the workings of the Source.

Hmmmm . . . does this mean that Binah and Chokmah are not lesser vibrating, less pure versions of Kether and the Source?  “As above, so below” is true, but so too is “as below, so above”; if the reflection has certain basic primal traits common throughout, then those same traits must be a part of the Source that is being reflected.  Duality is the common theme, and the interplay of balance, polarity, union, separation, control and surrender, and all of those must be a part of who/what the Source is.

Oh my.  I must think about this.


Monday, September 26, 2011

Temperance/Nine of Wands reversed. Temperance connects with Sagittarius (“I seek,” philosophic, adventurous, blundering) Fire (hot/separates and dry/shapes, and spontaneous, impulsive, energetic change), Samekh (the tent post), and the Path between Yesod (the place where patterns and images emerge that may manifest into the physical world of action and outer reality) and Tiphareth (the hub of the creation process where energies harmonize and focus to illuminate and clarify), and it is one of the Major Arcana cards that presents one form of balance.  Temperance is about maintaining the balance of extremes, and that can only be accomplished if we are able to integrate those extremes.  This balance is not written in stone, and requires diligence to maintain the always-fluctuating synergy.  The Nine of Wands (Moon, feelings and emotions, illusion, imagination, in Sagittarius, “I seek,” philosophic, fun-loving, adventurous, blundering) in an upright position represents defense, feeling the need to protect or to hold things together despite difficult odds.  Since my Nine of Wands is reversed, today I won’t feel as if I am on guard all by myself.  These two cards together have a nice, balanced feel, but again, this is not balance that happens through surrender, but rather through awareness and the application of skills. 

My Thoth card is The Fool reversed. The Fool corresponds with Air (hot/separates and wet/adapts, and challenges that tend to require the use of the intellect to solve), Uranus (technology, science, radical change), Aleph (the head, youthful learning) and the Path between Chokmah (male in the electric sense, dynamic energy and the origin of vital force and polarity) and Kether (the source; limitless possibility). In an upright position, The Fool represents creation, birth, and new beginnings of all kinds, along with optimism, and the potential to manifest wisdom if circumstances continue to align themselves properly.  Since my Fool card is reversed today, I need to pay particular attention to my ideas.  Today is not a day for jumping forward with the assumption that things will work; instead, I need to assess, to look before I leap.

My Legacy card is Judgement, flavored by The Hermit. Judgement corresponds with Fire (hot/separates and dry/shapes, and spontaneous, impulsive and energetic change), Pluto (power, metamorphosis, cycles of dying and becoming), Shin (fang), and the Path between Malkuth (the physical world of action and physical, outer reality) and Hod (provides analysis and communication) and it usually tells of an opportunity to validate the good stuff and get rid of the stuff I don’t need any more.  This process is not a comfortable one but the end result is a clear slate and a lighter load. The Hermit, which corresponds with Earth (cold/binds and dry/shapes, and material, practical and stable energy that is slow to change), Virgo (“I serve,” practical, analytical, work and service oriented, orderly), Yod (open hand, touch), and the Path between Tiphareth (the hub of the creation process where energies harmonize and focus to illuminate and clarify) and Chesed (the place where forms and structure are stabilized and nurtured), is about looking within for answers, and it pairs nicely with the Judgement card today, although this one is not comfortable either.  The Hermit’s message to me is that the journey is the goal, not the destination, and he is telling me that today just might be a good day to see clearly within myself, and maybe get rid of a bit of clutter.

My 6-digit date number is 10, the number of completion of manifestation or effect, which reduces further to the number 1, beginnings, potential and position.  Perfect.

My horoscopes: “A lot of activity could take place in your neighborhood today, Sagittarius. If you live in a major city, perhaps a movie or news event is being filmed nearby and the crowds are gathering. Don't be too shy to go out and see what's going on. If you don't live in a city, this could be something more innocuous. Either way, expect some excitement.”

And: “Peace and harmony is the regularly scheduled program for the day, but there is a good chance that this signal might be intercepted by a warring force with strong opinions and vindictive tendencies. Hold on to your hat, and make sure you have your actions well aligned with your soul, or else you are apt to be thrown into the fire of a battle that has nothing to do with you.”

My Shadowscapes card is the Nine of Pentacles again. Third time.  The last time this one appeared, I said, “Balancing spiritual needs with the requirements of the physical realms takes focus and the imposition of Will.”  Today, I am not being asked to balance these two realms in a passive manner, for Temperance is part of my day as well.  As I impose my Will upon the realms, I must also commune with them, because each of the extremes, the weightiest of the physical manifestations and the purest of the spiritual ones, has a lesson for me.  I can’t truly balance them unless I diligently present myself to experience the heavy weight of the physical, and until I allow myself to see the delicate beauty of the spiritual. 

I attended my first shamanic fire ceremony last night.  Where to begin.  

The setup was perfect: everyone sitting in a circle, with the fire pit (a huge brass pot, filled with candles) in the center of the markings in the wood floor depicting the cardinal directions.  Before beginning, the process of the ceremony was explained, including the sigil process that Tara would be using during the ceremony.  Jason began evoking the four winds beginning with the South, and as soon as the first word came out of his mouth, my brow chakra opened so quickly that I got dizzy.  I was glad to be sitting.

Brian began smudging each of us individually, as Kelli slowly lit all of the many candles in the fire pit, timing the process so that the last candle was lit as Jason finished calling the final quarter, the East.  Before Tara struck her drumhead for the first time, I could feel the amazing energy gathering, hovering and waiting for the moment it could come alive.

At the first “tak” of the drum, the entire room began to vibrate!  The air was actually thick and heavy with vibrations, pulses and throbs that were more enticing than the most delicious glass of wine, the creamiest and richest chocolate cake, or my pillow on the rainiest of Saturday mornings.  The moment that we all began to use our instruments to shake, rattle and roll, the rhythms took control of the ceremony.

Soon, we were all standing, our bodies moving; then we were prancing and jumping and stamping around the circle, with the force and power of the rhythm, augmented by our instruments and our footsteps and our voices, beginning to build and build and BUILD! The candles in the fire pit danced and jumped along with us, and our energy fields, awake and throbbing and fully “on,” streamed behind us as we moved until a huge, powerful cone of power began to materialize, comprised of the energy fields of all of us in the room and the ever-present rhythm. 

One by one, the participants took their moments to enter the circle and kneel before the fire pit, in order to offer whatever it was that they wanted to leave behind as fuel for the fire.  The rest of us doubled our efforts, moving faster, shouting louder, rattling with more strength, in support of the participant seeking transformation before the flames.  Brian joined Tara at the drums, and then Jason briefly took his turn drumming, holding the level of power steady so that Tara could have her time at the fire pit.

I waited to take my turn before the fire until my energy field was at its peak.  My chakras were totally open, my muscles were singing, and my energy field pulsed with a power that actually made the room fade away.  For a while the room surrounding me and all of its occupants went away; all there was for me was the feeling of the floor under my feet, the heat and noise and light of my own energy field, the sound of the instrument I was playing, the movement and effort of my muscles, and the rhythm of the drums.  My physical senses had become passive, secondary to my inner senses, to the messages of my chakras and my subtle body.  What an amazing, empowering experience this is!! 

I took my turn before the flames, gathering my purpose and feeding it into the fire.  My words are my own, and I choose to Be Silent, in order to create the optimum environment for the transformation I desire.  This is difficult, especially for me, but I feel it is the right thing to do.

