Queen of Swords reversed/The Fool reversed. The Queen of Swords (cusp of Virgo, “I serve,” practical, analytical, work and service oriented, and Libra, “We are,” partnerships, balance, cooperation) in an upright position is about having the clear sight and intellect to make good judgments, however unlike the Justice card of the Major Arcana, her judgements are made regarding intent rather than in keeping with the exact letter of the law. The Fool (Air, hot/separates and wet/adapts, and quick, animated energy that brings challenges and growth; Uranus, technology, innovation, radical change; Aleph, the head, youthful learning; and the Path between Chokmah, dynamic male energy and the origin of vital force and polarity, and Kether, the source, limitless possibility) in an upright position tells of faith and optimism and confidence; he is emptiness but he is also infinity. In either case, the ending is usually not in sight, but that should not prevent us from moving forward. Because both cards are reversed, what I am **not** feeling or doing is more important today. This may not be a day for making any final decisions that either end a process or begin a process. The ability to make those decisions is there (for even though the cards are reversed, their energies are present although blocked), but perhaps tomorrow will be a better day.
My Thoth card is the Three of Cups. “Abundance” is the keyword Crowley assigns to the Three of Cups (Mercury, reason, intelligence, orderliness, communication, in Cancer, “I feel,” sensitive tenacious, nurturing, moody) and he sees this card as the manifestation of love, pleasure and luck. The image on this card shows water pouring into cups and then overflowing into other cups; perhaps I am being reminded to share my joy.
My Legacy card is the Ten of Wands, flavored by the Six of Swords. The Ten of Wands (Saturn, discipline, limitations and resistance, responsibility, in Sagittarius, “I seek,” philosophic, adventurous, blundering) is exactly how I feel today. Marchetti describes this card as indicating a situation where we allow our unfocused (or improperly prioritized) passions to overburden ourselves. Exactly how I feel after a weekend of food and drink overindulgence! Great effort will be required to set things right, but if I see it through to the end, I will be pleased with the results. The Ten of Wands is flavored by the Six of Swords, (Mercury in Aquarius, “I know,” friendships, the group, cause oriented), which is telling me that success is under my control, and the turning point which presents an opportunity for me to successfully take the helm is here, now. These cards together are telling me that I can turn any mistakes of the past few days into lessons, which means they become positive events from which I can learn, rather than errors that hold me back.
My 6-digit date number is 6, the number of vertical and horizontal harmony.
My horoscopes: “All dissatisfaction will be abolished today as you systematically confront and resolve all the little problems that have been bothering you. Your tolerance threshold is low to nonexistent. Give a wide berth to friends who have been irritating lately. Your wardrobe improves dramatically as you discard all those clothes that don't fit or no longer suit you.”
And: “Long-distance communications will take on an added tone of urgency now, as will all your dealings with teachers, mentors and counselors. Of course, the tables may also turn, causing you to become the one who's looked to for advice, but you'll be more than up for the exchange. You'll also be willing to go out of your way to help someone see the big picture, and to put their own life in perspective.”
And: “You may not be sailing off into the sunset today, but at least you can start planning for it. It is time to take a reserved approach with your emotions. You might feel as if a damper has suddenly been put on your fun. Bu sometimes it is important to restrict ourselves in order to learn the lessons of discipline and patience.”
Today is the first day of the rest of my life. The holiday weekend of out-of-control eating is over. As of this morning, I have begun reconnecting to my energy body, and I am back to eating well.
I am filled with a sense of anticipation. What exactly I am anticipating, I do not know, but I think I will know it when it appears. I can feel the energies of Danu’s Well filling me; these energies have been with me all day at varying levels. It is not Yule yet, but despite the fact that I have expected these weeks to be pretty much my own energy work, I can feel Danu’s presence and hear Hecate’s encouragement, particularly when I greet Her at dusk. Hecate is encouraging me to hone my skills with energy workings; She wants me to have a strong connection to my own energy body, and an ability to instantly connect to my own power, without needing words or tools. **smile** No small accomplishment.
The next sephiroth to be considered as I move through the Tree of Life is Chesed.
Chesed (Mercy) is the fourth sephiroth on the Tree, the second on the Pillar of Force/Expansion, and the first to represent actuality. It is seen as the Hall of Masters and the Sphere of the Adepts, for it is within the energies of Chesed that the Ascended Masters or Ancient Ones reside. Chesed brings to us the understanding of perfect love, for love cannot happen without understanding.
Chesed is a relatively pleasant or positive sephiroth, bringing expansion and growth and stabilization; the next sephiroth, Geburah, is not always pleasant. Yet there are times when the two change places, so we should not see only the pleasant experiences of Chesed as being preferred.
My correspondence list for Chesed is:
Magickal Image: Ruler on Throne
Planetary: Jupiter
Vice: Bigotry, Tyranny, Hypocrisy, Gluttony
Virtue: Obedience
Deity: Benevolent Ruler
Spiritual Experience: Vision of Love
Briatic Correspondence: Authority
Illusion: Self-Righteousness
Obligation: Humility
Path: Path 4, the number of depth and stability.
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