Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Eight of Wands/Page of Wands. The Eight of Wands (Mercury, reason, intelligence, education, skill, communication, in Sagittarius, “I seek,” philosophic, fun-loving, adventurous, blundering) in an upright position is about a sudden release of energy of some kind that clears away confusion. The Page of Wands (Cancer, “I feel,” sensitive, tenacious, nurturing, moody; Leo, “I am,” passionate, dramatic noble egotistical; and Virgo, “I serve,” practical, analytical, work and service oriented) uses assertion and action in order to feed his need for adventure and excitement. He has a childlike optimism, and since the suit of Wands is associated with Fire and the Will, he can often manifest that optimism into reality, mainly because in his childlike enthusiasm he refuses to see failure. Sounds like I will be a force to be reckoned with today.

My Thoth card is the Four of Cups reversed. “Luxury” is Crowley’s keyword for this card in an upright position. The Four of Cups (the Moon, feelings and emotions, illusion, imagination, in Cancer, “I feel,” sensitive, nurturing, tenacious, moody) is on the surface a card of pleasure and fulfillment, but combine all that “feeling” that is associated with the Moon and Cancer, and pair it with the stability of the number 4, and you get dreams and fantasies so lovely that they distract us from what we are supposed to be doing. Thankfully, the card is reversed. While I may experience moments of distraction, I should be able to snap myself out of them.

My Legacy card is the Seven of Coins reversed, flavored by the Page of Cups. The Seven of Coins (Saturn, discipline, responsibility, law and order, in Taurus, “I have,” sensual, cautious, physical, stubborn) in an upright position is a card that is filled with inertia; it tells of an assessment of accomplishments thus far, which is a good thing, but it also warns us that the work is not over, and we need to “use it or lose it. Because the card is reversed, and flavored by the Page of Cups, I am being told that today is a day for tending my inner self rather than my outer world. The Page of Cups corresponds to Libra (“we are,” partnerships, balance, cooperation), Scorpio (“I desire,” intensity compulsion, mystery) and Sagittarius (“I seek,” philosophic, adventurous, blundering), and corresponds to my connections to others and to my own inner self. Interestingly enough, one Tarot source tells me that the Page of Cups can represent the birth of a child, particularly if the Page of Wands shows up in the spread. Now, who’s having a baby??

My 6-digit date number is 9, the number of completeness of manifestation and experience. I also have two 11’s today, so Archangel Uriel will be having an effect.

My horoscopes: “You can expect to reap the benefits from recent training or studies, Sagittarius. You've made a huge leap in ability, especially where technological skills are concerned. As a result, you can expect to receive either a promotion or raise. It's the least your boss can do to reward you for all your hard work of late. If you continue at this pace, you will soon be running the company!”

And: “An enriching period of looking back and being reflective will continue throughout today. Gaining perspective on where you've come from and what you've done is a great way to gain confidence -- but be careful not to get too stuck in what used to be. The choices you've made cannot be undone, so why dwell? Regret is a useless emotion, and you've got exciting things to think about. The good news you've been waiting for is coming today, and it will give you the distraction you may need.”

And: “Some new people who appear interesting could move into your neighborhood, exciting your curiosity. Conversations of a spiritual or metaphysical nature could take place today, either over the phone or over coffee. The concepts discussed might be deep, exalted and inspiring, yet bring up more questions than answers. Books on the subject could prove enlightening, and you might even want to write down your own thoughts or memorialize them by drawing or painting.”

My Sun reading: “It isn't unusual for it to be a rather busy day when the Moon is in Virgo. Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter bring special opportunities. Mars in Taurus adds steadying determination. It's easier to keep plans rolling for the next few weeks. Tonight is an ambiance of abundance, confidence, and popularity.”

What a wonderful Mother’s Day we had! Twenty-one family members all got together to see Anything Goes on Broadway. This musical is near and dear to Bob and his family, because it was his father’s favorite. Bob and his siblings grew up listening to big band music and jazz of the ‘30’s, ‘40’s and ‘50’s, and this musical contains several favorite songs, so it was truly a walk down memory lane for Ellen, my 91 year old mother-in-law.

I feel the need to kind of tie together the 21st Path. My discussions of late have been kind of ethereal, but so far that is how this Path seems to be presenting itself: by experience rather than by knowledge gleaned from research.

The 21st Path is about growing mature, about awakening to more intense connections with the Sacred; this Path is connected to the Arthurian tales of quests, so it makes sense that this Path is about seeing an image or visualization of a lifetime goal. It is connected to Jupiter, a planet of abundance, and thus the energies of this Path manifest opportunities and possibilities. However, it is up to each of us to choose to take advantage of them.

The Tarot card that corresponds with the 21st Path is The Wheel of Fortune. Once again, I am being reminded that things happen in the time, manner and way that are best for me as long as I allow them to do so. Nature is filled with ebbs and flows, and placing myself within the rhythms of these ebbs and flows will not only allow me to more easily manifest what I visualize, but will also remind me that Divine law operates on the earth and universal law governs humanity. In the end, these all bring true justice.

I should have my eyes and ears open right now, for the effect of synchronicity is also associated with the 21st Path. Messages abound! And choices!

Interestingly enough, I read a paragraph at lunch today from a book I am reading called “Hounded: The Iron Druid Chronicles,” by Kevin Hearne. This is a supermarket paperback and I did not expect much; however, I am enjoying the story. Here is the paragraph that seemed to shout “I represent the 21st Path” to me:

The point is . . . the universe is exactly the size that your soul can encompass. Some people live in extremely small worlds, and some live in a world of infinite possibility. You have just received some sensory input that suggests it’s bigger than you previously thought. What are you going to do with that information? Will you deny it or embrace it?

Now I know why I’ve got those two Pages in my card throw today, Wands telling me to be open to possibilities, and Cups telling me to be open to the message of my inner voice. I know what I’m going to do; do you??


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