Once I left the fire pit and inserted myself back into the torrent of energy circling the room, I made several more circuits, and then I sat back down.  My body swayed and convulsed as the rhythms continued, and perspiration poured out of my pores, wetting my hair and my shirt.  I closed my eyes and continued to play my instrument, allowing the rhythms to bring me into a trance.  And then it happened.  There, within me, deep in my core, a spark flared.  It became a flame, small at first but flaring, dancing a bit and then growing brighter.  Soon I could hear the crackle of the flame, and feel its HEAT.  I was burning up, glowing with the yellowy-orange light of the fire; the flames grew until they consumed my core, my subtle body, and then the layers of my aura.  Finally, this fire ran out of fuel, and it quickly faded away, just as the drums built to a final mind-blowing peak, and then were silent.

Everything went still and silent; all I could hear was my own labored breathing.  Gradually, I became aware of the pants and gasps of others, and I opened my eyes.  Everyone had sat down around the circle at some point during my trance, and we all took several moments to ease our way back into the mundane world. 

One by one, the participants left for their homes.  It took a bit of time before I felt grounded in the physical world enough to walk to my car.

I look back on the ceremony, and much of it seems like a dream.  Except for that time when I became the rhythm, when I became the cone of power that we all built together, when I seemed to turn inside out, with my chakras and subtle body becoming my main “self” and my physical body becoming ethereal and unnecessary; that part I can remember with amazing clarity.

I am told that I can expect to be tested this week regarding whatever I offered to the fire.  I am bracing myself, because I am absolutely certain that a test will come.  I took one of the candle stubs from the fire pit and placed it on my altar this morning and asked my Gods for their support; hopefully my Gods will be with me as I move forward.

The PBT is performing our New Moon Reiki Share this evening; I think I really do need this one.


Saturday, September 24, 2011

Three of Pentacles/Four of Pentacles. The Three of Pentacles (Mars, action, spontaneity, aggression, drive, in Capricorn, “I build,” ambition, cunning, competence) is a busy little card that tells of competence, planning and teamwork.  Today may be a day with an intense focus on the physical world (ya think??!!) and thankfully some of that focus will involve active planning, combining my own efforts with others, and in the end, getting the job done. The Four of Pentacles (the Sun, the inner core of a person or situation or the deepest self, in Capricorn, “I build,” ambition, authority, caution cunning), in an upright position tells of possession and control and very solid foundations.  Both of these cards correspond to Capricorn, which is where they in part get their “get-up-and-go,” but the Four has more of a feeling of admiring what I’ve done, which might not be a good thing.  Stopping now might short-circuit the momentum, so while I can certainly use my admiration of my success thus far as a goad to move me onward, if I don’t prod myself with it every so often, it will be of no use.  Perhaps I can also tap into the energies of like-minded people in order to keep motivated.

My Thoth card is Death reversed. The Death card corresponds with Water (cold/binds and wet/adapts, and sensitive, imaginative energy that strives to stay the same or take the same course), Scorpio, Nun (fish head; liberation), and the Path between Tiphareth (the hub of the creation process where energies harmonize and focus to illuminate and clarify) and Netzach (the stimulating factors of emotion and inspiration), and tells of natural change that happens through the alchemic process of putrefaction, when matter is purified through dissolution, decay and death.  The end result of this process is the readiness for being born again, and because my Death card is reversed, today just might be a day of new beginnings.  However, these new beginnings might not appear logical, at least at first. 

My Legacy card is the Page of Wands reversed, flavored by the King of Coins.  Well.  A bit of Earth energy today, eh? The Page of Wands (Cancer, “I feel,” sensitive, tenacious, nurturing, moody; Leo, “I am,” passionate, dramatic noble egotistical; and Virgo, “I serve,” practical, analytical, work and service oriented) in an upright position tends to be a free spirit who uses assertion and action to attract adventure and excitement.  My Page is reversed, and could be warning me that there is a danger of experiencing some impatience today.  No hissy fits if things don’t go as I want them to go! The King of Coins (cusp of Aries, “I want,” action oriented, assertive, competitive, and Taurus, “I have,” sensual, stubborn, cautious, physically oriented) is the expert on physical manifestation; he is about working independently and still being effective.  My King is flavoring my reversed Page, and I just might need his ability to be patient, and to diligently see to the details today.  Hey, the reversed Page of Wands is really my only difficult card, and a bit of childishness will keep me awake, and will counteract the natural heaviness and contraction of all those Earth cards.

My 6-digit date number is 8 the number of the conscious response to the beginning of the degeneration of the number 7 in order to preserve for a bit longer the harmony of the number 6.

My horoscopes: “Your intuition and imagination are operating at a very high level today, and you may be inspired to write. However, you aren't likely to have enough ideas or information to actually put pen to paper. There's no rush, though. Take some time to allow the ideas to crystallize and set them down later. Someone in a bad mood may draw you into a quarrel. Brush it off and say you're busy!”

And: “Grab a hold of the boisterous energy of the day and run with it. This is a good time to kick up your heels and have fun. You might find that people are a bit more high-strung than usual, so you will probably find that you need to utilize your ability to go with the flow quite a bit. The more relaxed you are, the more relaxed others will be while they are around you.”

My Shadowscapes Insight today is regarding The Sun.  “From fallow field and verdant vale, from sun-bleached shores with diamond grains, and moonlit trails that trek like veins through mountain, river, past the end where sky is but a ghostly veil that to Beyond transcends . . .” and then the sun rises over the Eastern horizon with a flare of golden light!  The Sun is the star of the day, and it illuminates the darkness and thus, seems to manifest and make attainable the hope that is The Star.  When The Sun appears over the horizon, all is renewed and filled with possibility.  And its warm and yellow light fills me with confidence and a clarity of vision or purpose.  Like any other source of energy, this one is not bottomless, but at the moment of its birth, The Sun’s energy seems potent and eternal. 

What a wonderful weekend this is turning out to be!!  I’ve got bookends PBT!  Thursday evening I spent with three of my much-loved Pagan Brain Trust-ers, and as usual, I am rejuvenated by our conversations.  Today, my god son, Justin, marries his fiancĂ©, Victoria, and I am anticipating a great party with family this evening.  And tomorrow, I attend my very first shamanic fire ceremony, led by Tara, a PBT-er, and Jason, Tara’s mentor. 

I have never been to a fire ceremony, and I am really looking forward to this new experience.  From what I have been able to find on the Internet, a fire ceremony involves the raising of fire energy, the maintenance of that energy at a high level by the shamans leading the ceremony and by those participating in the ceremony, and through that intense fire energy, the presentation of an opportunity for each of us to burn away the old and initiate new growth.  I also read that there is a period following participation in a fire ceremony when opportunities will present themselves to me that will encourage me to translate the intentions presented in the ceremony into reality.  Tara has also warned me of this, and I am building the visualization of my intentions very carefully. 

