Queen of Wands/Queen of Cups reversed. The Queen of Wands (cusp of Pisces, “I believe,” feelings, duality, soul growth, spirituality, and Aries, “I want,” action oriented, assertive, competitive) is Water (cold/binds and wet/adapts, and emotional, sensitive and imaginative energy which prefers to take the same path) of Fire (hot/separates and dry/shapes, and spontaneous, impulsive and energetic change), and because Water and Fire tend to cancel each other out, we are left with Air and Earth. She knows what she wants, but she can be stubborn. The Queen of Cups (cusp of Gemini, “I think,” curious, sociable, dual, and Cancer, “I feel,” sensitive, tenacious, nurturing, moody) is Water of Water, and thus is quite deeply connected to her feelings and her Inner Voice; she has learned to not only trust her intuition, but also to interpret its messages. She is reversed for me today, which means that while I may think I’m connecting to my Inner Voice, I’m probably not. These two Queens are pretty much opposites; the Queen of Wands is independent and outer, while the Queen of Cups in an upright position is all about hearing the Inner Voice. Looks like the reversed Queen of Cups is the important card here.
My Thoth card is The Hermit reversed. The Hermit, which corresponds with Earth (cold/binds and dry/shapes, and material, practical and stable energy that is slow to change), Virgo (“I serve,” practical, analytical, work and service oriented, orderly), Yod (open hand, touch), and the Path between Tiphareth (the hub of the creation process where energies harmonize and focus to illuminate and clarify) and Chesed (the place where forms and structure are stabilized and nurtured), is about looking within for answers. The Hermit’s message to me is that the journey is the goal, not the destination. The rays of light from the Sun within the lantern the Thoth Tarot Hermit is carrying are bouncing all over the place, harshly blinding. And our Hermit, although he is carrying this lantern, has his body curved away from the light, his face turned to the dark and his shoulders hunched, protecting himself from those beams of sunlight. While our Hermit is hiding from the light of the Sun, he is leading others with that light. Crowley says of this card: “For this matter is not of Tiphareth without, but Tiphareth within.”
My Legacy card is The Lovers, flavored by the Page of Wands. The Lovers (Air, hot/separates and wet/adapts, quick and animated, intellectual, problems or challenges; Gemini, “I think,” curious, talkative, sociable, dual; Zayin, double-edged sword; and the Path between Tiphareth, the hub of the creation process where energies harmonize and focus to illuminate and clarify, and Binah, female receptive energy and the origin of form and structure) is a very powerful card for me personally, filled with symbolism, the least of which is the presence of Archangel Uriel and His effects on my day. And He has had a voice, a synchronistic voice, for me. The Lovers is not only about love (both my own love and relationships, and the sacred love shared between Goddess and God), but it is about personal choices, and both love and personal choices will come into play for me today. The Page of Wands (Cancer, “I feel,” sensitive, tenacious, nurturing, moody; Leo, “I am,” passionate, dramatic noble egotistical; and Virgo, “I serve,” practical, analytical, work and service oriented) uses assertion and action in order to feed his need for adventure and excitement. He has a childlike optimism, and since the suit of Wands is associated with Fire and the Will, he can often manifest that optimism into reality, mainly because in his childlike enthusiasm he refuses to see failure.
My 6-digit date number is 11 (Archangel Uriel), which reduces to 2, the number of balance and polarity (which could also represent The Lovers!).
My horoscopes: “If you've been thinking about writing a novel or taking up oil painting, today is the day to begin. No excuses. You have just as much talent as anyone else, so why not use it? You might find it helpful to join a writing group or sign up for a painting workshop, if only to help you get started and stay motivated. Join a support group for artists. They will understand.”
And: “Get out your sharpest scissors, because you'll want to do some trimming today. There is a lot of excess in your life that doesn't serve any useful purpose, and it needs to go. This goes for excess emotional baggage as well as the many things you've been splurging on. Don't fall for the idea that 'more is better' -- too much of a good thing is still too much. Maintaining this lifestyle costs more effort than it's worth -- and it's distracting you from making important progress.”
And: “Your enthusiasm for group activities and social events is very high today, and you might want to discuss your ideas with others. However, you might have trouble reaching those you need to speak with. This can prove frustrating, but your enthusiasm isn't likely to lag because of it. Keep trying, and eventually you'll accomplish what you want. Whatever you plan today is likely to work out to be quite gratifying - even if the process was difficult!”
My Sun reading: “A Neptune transit reorganizes plans for the better, even though people thought things were permanent. Why? The influence of Uranus represents a replacement that people didn't think of. It speeds everything up considerably. With Pluto, you don't meet by happenstance but by fate tonight. You might fall head over heels.”
Yesterday, I heard from Lady Lilyth regarding my Sacred Mists Third Degree Training lesson 5. I enjoyed this lesson, and put quite a bit of work into it. My research as I worked on the homework questions brought new information to me, and once again, the lesson and the homework both validated my current knowledge and reignited my enthusiasm about learning more and going deeper. I am amazed, again and again, at the effectiveness of these Third Degree Lessons. Because I am extending every effort to go above and beyond what is required, I feel that I am truly receiving a professional-caliber education. My own Path, my own practice of my Craft, and my own connection to my Deities have all evolved immensely, and I am only halfway through with the lessons.
I am only a few weeks from the 8th anniversary of my enrolment in the College of Sacred Mists. My enrolment date is May 30, 2003, and boy, was I a newbie back then. This Samhain will be 9 years of practicing Wicca. I have come so very far. To celebrate, I ordered a Book of Shadows, hand made. With apologies to Lisa, who I was speaking with about commissioning her to create a Book of Shadows for me, because my work hours have been cut in half (along with my paycheck), I have had to adjust my plans. This BOS is smaller (6 ½ by 10 inches), but contains 500 hand bound pages. It will not be specifically created for me, but I have plans for its cleansing and consecration.
I have not been keeping up with my posts regarding Ailm, my Spirit Guide of over 8 years, and her group. Last fall, several of the young men from Bear’s village decided to spend the winter at the group’s ocean camp. A few more substantial dwellings were built late last Summer well into the dunes, away from any flood danger, and over the winter, these young men built more buildings. This Spring, when Ailm and Bear and the group came down from their Winter quarters (Bear’s village), several young women made the journey with them.
This year’s trip down the mountains and through the salt marshes was a bit perilous, due to the meltoff from the heavy snows of the Winter, combined with the substantial rains of Spring. But the group took their time, and made the trip without any injuries. The fishing was good, and the group paused often to smoke their catches.
As the group approached the sea, all eyes were on the horizon. The men who had wintered over had agreed to light a signal fire, beginning with the first full moon after the equinox, to help the travelers to find those who had stayed (just in case they needed to move over the Winter). There was celebration when the signal fire was sighted, and once the groups were reunited, they planned an extensive Beltane celebration.
Today, the Summer village will be celebrating their first handfasting! One of the young women came specifically to be with one of the young men who wintered over, and they will be the first couple dwelling in this newly born village.
Tansy, I have sent you Ailm’s story; enjoy.
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