Queen of Wands/Ten of Wands reversed. Well. I had these two cards together yesterday, but with a bit of difference. The Queen of Wands (cusp of Pisces, “I believe,” feelings, duality, soul growth, spirituality, and Aries, “I want,” action oriented, assertive, competitive) is real good at keeping herself on track, and that is a good thing. Especially with all these reversed cards today! This Queen also feels a strong connection to education and the arts, and they are both my focus right now. The Ten of Wands (Saturn, discipline, responsibility, limitations and resistance, in Sagittarius, “I seek,” philosophic, fun-loving, blundering) in an upright position tells of being taxed to the limit, and of working hard but not feeling an end in sight and not feeling like help or support is there. Thankfully, it is reversed today, so I should feel the lessening of any burdens by the end of the day, and an increase in the amount of support I feel I am receiving.
My Thoth card is the Queen of Cups reversed. The Queen of Cups reversed showed up in my card throw yesterday, too. The Queen of Cups (cusp of Gemini, “I think,” curious, sociable, dual, and Cancer, “I feel,” sensitive, tenacious, nurturing, moody) is Water of Water, and thus is quite deeply connected to her feelings and her Inner Voice. Because my Queen is reversed today, all her good qualities may very well degrade. Dreamy? Tranquil? Watch out for lethargy or a disconnect! I may be dealing with and manifesting my emotions in a more immature fashion too.
My Legacy card is the Two of Wands reversed, flavored by the Page of Cups reversed. Wands and Cups today, Fire and Water. The Two of Wands (Mars, action, spontaneity, aggression, drive, in Aries, “I want,” action oriented, pioneering, assertive, enthusiastic) in an upright position tells of being able to wield influence, think out of the box and have authority. My Two is reversed today, however, so I may feel the need to be conventional in my approach to the day, and I will need to guard against playing the victim, especially with the Page of Cups reversed flavoring my Two of Wands reversed. The Page of Cups corresponds to Libra (“we are,” partnerships, balance, cooperation), Scorpio (“I desire,” intensity compulsion, mystery) and Sagittarius (“I seek,” philosophic, adventurous, blundering); the emotions and feelings associated with this Cups card are a bit dreamy and serene, the Page is not as proficient as the Queen at interpreting things..
My 6-digit date number is 4, the number of depth and stability, and possibly the beginning of stagnation if allowed to exist for too long.
My horoscopes: “Find your strength from within, Sagittarius. There's a great deal of it in there, and it's ready to erupt like a volcano. Let your passion drive your engine today and you'll be amazed at the incredible places you can go. Don't be afraid to take things to extremes. Your fantastic good luck will pull you out of any sticky predicament.”
And: A small spark in a dry field is apt to whip the hill into flames. A raging wildfire is likely to be underway by the end of the day. Know that you are one of the biggest perpetrators of this action, but don't feel bad about it. Fire may be seen as a thing of destruction, but know that it is actually quite a necessary part of nature. Clearing out brush and offering a fresh new place for new growth to flourish is an important part in the cycle of nature.”
My Shadowscapes Insight today is regarding the Page of Pentacles. This card tells of the spark of possibility that can ignite if placed into the right fuel. The spark will need tending in order to flare, and the tending is my responsibility. It is also my responsibility to learn what I need to know in order to tend and nurture that spark, and to approach the whole project with the enthusiasm and open mind of my Younger Self. The essence of my Younger Self is just as important as the burden of responsibility, for it is the combination of the two that will tease the first lick of flame from that tiny bright spark.
“Its father is the sun and its mother is the moon” is what I was pondering yesterday, when I came across a concept that felt absolutely true but that did not mesh well with what I have learned so far. Basically, I am thinking about balance and polarity, and their effect upon the Source and thus, the Universe that is the reflection of the Source. What has stumped me is the thought of the reciprocal nature of reflections. Reflections cannot invent; they can blur or bend, if the medium being reflected upon is not symmetrical or is marred in some way (and by “not symmetrical” or “is marred” I do not mean that Nature and the workings of our Universe are injured in some way; I am merely affirming that completely straight lines and flat surfaces are difficult to find in Nature), but if we start with a reflection and follow that reflection back to its source, we will find commonalities. And the very sentence being analyzed presents the concept of duality, both in the reflection and the Source of the reflection. Can that be? Can the ultimate essence of the Source be yin and yang?
Okay, back to the Tree of Life; I’ve gotta find some resolution here. Kether can be seen as “cause” or Hidden Intelligence, Chokmah as “force” or Illuminating Intellligence, and Binah as “form” or Sanctifying Intelligence. The three together represent the Supernals, the three sephiroth above the Abyss.
On the Universal Kabbalah website, the relationship between these three sephiroth is described as being like a celtic knot. There are three aspects here, but they are woven so tightly together that the energy flow between them is unbroken. The three aspects occur simultaneously, and all three of them need to be present in order for the sacred essence to be alive, to become life. Okay, I am starting to understand. I think. They are like amino acids, and you need the right combination of them in order to have life. It does make sense after all that The Source would contain duality, as well as the reflection of The Source.
Okay then. I feel better now.
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