I have been feeling for some time now that I am changing; my goals are changing, my career is changing, my personal life is changing.  Not all of these changes are pleasant or comfortable, but I have so much trust in my Gods, in Their presentation in my life of things that I need to experience, that I am opening myself to the effects of every change.  The beginnings of physical world manifestations are being born, and I am eager to clear my vision so that I can see them and take advantage of them, and I am eager to light the fire within me so that its light can shine past my physical body, through my aura, and out into the world around me, in order to act as a catalyst to encourage these changes.  And so, I am asking that the veils between who I am now and who I am destined to become be removed so that I can not only see the next step but also have the focus and strength of Will and courage to take it.  Yes, I do understand that what will come to me is what I need, and not necessarily what I want.  But I think that I finally have the courage and the confidence to open myself.  This fire ceremony just might be the catalyst to get things started.  **ducks, winces, and hits “enter”**


Friday, September 23, 2011

Four of Cups/The Hierophant. The Four of Cups (the Moon, feelings and emotions, illusion, imagination, in Cancer, “I feel,” sensitive, nurturing, tenacious, moody) tells me that today I could be contemplating my own feelings a lot, to the point of being a bit disconnected. The Hierophant corresponds with Earth (cold/binds and dry/shapes), Taurus (“I have,” sensual, cautious, stubborn), Vau (the nail which holds tradition in place), and the Path between Chesed (the place where forms and structures are stabilized and nurtured), and Chokmah (dynamic male energy, the origin of vital force and polarity) is also a card of contemplation, but it has a different feel about it than the Four of Cups. The figure on the Four of Cups card is seated, and looking downward and inward, while The Hierophant, who is also seated, is looking out confidently into the world. These cards together are telling me that perhaps this will be a day filled with thoughts regarding my own beliefs, my own morals and ethical code, and of the spiritual and cultural traditions which guide me. I may be looking inward part of the time, but I will certainly be also ascertaining what effects these concepts have on my world as well; I may also be seeing what happens to myself and my world when I attempt to live my faith.

My Thoth card is the Six of Cups. “Pleasure” is Crowley’s keyword for the Six of Cups (Sun, the inner core of a person or situation in Scorpio, “I desire,” intense, compulsive, deep, obsessive) which tells of experiencing simple joys, innocent fun and being surrounded by blessings. The “Mr. Gloom-And-Doom” that is Aleister Crowley actually likes this card, and sees it as one of the best in the entire deck. Crowley sees the energies associated with this card as being filled with both harmony and a fertility that allows pleasure to propagate and harmony to continue.

My Legacy card is the King of Cups, flavored by The Sun reversed. The King of Cups (cusp of Libra, “We are,” partnerships, balance, cooperation, and Scorpio, “I desire,” intense, controlling mysterious, obsessive) is the expert on emotions and the subconscious, mainly because of his life experiences. He cares deeply for those around him, and he offers compassion and tolerance through example. In an upright position, The Sun corresponds with Fire (hot/separates and dry/shapes, spontaneous, impulsive and energetic change), our Sun (the inner core of a person or situation), Resh (the face; reason), and the Path between Yesod (the place where patterns and images emerge that may manifest in the physical world) and Hod (provides analysis and communication), and tells of a time of enlightenment. Since it is reversed and flavoring my King of Cups, while I may have an easy tome perceiving and connecting with the emotional needs of those around me today, perhaps in doing so I may neglect myself just a bit, to the point of feeling weary. The good thing is that all those other nice Cups cards will support this King, and maybe even get rid of whatever is preventing me from accessing the energies of The Sun.

My 6-digit date number is 7, the number that tells of the pause as harmony begins to degenerate.

My horoscopes: “Today you might intuit some strange and unsettling thoughts and feelings from a brother, sister, or neighbor, Sagittarius. This person isn't likely to want to talk about what's bothering them, even if you express concern. Sometimes people have to work these things out for themselves. Just make it clear that you're available to talk about it and then let it go. That's all you can do now.”

And: “Your financial situation could be greatly boosted by a development you haven't been expecting. Perhaps some investments you've been making suddenly skyrocket in value, or maybe homes in your neighborhood suddenly seem more high class than you would ever have expected. Whichever it is, it's not a good idea to try to cash it out right now. Chances are the value of your investment will continue to increase. Hang in there and watch it grow.”

My Shadowscapes Insight today is regarding the Ace of Pentacles. The Aces all represent potential, and this Ace of Pentacles promises me that something will come. Exactly what comes to me depends on lots of things, including what I choose to focus my Will upon and how hard I work to manifest my goals (for achieving success requires more than dreams and visualizations). If the seed is dropped on dry ground it will not sprout; it needs to be watered and cultivated in order to prosper.

More on The Emerald Tablet. In my post on the 19th I said: “This most pure and highest vibrating essence is indeed the Principle by which our world functions, for we are a reflection of Its workings. And It is indeed the custodian of all creation because we are Its reflection, and can be nothing else but Its reflection. We may be heavier, slower vibrating, more dense, less clear, less illuminated or lit, but we are the same.” Those last words, “. . . we are the same,” are truly vibrating within me today. We are the same as Deity, made of the same materials. Not exactly the same, for sure, because our essences are heavier, vibrating more slowly, and diluted with the influences of the physical world and our physical senses. But there is an underlying “sameness” to be found, just like an ice cube having an underlying essence in common with steam.

Using that same analogy, that ice cube can be brought closer to being steam by adding heat, which causes the molecules of that ice cube to begin vibrating faster and at a higher tone, closer to the vibration level of steam. The reverse holds true as well, for if we add cold to steam, and thus slow down and lower the vibrational level or tone, we will end up with ice. Now, the really cool thing is that if you look at the laws of thermodynamics, you will see that cold and heat are drawn towards each other. Well, the same holds true of the pure essences that are Deity; They are drawn to interact with us, just as we are drawn to interact with Them!

In their book, “Progressive Witchcraft: Spirituality, Mysteries & Training In Modern Wicca,” Farrar and Bone describe the methods for performing one of the most sacred rituals of Wicca: drawing down the moon. Within the description of these processes, Farrar and Bone state: “This technique not only opens the chakras, but also increases the energy of the aura, making it more accessible to Deity.” Yes!! Okay, I get this now. This is the reason that we are taught to practice working with our subtle body and our Will, and we are taught to expand our knowledge, so that we can also expand our belief in the validity of what we do. The High Priestess who is able to draw down the moon, who is able to invoke and invite the sacred essence of the Goddess into her physical body, does so by raising her own vibrational levels and tones closer to those of Deity, in order for the Law of Attraction to work in a literal sense. In order for the High Priestess to be able to create an energy environment that will attract the Goddess and allow the Goddess to merge with her! This skill is not something that can usually be learned quickly, or by merely reading a list of steps to take. Each of us needs to actually try different methods, to go through what amounts to an apprenticeship and then journeyman’s period, in order to connect with our subtle body, in order to learn how it works, and in order to learn how to affect it, and thus affect our world and our life experiences.

“And all things sprang from this essence through a single projection. How marvelous is its work! It is the principle [sic] part of the world and its custodian.” I understand now. The concept of all things springing from the single source of the sacred essence is easy to understand, but I am understanding with more depth (and with more personal validation) the connection of this sacred essence to the world, and the manner in which the nature of this sacred essence, as It manifests in the “lower realms,” is by this very nature caring for and nurturing everything that has been born of It and is a reflection of It.


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Two of Pentacles/Death. The Two of Pentacles (Jupiter, expansiveness and growth, justice, fortune, in Capricorn, “I build,” ambition, caution, cunning) reminds me that everything always ebbs and flows. When we first see the meanings behind this Two, we see growth and we see caution; at first these seem to be opposite effects, but that is indicative of the number 2. This card is telling me that at least for today, I should be able to juggle any projects I have already on the fire, but I should be careful not to take on more than I can handle. The Death card corresponds with Water (cold/binds and wet/adapts, and sensitive, imaginative energy that strives to stay the same or take the same course), Scorpio, Nun (fish head; liberation), and the Path between Tiphareth (the hub of the creation process where energies harmonize and focus to illuminate and clarify) and Netzach (the stimulating factors of emotion and inspiration), and tells of voluntary and involuntary transformation or change, of getting rid of what does not work any more, and of an ending that is actually a beginning. I am going to see this combination as optimistic today, and as specific to today. After all, today is Mabon, the Second Harvest, and harvest is about death, but death that has a purpose. For today, I will work hard to reap what I have sown, and I will remember what I have learned already as I prepare to move forward.

