Ace of Wands reversed/Five of Cups reversed. I only brought one deck with me this weekend, hence the two card throw. The Ace of Wands (Cancer, Leo and Virgo) represents the root of the element of Fire; the Fiery traits have nut yet begun to manifest, but they are there, or at least the potential for their appearance is there. The Five of Cups (Mars in Scorpio) in an upright position tells of emotional disappointments of some kind. This loss usually appears when pleasure was the expected emotion, and while the loss is not the trauma of The Tower or the betrayal of the Three of Swords, it still causes us to stop and think. Both of these cards are reversed, and I know exactly what they are telling me today. They are referring to yesterday, and the fact that my husband misread the time of our flight, and so we missed the flight. I am being told that I should not focus on disappointment or what might have been; instead I need to reconnect with my own personal power, and attract what I want by creating it. I can overcome the inertia caused by disappointment, I have that ability within me. I need to not worry about the details or the formation of a step-by-step plan, but rather I should focus today on tapping into the natural skills I have worked so hard to perpetuate, and use them to manifest my desires.
My horoscopes: Devote the day to your children or partner, Sagittarius. You may protest that it's too hard to find the time to give them the attention they deserve. You don't have time for yourself, much less anyone else. In any case, you will probably feel torn between what is expected of you and what you feel you can realistically give. If you want to dispel the inner tension, take care in the choices you make in the next few weeks.
And: “You've just about had it with being so darned serious. Sure, you had work to do, but it's done. Now it's time to play, and since you've been saving all your energy for this precise moment, you'll have a great time. Your only mission is this: Refuse to let go of the steering wheel until you're sure whomever wants to drive knows what they're doing. At that point, have some fun.
And: “Your emotions are likely to pull you off track if you are not careful today, Nancy. Make sure you give yourself the room you need to breathe. There may be a great deal of indecisiveness on your part that is making it hard for you to take the next step. Don't feel pressured to make a major move at this time. When in doubt, step back and look at the big picture. You will find the answers there.
We had a lovely (but fattening) Thanksgiving holiday, and as stated above, we ended up with a bonus day because Bob misread the departure time of our flight yesterday, and the plane left without us. I am happy that I was able to control my stress because of this, and even though I needed to call in to work and tell them I would not be in until tomorrow, I have kept calm and did not get angry. Thus, I did not ruin a wonderful weekend.
Our trip to Murrell’s Inlet was eventless, all went well. We had a delicious Thanksgiving feast with our friends and their family. Friday, we totally vegged; we watched lots of tv and did a large jigsaw puzzle. Saturday, the boys played golf and the girls went shopping, and then we all got together to have dinner at our favorite steakhouse in Myrtle Beach, New York Prime. Yum!!!!
Last night, we obviously made changes to our plans. We watched more tv, and did another jigsaw puzzle. This morning, we will try again to get home (and LOL, I think **I** will determine what time we leave for the airport).
Since my birthday, I have been kind of probing my inner self very carefully. I really feel that this Fall and Winter are going to end up being pivotal times for me; it seems that I am “settling in” for some reason. I also feel that this is the time for me to finish any ongoing projects. Big things are coming, but they are not near yet. However, stormy weather is on its way; time to decide what is important to me, so that I can protect everything.
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