My Thoth card is the Seven of Swords reversed. “Futility” is Crowley’s keyword for the upright Seven of Swords (Moon, feelings and emotions, illusion, imagination, in Aquarius, “I know,” friendships, cause-oriented, the group, aloofness), and this one has been appearing almost as often as the Seven of Disks, and mostly through the Thoth Tarot. In an upright position this card tells of the effort to maintain things as we want them, usually through the use of deception and usually to the point of using unethical means. Since my Seven of Swords is reversed, today I will have no problem with stepping out of my comfort zone. This is a card of the intellect, so I do need to be careful even though it is reversed. Ethics are important today, and I should be able to work with others in a good way.

My Legacy card is The Hermit reversed, flavored by the Two of Swords reversed. How is that for a supporting pair?! The Hermit, which corresponds with Earth (cold/binds and dry/shapes, and material, practical and stable energy that is slow to change), Virgo (“I serve,” practical, analytical, work and service oriented, orderly), Yod (open hand, touch), and the Path between Tiphareth (the hub of the creation process where energies harmonize and focus to illuminate and clarify) and Chesed (the place where forms and structure are stabilized and nurtured), in an upright position is about looking within for answers. The Hermit’s message to me is that the journey is the goal, not the destination, and he is telling me that at least at this time, the journey should be a solitary one. I should ask the tough questions today, and look within for the answers. The Two of Swords (Moon, feelings and emotions, illusion, imagination, in Libra, “We are,” partnerships, balance, cooperation) in an upright position can represent a time of not looking or of shutting out the world. Because the Two of Swords reversed is flavoring The Hermit reversed, today will be a day of outer connections, outer focuses, and lessons that spring from outer experiences. No shutting myself away today!! It looks like the energies are good, and I should take advantage of them.

My Pearls of Wisdom Mabon card is the Page of Pentacles. The Page of Pentacles corresponds with the season of Spring (Aries, “I want,” action oriented, enthusiastic, competitive; Taurus, “I have,” sensual, physical, cautious; and Gemini, “I think,” curious, talkative, sociable, dual, intelligent), tells of the ability to manage resources in a responsible manner, but being able to infuse that responsibility with a bit of an open mind that is able to consider new tools and methods. This card is reminding me to be intensely focused on the tasks at hand so that I can become better than ever. Others will benefit from my efforts, but the most benefit will come to me.

My 6-digit date number is 5, the number of motion that dispels stagnation.

My horoscopes: “If you receive a financial windfall, spend it wisely, Sagittarius. Your tendency might be to buy gifts or treat a crowd to a lavish night on the town. But where is the enduring value? Invested carefully, a small chunk of money can grow into a much larger one, which will give you many more options. Be prudent.”

And: “Whatever you're working on at the moment, whether it's business related, personal, or volunteer work, is likely to bring you increased satisfaction on a number of levels. You're enjoying what you do, feeling that you're making a difference, and meeting new friends. Your health continues to glow, and you may be feeling as if nothing can stop you. Watch out for minor upsets - but nothing that will burst your bubble. Enjoy!”

My Shadowscapes Insight today is the Nine of Pentacles. This one has shown up before, and I think its message is repeated as a reminder to me, and as a challenge to take the image on this card a bit deeper. Balancing spiritual needs with the requirements of the physical realms takes focus and the imposition of Will. Gaining a stronger ability to use my Will takes practice and discipline, just like learning to play a musical instrument takes practice and discipline. This Nine of Pentacles is reminding me that in order to enjoy the end result of knowing I am good, I need to work toward that goal every day.

Today is the equinox of Mabon, the Second Harvest. Within the Wheel of the Year, Mabon is considered a Lesser Sabbat, not because it is any less valuable than the Greater Sabbats, but because the solstices and equinoxes represent the time of transformation from one season to another, when the energies are at their weakest in order to allow the seasonal shift to happen. The Greater Sabbats are the Cross-Quarters, and they represent the peaks or the greatest manifestations of the energies of the season; hence the “Greater.”

Despite the fact that this Sabbat focuses on grapes and grain, LOL, or wine and bread, it is a Sabbat that reminds us of balance. After all, today is in theory the last 24-hour period when the hours of darkness are not greater than the hours of light. However, according to my sunrise and sunset calendar, that day, when sunrise and sunset are exactly at the same time, does not happen until the 27th (when sunrise is at 6:51 am and sunset is at 6:51 pm). Astronomically, the equinox happens on the 23rd at 5:05 am, when the sun crosses the equator and heads to the Southern Hemisphere for the season. **smile** The transformation is a gradual thing, but it is happening.

Mabon is an ancient celebration of the harvest; in past times, a Harvest King and Harvest Queen were crowned at the beginning of the celebrations, to be earthly receptacles of the God and Goddess, the energies of the Sacred Masculine and the Sacred Feminine, throughout the harvest celebrations. This is the last Sabbat of the year where such balance between masculine and feminine can be found, for the next Sabbat, Samhain, celebrates the death of the God and the end of the influences of the energies of the Sacred Masculine until Yule and the rebirth of the sun.

I am seeing signs of Fall everywhere. I saw two golden eagles yesterday while driving up from Cape May, one when I first got onto the Parkway and one at mile marker 98; the Fall migration southward of the raptors is in full swing. The nights have been cool, the daytime skies have been that intense blue that only happens in the Fall. The beaches are empty at Cape May, as are the streets. No lineup of cars parked in front of rental houses, and no people packing up on Saturday mornings.

The sun is still warm, bordering on hot on many days, but the shadows are long and the light is slanted at 2 pm, rather than at 5 pm. I am waiting for the leaves to begin changing; soon enough green will fade to yellow, and then to orange and scarlet and brown.

I have had a very busy Summer, filled with fun and friends and family. But I am beginning to feel the need to begin processing it all, so I can file safely away the things that have benefitted me, that have helped me to grow and evolve, and put out into the trash the things that have outlived their usefulness.

I am blessed with a bounty of gifts.

Mabon Blessings and Blessed Be!


Monday, September 19, 2011

Page of Pentacles reversed/Two of Pentacles reversed.  Well, I guess today is not about Earth, is it?! The Page of Pentacles corresponds with the season of Spring (Aries, “I want,” action oriented, enthusiastic, competitive; Taurus, “I have,” sensual, physical, cautious; and Gemini, “I think,” curious, talkative, sociable, dual, intelligent), and in an upright position it would tell me that I should go out and meet abundance as it approaches, with child-like enthusiasm, rather than holding back.  It makes sense to me that this Page is reversed today, for I am feeling the approach of the season of Fall and its corresponding focuses.  The Two of Pentacles (Jupiter, expansiveness and growth, justice, fortune, in Capricorn, “I build,” ambition, caution, cunning) reminds me that everything always ebbs and flows, but because it is reversed, my Two is reinforcing the reversed position of my Page.  Any effort to connect to the energies of Earth may end up being at cross-purpose to the easier flows of Air and Fire today.  While I will be meeting my responsibilities in my Earthly world, my focus should be on rewards and messages that are not of the suit of Pentacles.

My Thoth card is the Seven of Disks.  More withdrawal or blockage of supportive of Earth energies.   And this card has been appearing quite frequently for me this year, six other times, and most of those have been with the Thoth Tarot.  “Failure” is Crowley’s keyword for the Seven of Disks (Saturn, discipline, responsibility, law and order, in Taurus, “I have,” sensual, cautious, stubborn), which encourages us to look around but reminds us that full potential has not yet been realized, so we shouldn’t spend too much time pausing or looking for signs of progress.  Since my Seven of Disks mostly shows up as a Thoth card, I will think about Crowley’s more negative view of this card.  The energies here appear to be supporting of each other, but in a way they are contradictory.  Disks are about getting things done in an orderly manner, not fast and furious but ongoing, and yet the number 7 is about assessment that is accomplished by pausing.  For me, lethargy always beckons and I agree with Crowley; the heaviness of this Seven of Disks could be a danger.

My Legacy card is the Four of Cups reversed, flavored by the Four of Coins reversed.  Eeeep!!  No Earth, no stability of the number 4, and no self-absorption. The Four of Cups (the Moon, feelings and emotions, illusion, imagination, in Cancer, “I feel,” sensitive, nurturing, tenacious, moody) in an upright position tells of a situation where the pleasure of the senses has in effect anesthetized us.  Thankfully my Four of Cups is reversed today, so I will find myself experiencing integration rather than numbness. The Four of Coins (the Sun, the inner core of a person or situation or the deepest self, in Capricorn, “I build,” ambition, authority, caution cunning), in an upright position tells of possession and control and very solid foundations.  This Four is reversed, too, and flavoring the reversed Four of Cups; along with my first two reversed Pentacles card, it is reminding me that sometimes control is counterproductive, and using tried and true methods only ends up putting us to sleep.

My 6-digit date number is 3, the number that tells of new creation out of the balance and polarity of the number 2, and the potential out of the number 1.  Look out, world!!

My horoscopes: “An event could find a current or potential love partner paying a lot of attention to others, Sagittarius. You might feel neglected and unloved, as though your friend is doing this to hurt you. This probably isn't the case. Your partner is just trying to be sociable and doesn't realize that it upsets you. Do some mingling. Your friend might have the same reaction as you and come running!”

And: “Stimulating conversation could take place with partners of all sorts, from business partners to exercise buddies to lovers. Some new and useful information could come your way, which you'll want to explore further. This is a great day to execute legal papers, or to enter into any kind of agreement or commitment. It is also a good time to sign up for a class or workshop. Make good use of the energies of the day.”

My Shadowscapes Insight today is regarding The World.  What a beautiful card!  What I like about this one is that while the image presents the traditional meaning of The World, the full achievement of a goal, it also reminds me of the importance of that final moment.  Often we see that time of “graduation” as nudging us forward into the next cycle of growth, but today I am being reminded that the moment of completion, that time of completion of ending yet no initiation of beginning which seems to be gone in an instant, is worth savoring.  It takes the combination of all I have learned so far to enable me to pause on the edge of the knife for even a moment or two, but that is just long enough for me to savor the balance and the connection to all, and to memorize the pause before I begin to strive once again.

Since beginning to read the book “Oneness,” by Rasha, I have been making the effort to be aware of my energy body.  Today I read the words, “You are fully responsible for your vibrational state of beingness in any given moment,” and while I know this to be true, I never before accepted with conscious awareness that this is something I need to be aware of, to act upon constantly.  Then, as happens with more and more frequency, as soon as I accepted with my conscious mind that I am responsible for the constant maintenance of my energy field, the same way I am responsible for showering and dressing each day, I was offered a validation of this realization, and an opportunity to crystallize my own beliefs even more. 

I just finished submitting a second Second Degree Lesson, and I am thrilled.  Thrilled because writing the two lessons is an opportunity to pay back the training I have received thus far at Sacred Mists, and thrilled because the lesson itself, which focuses on advanced Wiccan Ethics, gave me the chance to put into words this very concept.  It seems that the deeper I immerse myself in my Training at Sacred Mists, the more often I find that my Path is validated for me.  Books appear that offer a similar message, often expanding upon the original thought; opportunities to manifest what I am learning appear unexpectedly, out of nowhere.  Is this because of that “superhighway” of information that is ebbing and flowing above me?  I think yes.

I am ready to move on to the next part of The Emerald Tablet: “And all things sprang from this essence through a single projection. How marvelous is its work! It is the principle [sic] part of the world and its custodian.”  This is now perfectly understandable to me.  Goddess and God, the Sacred Feminine and the Sacred Masculine, are Deity, but even They are emanations.  The Source, the purest of sacred energies, not yet even polarized into masculine or feminine effects, is the place from which all life springs.  As a Wiccan, I see this as a constant process.  There will be no end and there was no beginning, no Big Bang that was the absolute start of everything.  There may have been a Big Bang, but there was not “nothingness” before it; rather, the Universe inhales and the Universe exhales but at the moment when all has been expelled from the lungs, the next inhalation begins. 

This most pure and highest vibrating essence is indeed the Principle by which our world functions, for we are a reflection of Its workings.  And It is indeed the custodian of all creation because we are Its reflection, and can be nothing else but Its reflection.  We may be heavier, slower vibrating, more dense, less clear, less illuminated or lit, but we are the same.  Oh my, this is lovely; simple words but the resonance of these simple words fills me to overflowing. 


Thursday, September 15, 2011

Eight of Swords/Ten of Swords. “Interference” The Eight of Swords (Jupiter, expansiveness and growth, justice, fortune, in Gemini, “I think,” curious, sociable talkative, dual) tells of interference and restriction, sometimes unexpected, that are of the sheer bad luck nature. The Ten of Swords (the Sun, the inner core of a person or situation, in Gemini, “I think,” curious, sociable, dual, talkative) is also a card of interference and restriction, but it offers pessimistic information about the possible end result. The important thing about both of these cards is that they are Air cards, which means they show me what I perceive as reality. Yes, the interference and restriction may just be bad luck, or they might be happening because I haven’t been realistic or have been refusing to see how things are. But in any event, these things can only hurt me if I let them. That means the worst case scenario is not me laying on my belly with ten Swords sticking out of my back, but rather it is that I will be given valuable opportunities to practice **not** being affected by interference and restriction. So there!

My Thoth card is the Queen of Wands. The Queen of Wands (cusp of Pisces, “I believe,” feelings, duality, soul growth, spirituality, and Aries, “I want,” action oriented, assertive, competitive) has a good attitude about the world and all its experiences. She is the one who can deal with the Eight and Ten of Swords because she is good at being cheerful and optimistic, she handles both success and failure without being ruffled, and she is not afraid of hard work.

My Legacy card is the Queen of Cups reversed, flavored by the Seven of Cups reversed. Two reversed Cups cards; okay then. The Queen of Cups (cusp of Gemini, “I think,” curious, sociable, dual, and Cancer, “I feel,” sensitive, tenacious, nurturing, moody) is Water of Water, and thus is quite deeply connected to her feelings and her Inner Voice. Because the card is reversed, that connection may not serve me today; I’ve gotta be careful not to read into things in a bad way. The Seven of Cups (Venus, beauty, allure, relationships, in Scorpio, “I desire,” intense, controlling, obsessive, mysterious) represents the distraction and dissipation that can happen when we are presented with enticing choices. So, one of my reversed Cups cards affects me through my own nature, and the other reversed Cups card affects me through the influence of outer possibilities. Because my Queen is reversed, and being flavored by another reversed Cups card, the Seven of Cups, I may not be able to clearly perceive the reality of the emotions and feelings around me today, both my own and those of others. Today might be one of those days that I will be better off choosing to **not** choose.

My Pearls of Wisdom Full Moon card is the Ten of Swords reversed. Bookends again! The reversed Ten of Swords offers a better message than its upright version. Yes, the interference and restrictions may very well be there, right in my face, but I will see them as a personal challenge to be overcome, and in the process of overcoming them I will be offered a chance to become a better person. A seemingly insurmountable challenge? Bring it on.

My 6-digit date number is 8, the number that tells of a conscious effort to maintain the balance of the number 6 a bit longer. I like this number along with these cards.

My horoscopes: “Today's energy might be especially draining for you, Sagittarius. Your tasks could require more effort than usual, and you could be exhausted by midday. This isn't the day to prove anything. Work according to your own strengths at your own speed. You'll probably accomplish more this way than by pushing yourself. Take care and you'll still have energy for a great evening.”

And: “You might need to put on the brakes today when it comes to love and romance. Don't think that this means you have to break off any sort relationship you have in the works, but do realize that you may need to take a more realistic approach in how you handle it. The problem is that you may be getting so caught up in the fantasy aspect of things that you are failing to pay attention to the practical aspects.”

My Shadowscapes Insight today is regarding The Hierophant. The story that weaves around this card is so lovely! In the Shadowscapes Tarot, The Hierophant is the entity who serenely pursues knowledge and deeper meaning, and when he finds them, he “lives” them; he “becomes” them. He uses the intense and personal powers of ritual and ceremony in order to understand what he learns, and to make what he learns a part of his everyday life. While he is open to experiencing new things, his foundation (and indeed, his ability to confidently open himself to those new things) is kept strong through the very belief system that he creates and imposes upon himself and that he shares with others. That foundation is important and it needs to be bound by the rigidity of a system of belief so that it can be a rock-solid platform to be built upon.

And still, I am thinking of “as above, so below.” Yesterday, thanks in part to my Shadowscapes card and its message, I saw the concept in its more broad effect. Sometimes the space between “above” and “below” is huge enough that we have difficulty perceiving the validity and power of the connection in the “now,” and instead need to see that connection through the eyes of either time or distance in order to understand its slower (yet still effective) effects.

But “as above, so below” is not only about the purest of sacred energies that is The Source, and the workings of my Universe that reflect the workings of that sacred energies. “As above, so below” also represents “true magick” (and oh boy, do I hate to use that adjective, but it works), the kind of magick that works without props or theatrics. Perhaps a better way of thinking of this term is “as within, so without”; and there is the power, and the misunderstanding.

As I learned from my Sacred Mists First Degree Training, magick works because a part of my psyche, the Younger Self, believes it works. This means that what my Younger Self believes, says, does, and even thinks about is what is created and manifested, initially in the non-physical realms of emotion and thought and feelings and eventually (if those emotions and thoughts and feelings are strong enough or are perpetuated long enough), in the more dense and slower vibrating physical realms. This process is reversible as well; what I consciously choose to say or do is seen as “truth” by my Younger Self, and thus physical words or actions can manifest in the less dense and faster vibrating realms of emotions and thoughts and feelings.

This is the basis for all magick, for all transformation. What I believe or do or say or think about is what will most likely happen. This is not foolproof, for if these strong tendencies meet energy flows that are moving in different directions, the tendencies will be affected, but if I believe enough or if I say or do or think about things with enough power and/or frequency, I will make things happen the way I am seeing or visualizing or believing them to be.

The work of wonders is from one.” This work of wonders happens when my belief, the belief of my Younger Self, unites “within” with “without,” and “above” with “below.” When those three ingredients, the extremes and the bridge between them, unite, the “work of wonders” is accomplished.


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Three of Swords/Ten of Wands.  The Three of Swords (Saturn, discipline, responsibility, limitations and resistance, in Libra, “We are,” partnerships, balance, cooperation) has been showing up for me lately. The Three of Swords usually indicates the possibility that logic and the intellect can end up harming either my physical body or my emotions today.  I need to be aware of that possibility, and listen for the first hints of pain or isolation so I can short-circuit the process. The Ten of Wands (Saturn, discipline, responsibility, limitations and resistance, in Sagittarius, “I seek,” philosophic, fun-loving, blundering) tells of the blocking of the creative power of the suit of Wands; instead of the personal power of the Ace of Wands, I may end up expending what little energy I have in order to do the work of another.  The only light at the end of the dark tunnel that is these two cards is that I can use their discomfort as a character builder.  Am I feeling isolated or put upon?  I can change that perception.  Am I feeling tired or burdened?  Perhaps if I take a moment to rest, and I offer myself a pep talk, I will end up the day with a sense of accomplishment.

My Thoth card is Lust.  The Lust card is Crowley’s version of the Strength card (Fire, hot/separates and dry/shapes, and spontaneous, impulsive and energetic energy; Leo, “I am,” passionate, dramatic, egotistical; Teth, sieve or basket, digestion; and the Path between Geburah, the place where forms and structures are challenged or affirmed, and Chesed, the place where forms and structures are stabilized and nurtured), which traditionally tells of emotional endurance and control.  Uncle Al sees this card as representing strong emotions used in a positive manner, such as courage, strength and control, but he also sees this card as representing the use of magickal power.  After all, this card is about taming feelings and emotions, and so is the use of magickal power!

My Legacy card is the Ten of Wands reversed, flavored by the Six of Swords.  Bookends!!  The reversed Ten of Wands could very well be telling me that I’m not taking advantage of an opportunity to test myself.  However, since it is being flavored by the Six of Swords, my Ten of Wands reversed could actually be telling me that I am growing more empowered. The Six of Swords (Mercury, reason, intelligence, education, communication, in Aquarius, “I know,” friendships, the group, cause oriented) is about hitting the reset button in order to move away from a problem or blockage.  Logic may not work with the upright Ten of Wands, but the logic and move towards optimism of the Six of Swords supports that same move towards optimism in the reversed Ten of Wands.

More about the Ten of Wands, my Bookends cards.  The creativity that starts as a positive thing in the Ace of Wands becomes an out-of-control monster in the Ten of Wands.  Are we responsible for using our creative abilities?  That responsibility has become a burden.  Are we enthusiastic?  That enthusiasm has drained us dry.  This is an oppressive card, but it can also offer contradiction if it is paired with a positive card, for succeeding in bringing the burden of Wands to their destination may not have a positive ending.  It also tells us of what happens when Fire burns out of control: it takes over the situation and the only way to stop its out of control burning is to let it consume its fuel.  As mentioned above, the stresses of the Ten of Wands are not all bad; they offer us an opportunity to be focused, to work hard, to have courage and perseverance despite seemingly unconquerable odds.

My 6-digit date number is 8, the number that tells of a conscious attempt to restore the harmony of the number 6.

My horoscopes: “Be yourself and you can do no wrong, Sagittarius. This is one of those days when you barely need to make any effort to go a long distance. You'll find power at your disposal and confidence in yourself. Feel free to grab the microphone and express your opinions. Your words and thoughts are highly charged.”

And: “You are apt to be somewhat fickle when it comes to issues of love and romance at this time, Nancy. The key for you now is freedom, and the problem with this frame of mind is that it might be misinterpreted. Your partner may think you are simply not interested in anymore. Remind your partner that it is OK to love someone while also needing time and space to do things on your own.”

My Shadowscapes Insight is regarding The Wheel of Fortune.  We usually see this card in a personal way, or as affecting us personally, but The Wheel can have broader manifestations.  In the Shadowscape Companion, we find this description of The Wheel: “The walls and beauty that artisans create will one day fall, and new structures will rise up on those remains.  And so do the individual fortunes of any one person, on a cycle that may last a day or two, or years on end.  As above, so below!

Again, I am being shown a version of the Principle of Correspondence that is taught in The Emerald Tablet. But The Wheel of Fortune also personifies the Principle of Rhythm, which states that everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates.  And through being aware of these cycles, I can not only unite them all, but also use them as rungs of the ladder of growth and evolution.

Okay, I have been up for over 22 hours, since just before 11:30 last night.  I flew the redeye back from the Dominican Republic after a really nice, relaxing vacation with my son.  Got home in time to go to work, worked a full day.  Came home, gave a Vedic Thai-Yoga Massage, and then went to a Tarot meeting online.  I am pooped.  Tomorrow is another day.


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Strength/The Moon. The Strength card (Fire, hot/separates and dry/shapes, and spontaneous, impulsive and energetic energy; Leo, “I am,” passionate, dramatic, egotistical; Teth, sieve or basket, digestion; and the Path between Geburah, the place where forms and structures are challenged or affirmed, and Chesed, the place where forms and structures are stabilized and nurtured) tells of emotional endurance and control.  Being in touch with my feelings and emotions enough to allow them to manifest without harm is a good thing, and I should be able to enjoy the experiences of my day.  **crosses fingers**  The Moon corresponds with Water (cold/binds and wet/adapts, emotional and sensitive energy that strives to stay the same), Pisces (“I believe,” feeling, suffering, soul growth, duality), Qof (the back of the head), and the Path between Malkuth (the physical world of action and physical, outer reality) and Netzach (the stimulating factors of emotion and inspiration), and talks about the imagination, perception, and fear of the unknown or at a minimum, bewilderment because of it.  Both of my cards are about feelings and emotions today, and I need to remember this.  Even good feelings and emotions can end up clouding my judgment.

My Thoth card is the Seven of Disks.  “Failure” is Crowley’s keyword for the Seven of Disks (Saturn, discipline, responsibility, law and order, in Taurus, “I have,” sensual, cautious, stubborn) tells us that our efforts thus far may bring future rewards, but full potential has not yet been realized.  Crowley sees this card is a more negative manner, and I need to be aware that lethargy might play a role in the day.  I’ve gotta tap into the energies of Earth without allowing the heaviness and slower vibrations of Earth to weigh me down.

My Legacy card is The World reversed, flavored by the Three of Cups. The World, which corresponds with Earth (cold/binds and dry/shapes, and material, stable and practical energy that is slow to change), Saturn (discipline, responsibility, limitations and resistance), Thav (mark or sign), and the Path between Malkuth (the physical world of action and physical, outer reality) and Yesod (the place where patterns and images emerge that may manifest into the physical world), is a card of integration and involvement and understanding.  It may be reversed, but it is also flavored by the Three of Cups (Mercury, reason, intelligence, orderliness, communication, in Cancer, “I feel,” sensitive tenacious, nurturing, moody), which tells of the possibility of experiencing emotional abundance, emotional connections to others, and emotional support as a part of the day.  I am ending a vacation today, and actually all of these cards make sense.  I am going to enjoy the travelling process, with my son by my side, and absorb my experiences of the past few days.

My 6-digit date number is 6, the number of vertical and horizontal balance. 

My horoscopes: “Your communications equipment may not be working well today, Sagittarius. If you absolutely need to reach someone, perhaps the best course of action is to hop in the car and visit them if they live nearby. Otherwise, you may have to wait until everything's working again. Hang in there, and don't give up on technology.”

And: “An intense card, letter or phone call could come from a brother, sister or other relative today. Perhaps this is a good chance to patch up an old quarrel with this person - but don't be tempted to start another! Emotions are running high at this time, and it wouldn't take much to set someone off. You may want to go out and do a little shopping, but be careful. Traffic is likely to be bad.”

My Shadowscapes Insight is regarding the Judgement card.  What I love about this card in particular (and the Judgement card in general) is the concept of being called forward to present an accounting of my life thus far.  This one is optimistic; yes, I may need to atone for any misjudgments.  But after the cleanse comes a time of rest, and then rebirth with a clean slate, and a chance to try again.

Well, we did not make our 6:10 pm flight, but we will be trying again at 1:40 am.  Hopefully that one will work. 

Brian and I spent this afternoon learning about the birds that are in his yard.  One bird is called the bananaquit; it has a yellow breast, a black head and black wings; it is a noisy, cheeky bird, bold in its actions.  It builds orb-shaped nests with a side entrance.  The bananaquit’s nickname is “the sugar bird” because it is known to love granulated sugar; it also tends to tame pretty easily.

The second bird that hangs around a lot in Brian’s yard is a smaller yellow bird.  Surprisingly enough, it is called a Cape May warbler!  How cool is that?!  I did a bit of research and apparently the Cape May warbler nests in Canada and winters in the Caribbean.  The first one captured and documented, in the 1800’s I believe, was caught in Cape May!  That is why it is called the Cape May warbler, even though it spends months in the Dominican Republic. 

The next sentence of The Emerald Tablet that I will be thinking about is “What is the above is from the below and the below is from the above. The work of wonders is from one.  Anyone who has done even a little bit of research on Hermetic magick has heard this phrase, and has thought about it a bit.  We all understand that the physical world is a reflection, an imperfect reflection, of the spiritual world.  Plato said that mortal life is the manifest, living, changing, limited, imperfect reflection of immortal life.  But this “as above, so below” actually goes two ways; “as below, so above” allows us to understand that higher vibrating world because we understand our lower vibrating world.

In “Meditation On The Emerald Tablet,” Janet K. Turner states: “That is the whole theme of the Emerald Tablet, a continuing spiral stream of enlightenment – knowledge - by going from Above to Below and back again. No matter how small, no matter how large, it is the same – Above to Below and back again, a continuing spiraling process.  After Enlightenment – what next – chop wood, carry water, do the laundry. The small chores of life can be just as entangling as the search for your essence and so to retain your balance, your Enlightenment, you must continue to employ the same process over and over again seeking your answers in the Above and bringing them down to the Below. For it is in the Above, the universal knowledge, that unseen cosmic swirl of energy and information that you must tap into for your answers – for all your answers come from Above and all your questions come from Below. Each time we glimpse that which is “above” us, we can at the very least understand our own world of “below” in a deeper way; perhaps, if we are lucky and are able to make that glimpse into a part of our daily lives, we will raise our own energy vibrational tone that much closer to those clearer, purer tones that are of the world of “above.”  By uniting “above” with “below” through that spiral of determining the question, then seeking the answer and seeking understanding of the answer, which in turn creates a new, more advanced question, we are uniting “above” with “below” through this give and take.  We are the bridge that unites the two worlds!  The work of those wonders we experience, those Aha! Moments, is from that union.


Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Horned One (The Devil)/Page of Swords. The Horned One or Devil (Earth (cold/binds and dry/shapes, and stable, material, practical energies that are slow to change), Capricorn (“I build,” ambitious, competent, cautious, cunning), Ayin (the eye, senses), and the Path between Hod (which provides analysis and communication) and Tipareth (the hub of the creation process where energies harmonize and focus to illuminate and clarify), tells of being caught up in the physical world and the effects of the physical senses to the point of being bound to those things.  The point here is not that physical pleasure is bad, but that I cannot be ruled by my senses today.  The Page of Swords (Capricorn, “I build,” ambitious, competent, cautious, cunning, Aquarius, “I know,” friendships, the group, society, cause-oriented, and Pisces, “I believe,” feelings, duality, soul growth, spirituality) is kind of reinforcing that last bit.  This Page reminds me to use my mind and my intellect to analyze situations as well as the messages of my senses.  These two cards actually balance each other nicely.  Now all I need is maybe a Cups card.  LOL!

My Thoth card is The Moon reversed. The Moon corresponds with Water (cold/binds and wet/adapts, emotional and sensitive energy that strives to stay the same), Pisces (“I believe,” feeling, suffering, soul growth, duality), Qof (the back of the head), and the Path between Malkuth (the physical world of action and physical, outer reality) and Netzach (the stimulating factors of emotion and inspiration), and talks about the imagination, perception, and fear of the unknown or at a minimum, bewilderment because of it.  My Moon card is reversed, so I will need to be aware that what I perceive is not always what others perceive, but as long as I am realistic, there are benefits to be had from meditation and visualization.

My Legacy card is the Nine of Wands reversed, flavored by the Four of Coins reversed. The Nine of Wands (Moon, feelings and emotions, illusion, imagination, in Sagittarius, “I seek,” philosophic, fun-loving, adventurous, blundering) tells of being pro-active in response to issues, of reaching a point of drawing a line or taking a stand.  But since my Nine of Wands is reversed, today I can be a bit more relaxed.  Not too much! The Four of Coins (the Sun, the inner core of a person or situation or the deepest self, in Capricorn, “I build,” ambition, authority, caution cunning), in an upright position tells of maintaining and promoting control and very solid foundations.  This Four is reversed, too.  Looks like today is not supposed to be a day of control and order.  Sounds like a good day to be out at the beach!

My 6-digit date number is 4, the number of depth and stability.

My horoscopes: “You're more into socializing today than anything else, Sagittarius. This could be great providing you don't have a heavy workload. See who's available and go for it. If you need to get something done, you'll have to resist the temptation to chat too long. Use breaks for this and keep your focus on getting done what you've taken on. There's always the evening to get together with friends.”

And: “You may feel as if your smile is unwelcome today. It may seem to you as if there is some sort of gloom and doom to people's attitudes that makes them unwilling to accept any sort of good news. Don't let this stop you from maintaining your own cheerful state. It is important that you not probe too deeply into the reasons behind other people's behavior at this time.”

My Shadowscapes Insight today is regarding the Nine of Pentacles.  This card to me tells of the moments when our spiritual self is in harmony and balance and communication with our physical self.  The interesting thing is that this harmony can only be achieved in a solitary way.  I need to do the work to open myself, to learn and understand, and to connect all of these parts of my “self” with balance.  The being in the image on this card achieves this balance through music, through the playing of an instrument.  But there are many other ways to achieve this harmony, and for today, I will open myself to both the pleasures of the physical senses, and of the higher spiritual sensations that are the “above” to my “below.”

Today is the first day in a long time that I feel completely relaxed and healthy.  It has been a stressful summer; wonderful and fun and filled with great experiences for sure, but stressful too.  But finally, at the beginning of day three in the Dominican Republic, I feel as if I have unwound.

I am sitting in Brian’s living room, looking out the window and door.  The avocado tree right across the driveway from the door has beautiful red flowers on it, like smaller camellias; the trees behind this one are filled with fruit.  Several of the banana trees are heavy with fruit.  I just hung a load of wash to dry, because the sky is a brilliant blue.  The chickens have been by several times (the rooster woke me up this morning), watching me hopefully.  I gave them some stale bread yesterday, and amazingly they remember, after just one feeding, that I am the person who offered them food yesterday.  LOL, Jeri, one of Brian’s dogs, guards the front porch as his territory and this morning two or three of the chickens made it to the front door before Jeri saw them.  Feathers flew!

Yesterday we had an unexpected visitor!  Along the side of the property is a barbed wire fence, which keeps the neighbor’s cows in that field.  Well, apparently a bull went wandering out onto the street, and then turned into Brian’s driveway by mistake.  In came the bull, and in came the farmer, chasing after him.  Brian’s dogs went nuts, and at first we thought it was just a cow coming to visit, but then we got a glimpse of the “undercarriage” and grabbed the dogs.  Adrenaline rush!

Despite hitting traffic on Thursday, I arrived in the D.R. by dinnertime, so I was able to pick up an extra evening.  Friday, while Brian went to the doctor, Carlos and I went up into the mountains.  I bought some great gifts for WGW2011, we stopped and bought cornbread from the little old lady on the side of the road, and then had a lovely dinner, cooked by Carlos.  Yesterday, we took Beni, Brian’s other dog, to the vet, stopped for ice cream, and did some errands.  We had another lovely dinner by Carlos. 

Today, we are going to head to the beach, unless the weather doesn’t cooperate.  But no matter what, I am enjoying spending time drinking coffee and talking to my son. 

Today is the ten-year anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.  We are not the only country who has experienced first-hand the horrors of terrorism, not by any means.  But we have lived for so long with these horrors happening outside our borders that we have become insulated from them.  How easy it is for most to feel sorry for the victims of horrific attacks in an abstract manner, and yet continue with their daily lives, unaffected.  Yes, we do need to function, we do need to continue with our daily lives, we do need to rebuild after an attack, but we cannot do so unchanged.  After that day ten years ago, and the days and weeks that followed, many of us here in the US have been changed.

I think sometimes about oppression, and the perception of who is doing the oppressing and who is being oppressed.  And I think about terrorism, and how the definition of the term changes from one’s point of perception.  Those who perpetuated the attacks ten years ago were working from religious fervor; was this fervor a true concern for others, a need to show them the “truth” and allow them to see the light?  Or was the fervor the robe that disguised a need to exert control and wield complete power over another?  During the revolution that brought independence to America, from our vantage point our soldiers were heroes, but from the vantage point of the British, we were terrorists.  Is American seen as an oppressor?  I’m not talking about politics here, or about governments; I am talking about the every-day American.  We have our obliviousness, due in part from the ease of our lives.  This point is brought home for me in particular now, as I sit in my son’s living room in Jacagua, a rural suburb of Santiago, in the Dominican Republic.  From the vantage point of these people, even the poorest American who at least has a roof over his head is still living in a modern world filled with opportunity.

I remember the horror I felt as I watched on television the people at the top of the second tower, trapped and being choked by smoke, after the collapse of the first tower.  These people had to know that their chances of surviving were slim to none, particularly after the unthinkable had happened and the first tower had collapsed.  I cannot comprehend what must have been going through their minds those last moments.  I am filled with horror even now, as I type this.  And that is as it should be.

I don’t ever want the horror to fade.  And I don’t want the horror to turn to anger either, because anger tends to morph into revenge, and revenge perpetuates the whole situation.  So for today, as I head for the ocean of the Caribbean, I am going to remember the horror.  I am going to remember those who died and those who survived, and I am going to remember what they experienced that day as well as what I experienced.  And I am going to hope that humanity will turn to peace and love and communication to solve its problems. 
